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My “Lightroom Mobile” Book Is In Bookstores Now!

You guys know I’m a big fan of Lightroom Mobile, and I devote a lot of coverage to it here on the blog, because the future of well, pretty much everything…is mobile. Well, for the past few months I’ve been working on a Lightroom Mobile book, and I’m excited to announce it launches today!

Here’s the link to pick up your copy:

> Amazon (in print or Kindle edition)
> Barnes & Noble

…and of course it’s in bookstores now, so you can find it wherever cool books on Lightroom are sold.

Here’s a short video about the brand new book:

I hope you’ll give it a look – I went really in-depth on the book, and I think it’s going to help a lot of people.

OK, I’m off to Minneapolis for my seminar there on Wednesday, then I’m heading to Milwaukee on Friday. Busy week! Thanks to everybody who visited my Exposure page about my Iceland trip – if you didn’t get by there, here’s the link.

Catch you all here on Wednesday (or in Minneapolis)!



P.S. Only 12 days to my 9th Annual Worldwide Photo Walk. If you haven’t signed up for a walk, – now’s the time – we have over 1,000 photo walks in cities all around the world. Come sign up (it’s free, and open to everybody!).




  1. Dennis Zito 21 September, 2016 at 06:49 Reply

    Hey Scott,

    Went to Peach Pit website and ordered the Bundle (Book & eBook) got 40% off and Happy as a lark! Looking forward to learning LR Mobile!



    • Harry Kitch 26 September, 2016 at 08:12 Reply

      HI Scott, Got my copy from B&N. Great book, like all your others. One small downer, the screen shots are really dark and hard to see what you are illustrating. Other than that, great workflow.


  2. Mike Tuffley 19 September, 2016 at 20:10 Reply

    I bought the Kindle version today! Thank you.
    It’s nice to have a portable reference guide. I was kind of hoping there was a magical kick butt feature in there I didn’t know about, but so far no. You know, like adding keywords or something. (HINT!) 😉

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