It’s “The Lightroom Show” Episode #5 with Scott & RC
Hi everybody — I have a request — could you share the word on your social media sites that we have this new show, and that we’re cranking out new episodes every Friday, packed full of Lightroom love! Many thanks for helping us spread the word. 🙂
-Scott & RC
Once again Scott Kelby delivered some amazing training. Thanks for everything you do for us photographers!
Map mod is really underrated it is an incredible part of LR…may not be used by all but very much appreciated by the few.
Have dodging and burning been covered? I watch so much of this stuff I can’t remember what and where sometimes. My specific question is how they’re different from adjusting the levels in other ways, such as shadows/highlights and brightness. I experiment with burning and am often dissatisfied with the results.
google this: dodge burn with grey layer photoshop
It will take you to an except from an RC written Peachpit book and tells the slickest way to do dodge/burn non-destructively in PS. The full details of this topic are online as a preview. A lot of people do it exactly this way, some with variations but this description will get you there if you apply yourself and experiment with brush controls.
Love the shows…thanks! I have a question. I create numerous metadata presets in LR. When I wish to select one, I have to scroll through a long list to select the one I want. When I tried to create folders for them, LR would not recognize them and my presets “disappeared”. Any tip on how to better organize these?
I am new to lightroom , I was a bridge cs6 guy now a LR and PScc guy.. anyway with the video tutorials I have learned how important it is to stay organized in LR…
Since i have so many photos , my lightroom work so far has been off my buffalo external drive… but when I travel and add new photos .. I will want to import photos on my macbook drive till I get home.. How do I best transfer to external off macbook without messing up … should I open lightroom with external plugged in then drag new travel folder on to external… will it keep all LR edits i did on the road etc..
I will want to keep my macbook storage clean so I want to transfer the right way to keep all my keywording, edits etc.. when moving off mac to external..
How can I subscribe to this show by just using an email instead of RSS, Twitter, Facebook or Google +. I would just like to get this in my mailbox.
Me also … Please if there is away to get the show delivered to my mailbox or even a notification / reminder email would be great .
many thanks
Me also … Please if there is away to get the show delivered to my mailbox or even a notification / reminder email would be great .
many thanks
Me also … Please if there is away to get the show delivered to my mailbox or even a notification / reminder email would be great .
many thanks
Do you have experience with making better profile for Lightroom? I think about double colorchecker in Adobe DNG Profile with custom curve. What do you think about it?
Super job…I look at that Match Exposures item all the time. Bingo! That will be a big help!
So…I am sure this has been addressed, but…anyway to move through the Lightroom presets with the keyboard instead of just clicking them on at a time with the mouse? I see there is a program created over on the Windows side that does this. Anything for the Mac? Or will Adobe put this in the next upgrade? 🙂
Keyboard Maestro looks like the mac side tool (if not Apple Script itself Have never done this on Mac, but it’s similar to AutoHotKeys on windows) – you can probably script it using that tool. When you press some keysequence that’s not used otherwise – you trigger a macro which: gets the current mouse position, moves the mouse down by the pixel height from center to center of preset, issue a mouse click, then a ctrl-z to undo it (after some delay) – then repeat next time you press the down arrow
Just a clarification: The Match Total Exposure function does NOT look at the content of the image, it only looks at the camera exposure value. For example, if you look at Scott’s bracketed sequence, you’ll see that all LR did was shift the least-selected images to -2EV and -4EV to counter the 0EV and -2EV shots. To think of it another way, if you were shooting in manual with the camera settings locked and took two photos: one with sun through a window and another after a cloud passed over, LR would not “match” the two photos because the camera settings didn’t change, even if the light levels were very different.
Just a suggestion – I like to save TLS podcasts, but they are quite large. I find it necessary to use Handbrake after downloading in order to get a smaller size file. You published the first two TLS episodes on YouTube. If you download from there, the file size is much more reasonable and less hassle.
Best Wishes, Chris [Bath, England]
Nice show and you have provide me very useful things. But now I want to see last 4 shows episode.Where should I go.
Great show! Really like that it is to the point and no more than 15 miutes long… thanks.
Two other things:
+ FYI… is not synched with lightroomkillertips•com The former has a landing screen that has videos from 2013 and nothing from the current show. Somewhat confusing if you are trying to access lightroom killer tips from KelbyTV.
+ Please do a show on Publishing. I understand collections real well, but I am still mystified by Publishing
I got the sRGB and ProPhoto stuff, but for the Publish Services, there is no way to choose the colour space and I usually note a shift in colour. Is there a way to ensure the colours are close to what I see in Lightroom?
Scott, I have been following you for some time now and have read at least a couple of your books. You don’t seem to mention tagging photos much and I get the impression that you don’t do much of it, if any, yourself. I know you are big fan of collections though. Could you talk a bit about your opinion of tagging and how it relates, if at all, to collections.
Suggestion for the next show: a friend once asked me how to rescue a damaged catalog file. The options Lr gave her to restore the catalog were not working. I told her to restore her latest backup. She answered that she never did a backup and (to make things worse) she creates a catalog for each event she shoots. She obviously never read Scott’s books!
Well guys, do you know how to rescue a damaged catalog?
I’ve done this several times in LR 2 and 3, haven’t needed to since. The catalog is an sqlite3 database. Do only on a copy of the .lrcat file, but it’s pretty straightforward. Try reading this guy’s link and see if you’re willing to take a shot at fixing a copy.
I had never bothered until now with LR mobile… then I realised that it syncs all my android phone photos across to my Mac… which then acts as a backup for all my precious snap shots of my kids. This is so much easier than using other back up programmes, although of course it doesn’t back up music etc. Anyway, using LR mobile just for back up rocks, and can be set to only sync over wifi too.
It would really help to know what tips that you are covering before watching the show. I tend to not watch because I don’t to begin and discover that I already know enough about what you are covering, or that it is an aspect of LR that doesn’t interest me. If you are talking about something that does interest me that I don’t completely understand, you do a great job.
I am a huge fan of Kelby One. I have read many of Scott’s books and I’am a follower on your social media. I have been using Lr mobile for quite sometime now an I have a question to ask. The thing is I have many catalogs created on my Mac for every event / wedding / photoshoot. I have also catalogs by years for my photo archives. I am finding it difficult to sync collections from different catalogs. As far as I know Lr cannot do that. Is there a way or workaround? I have created a catalog just to sync favorite photos to/from and this catalog is a redundant from all others.
Can’t wait for episode 6. Keep it up.
Gaby, You might consider merging them all into one. Here’s a good walk through of the process from Photoshop World instructor Julianne Kost:
Killer show as usual. Great work. Thanks.
No real comment from me other than I love the show and to say I’m a folder guy. Never use collections
You guys give the best tips ever.. So simple to follow and so very useful ..Thanks a lot for helping me learn more and enjoy more the use of Lightroom.
Great tips today. Love the show.
Thanks for another great show guys! One thing that has always bugged me about Lightroom is the crop aspect ratio padlock. I would expect this to work like a toggle and stay in the last state I left it in (locked or unlocked). In reality, it seems to have a mind of its own and is random in what it is set to. Any suggestions? Thanks!
It stays how I left it last – YMMV… “R” is the crop tool, then press “A” it will flip the lock. “R” takes you out of Crop Tool as well.
In an earlier show, you talked about ICC profiles and using those profiles for a ‘personal’ printer. I don’t own a decent printer so I use a lab. Can you cover how to set up ICC profiles for using lab printers. I generally use the Costco Lab for most of my prints but also use other labs like BayPhoto.
BTW, LOVE the shows.
Dry Creek Photo has a database of freely available ICC printer profiles for digital labs world wide. These include Fuji Frontier, Noritsu, Agfa D-Lab, LightJet, Durst, and Chromira printers among others.
I have a question: when I send a picture from LR to PS, make all the changes I want to apply in PS and then save it and go back to LR, is there a way I can save it as TIFF with layers and keep the seamless interaction between LR and PS? In other words, it will still showing on the strip film of LR?
When sending a copy with Lightroom adjustments to Photoshop from Lightroom, use File > Save in Photoshop to save your changes and the copy is saved as a TIF or PSD (based on Lightroom’s external editing preferences) to the same folder as the source raw photo, and that TIF/PSD is added to the catalog. If it had layers when you saved it, then it still has layers. You should see the copy alongside the original in Lightroom (assuming the sort order is set to filename or capture time).
If you want to re-open the layered version back into Photoshop, use the Photo > Edit in > Edit in Photoshop menu (CMD/Ctrl+E) in Lightroom and choose Edit Original. This opens the TIF/PSD back into Photoshop just as it was when you saved and closed it out of Photoshop the last time, layers and all.
If you select Edit a copy with Lightroom adjustments, then a new copy (third version) is created, flattened, has any new Lightroom adjustments that had been applied the TIF/PSD applied to this new copy when it opens in Photoshop. Only choose this option if you perform additional edits to the TIF/PSD in Lightroom and need to have those applied to a new copy before editing further in Photoshop.
I’m an on/off dabbler in photoshop,,,currently “on” and having fun learning portrait retouching. I begin in Lightroom and do all edits that can be handled well in Lightroom first and then “edit-edit in ps cc-edit copy with LR adjustments” and continue with edits adding layers in ps. And “save” when done so the photo goes back to LR. Often, as I’m learning retouching, I want to go back to ps and work some more or see how I did something in my layers. I will trial this myself, but if I go to ps a second/third/etc time from LR and I use “edit original” to maintain access to my layers are the initial edits I made in LR essentially baked in when I go back to PS? Because the first time to PS I chose edit with LR adjustments and then did a “save” in PS? And by doing that do I lose my history of LR changes in that copy of the image so I can’t adjust the edits done in LR?
This makes me ask-am I in a minority of people that think they need to have the ability to tweak their adjustments in LR and PS along multiple round trips between programs for one image?
PS. Scott, I’ve fallen for you again:-) loving your KelbyOne Professional Portrait retouching for PS 3 part class, as well as the portrait retouching class you did for KelbyOne using Lightroom.
Holy caw… 40 seconds in and my digital life has been altered irreversibly! Mind blown… Thanks Scott and RC.
Hey guys!
Great show againt! 🙂 I’d like to see a tip on organizing photos (but not the picking/selecting into collections phase like Scott does (I get that and that’s great I do it too).
I’m interested in your finishing moves of you workflow, especially when you’re done with Lr and Ps adjustments and you want to sort the finished pictures. Do you create another collection named “finished� Would you set that as a target and just keep pressing “B� Would you label them? What’s your take on this?
Thank you!
Your site to enter the viewing of the lightroom show had an entry pop up screen which was supposed to send an email to my email address with a confirmation link. How long does this take? I watched your entire lightroom show and the email still hasn’t come to my inbox. Great show btw. I always enjoy watching you and RC and learning all the new information you two impart to your fans.
Check your spam folder! My gmail account flagged it as spam.
Another great show and the match exposure tip was something I bet many did not know existed. Any the instant collection by dragging the folder is something I could use since I came over from Aperture just a few months ago and many of my favorite selections from a shoot were in subfolders of that “project.” How about some uses for Smart Collections as an upcoming topic? Keep these tips coming! Will definitely spread the word.
Great show and I am learning more and more all the time. As an aperture user, this has been my go to site since the transition. I do have a request or question…..In Aperture, I would finish a project, export it as a library, and archive the library. SO then if I EVER needed to revisit a project, I just call it up… How do I do this in Lightroom? I have approx 25000 images since Jan 1 when I switchd and Iassume LR will actually speed up a bit with less photos….
Loving that Exposure Match! I didn’t know it existed.
Why is the video area so small today?
They are trying some close zooms to help us feel closer to them, as requested by some members in the comments section recently. I like it, but think it was a little overused this session.
Hey Guys,
Great show! I’ve had LR since v1, but never knew about the exposure match … that’s an awesome feature! Also, I’m one of those folks that uses the Folders. You may have already done this, but could you go through how to convert your Folders to Collections?
Oh, Scott! Safe Travels to Dubai.
Hi Dennis: We actually cover this (either in this week’s show, or maybe it was on the list for next week’s, but it’s in relation to how to use Lightroom Mobile, so I’ll just give you the tip here: just go to the Folders panel; click on your folder, and drag it to the Collections Panel. You’ll see a little green +-sign show up telling you know it’s being added. Hope that helps 🙂