Did you know that you can personalize your Lightroom and make it your own? Simply go up to the Nameplate/Lightroom name in the upper left hand corner and click on the little drop down arrow. You will see Change Identity Plate from the options.


Drop down menu to Change Identity Plate

Click on the “Use a styled text identity plate.” Now you can do an easy change by typing in your name and deciding on the font to use… and you can type past the edge of the little text box to add extra info so give yourself a cool title. Once you set that, you can use matching or differing fonts for the Module titles


Create your own personal header


I think the Mad Genius part adds just the right touch!

But you don’t have to stop there. You can change the Identity plate to a graphic by clicking on the next check box “Use a graphical identity plate.”

You can load a small logo or graphic, however, if you want a little funkier look, choose a larger image and when you try to upload the image you will get a prompt/warning that the image is too large.

Add background twitter

random large textured file to create grungy top bar


Disregard the warning

Simply choose the “Use Anyway” and if it is large enough it will place it all the way across the bar with just one section of the file showing. Now you have a cool textured background.


Once you realize that you can do this…Feel free to create your own logo, masthead etc and save it on top of the textured file as a .jpg. It may take a couple of tries to have it fit the bar how you want it to, but now you can have any type of graphic up there that you want. The good news is that you can’t break Lightroom by playing around like this, so have some fun and experiment… after a long day of editing… it may be the perfect creative distraction that will result in a cool new look for your program and impress or at least give you a talking point with your clients. 😀



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