FunThe Lightroom Show

Announcing “The Lightroom Show” With RC & Me


Today I’m very excited to announce that we’re producing a brand new weekly show from RC Concepcion and me all about Lightroom. It’s called (wait for it…wait for it…) “The Lightroom Show” (we tried to go for the most obvious name ever award). We’re launching later this month (we’re working on the sets, lighting, boring production stuff now), but in the meantime, here’s what we need from you:

What do you want to see on the show?

Of course, the whole show is about Lightroom, but if you could let us know more specifically what type of stuff you’d want to learn, it will help us with our roadmap for our first season (our first season is 13-weekly episodes). Also, in each episode we plan on answering one or more of your questions posted here on, and we’ll be having special in-studio Lightroom Guru guests on the show as well. In short; we have lots of fun Lightroom learning and fun planned.

We’re really excited to be creating this new show, and we welcome your ideas and input, so if you could answer that one question (the “What do you want to see on the show?”) for us here in the comments, that would be awesome (and really helpful).

Thanks so much for your support on this new endeavor, and as soon as we lock down our official launch date (my video crew assures me we’ll be able to launch later this month), I’ll let you know here on the blog.


Scott & RC



  1. Olivier Lauzon 26 January, 2015 at 02:44 Reply

    Hi Scott

    I would like something about use on different tools in LR, but also with Wacom Tablet. KelbyOne Training has a couple of videos on Wacom Tablets with PS, but what about LR ?
    I would like tips and tricks to post process night pictures with lights, reflections and all that stuff. We all see pictures of the city at night with a beautiful sky and nice lights. But I don’t get the same results.

    Thanks and can’t wait to see the show !

  2. Ron 24 January, 2015 at 09:54 Reply

    Is there a script to automate the process of stitching panoramas starting in LR going into PS and back to LR? I am talking about doing dozens at a time. Is this possible or will I just have to keep doing them one panorama at a time?

  3. Walter Gajewski 21 January, 2015 at 18:33 Reply

    Noise reduction is what I struggle with most. A tutorial on reducing noise with Lightroom or with layer stacking or with third-party plug-ins would be great. HDR is another topic I would love to see.
    Will you be sending out notice when this all starts?
    Thank you.

  4. Christa Ehrstein 20 January, 2015 at 11:13 Reply

    I would like to see best methods/practices for moving data from current computer to a newly purchased computer. how do you keep everything?? Even if you re-load your backups, it doesnt seem to keep your catalogs…

  5. RJP 17 January, 2015 at 19:27 Reply

    Hi Guys
    I would like to see someone — anyone (maybe you’re the guys) who can guide us through preparing an image for printing at a lab AND tell us something beyond “monitor calibration.” Honestly we get that part but it doesn’t always get us all the way to a print that gives a good reasonable representation of the great shot we took and processed.

    Thanks for all the great stuff — both the books and videos and the free tips.

  6. Jim B 16 January, 2015 at 07:16 Reply

    I would like to see a tutorial on creating slideshows. Specifically about including photos, videos, music, and output resolution for HD viewing. Can you control the timing between each of the photos? How about staying on one particular photo a it longer?

  7. Kim L 15 January, 2015 at 14:40 Reply

    I would love to see info on organizing images / catalogs as well. I’m ready to move a lot of photos into lightroom and am a bit unsure of the best way to approach this. I guess my biggest confusion here is that I have them spread over multiple computers – then I have personal / business images. I start to overthink the process! Help!
    Also another vote for info on Lightroom mobil.
    Thank you!

  8. Frankie T 13 January, 2015 at 23:11 Reply

    Hi Scott,

    One challenge I have is working remotely – using a portable drive, editing photos, then merging them into my “master catalogue.” Maybe others struggle with this too. Could be a great workflow topic. Thanks and looking forward to the show!


  9. Susan From Vermont 12 January, 2015 at 07:12 Reply

    The show sounds like a great idea. Although I can understand why some want to know how to transition to Photoshop or use these programs to complement each other, my hope is you won’t spend a lot of time on this. I am happy with LR and do not plan to change. Tried Elements, could never understand how to use all the functions. So PS is not on my agenda!

    I am a great fan of Scott Kelby books, and have used several of them to help with my photography.

    Happy New Year 2015!

  10. Dianne Arnold 11 January, 2015 at 22:20 Reply

    Workflow –
    (1) do you create a backup set when importing to Lightroom (I believe that it only copies the RAW images, doesn’t rename, doesn’t keyword, doesn’t add metadata). Seems like that’s making a copy that will soon be time-consuming to use. I think I’d much rather have a copy that is renamed and contains basic keywords and metadata, but that takes steps outside of LR
    (2) Do you import all of the images directly to LR from a large shoot or a multi-day trip? Do you then keep all of those images in the catalog indefinitely even if they are not Picks and not worked on?
    (3) Where do you keep your Masters, Finals, versions, etc.
    I’m getting too many images in my LR catalog that will never likely see the light of day, so to speak. I know that LR catalogs can theoretically manage tens of thousands of images, but I’m positive LR runs better with a smaller catalog. Please talk about what you REALLY do with your images. Which ones are managed by LR, and Why?
    THANKS – looking forward to the show.

  11. Kathleen Difato 9 January, 2015 at 19:26 Reply

    I want to learn how to have my iPhoto photos import automatically via a watched folder. Also with doing a watched folder one loses the ability to Import by Date. So is there a work around for this?

    I would also like more info on building templates for photo album. I can do individual ones but having more than one page confuses me.

    I also like the suggestions about printing and when you know you’ve nailed the correct sharpness and noise reduction.

  12. Steve Gies 9 January, 2015 at 17:53 Reply

    I recently printed Christmas cards. I am wondering if you can add script to your photo without having to do an overprint (a second run to print the script on top or over the photo). There are references in a LR 5 book that I am using as a guide but nothing relating to this specifically.

  13. Kevin Finch 9 January, 2015 at 12:44 Reply

    When I deliver a half-day intro to processing session, I find workflow is really helpful. If new users do things consistently time and time again, it takes some of the intimidation out of the learning process. As they get more comfortable, they can do what they want in whatever order but having a prescribed workflow (I work the Develop panel from bottom to top) is helpful in the beginning.

  14. Lonnie 8 January, 2015 at 17:46 Reply

    I do a lot of scanning of old slides and negatives. I import them into LR and then I try to set the capture time to when it was originally taken. The Edit Capture time seems to work with one image but when I try to change many images to the same date, it randomly works. Sometimes it will put them several seconds apart but other time it randomly starts setting dates to days, months or years from the date I want. I want to be able to set many images to the same date correctly. Could you address this issue?

  15. fo2re 8 January, 2015 at 13:35 Reply

    Hi !

    One thing I think several have problems with is Whitebalance on difficult lightning.

    New years eve, firework, snow, night gives extreme yellow/orange pictures and even adjustments towards cold/blue does not always look great.

  16. Peter M 8 January, 2015 at 11:37 Reply

    Hi, I’d love to see some stuff on a topic that often gets over looked and that’s the metadata sections of lightroom, EXIF, IPTC etc, why and when to use certain metadata etc.

  17. Iza 8 January, 2015 at 10:40 Reply

    I was sorry to see Matt go, but I absolutely love what you did the blog, Scott, and I am looking forward to the new show. What I would like to see is using Lightroom to do complex post-processing, like B&W conversion, HDR-like toning (getting out details from shadow and highlights) and just pushing the limits without trips to Photoshop (and most importantly plug-ins). Even if you use them and it is easier- not everybody can justify the cost.

  18. Adam VanHouten 8 January, 2015 at 08:27 Reply

    I would like to see more about how to touch up images with high ISO noise. What settings work the best, and how to work to obtain better images with high ISO’s.

  19. Lawrence Keeney 7 January, 2015 at 23:30 Reply

    I would like to see how you would process a photo shoot of over a thousand photos. I recently photographed three different ballet performances which resulted in an average of about 1000 images each. Seeing I shot these hand held, something I have to do to each image is crop and level each shot.

    There were many different acts in these performances and each one was lighted differently (different light intensity and different colored lighting).

    It is taking me much more time to pre-process these images than I had thought. I would like to learn some shortcuts.

  20. Scott W 7 January, 2015 at 21:10 Reply

    I would like for you to cover Lightroom mobile. I really like the program and the flexibility it adds to Lightroom. Having said that, I struggle with the difference between the photo on my iPad and my monitor and my printer. How can I get them to be as close as possible to each other? Thanks.

  21. Derik 7 January, 2015 at 19:32 Reply

    I think everyone covered everything I can think of. Can’t wait!

    How about what LR can’t do and shouldn’t need to go to PS to do it? I always hear something like “I do 95% of my work in LR and 5% in PS.” What are they and why can’t LR incorporate it?

    I’m sure you guys are on some sort of testing committee. How about the CONS and ‘nice to haves’? Maybe have a wish list, what’s your current work around (usually done in PS), and follow up when the new release comes out. I wonder how much Adobe listens to their community.

  22. Sandro 7 January, 2015 at 16:19 Reply

    I’d like to know more about storing catalog in the cloud and the ways to share it between iMac, Mac Book and eventually iPad too

  23. Philip 7 January, 2015 at 15:10 Reply

    Finally made it to the comment box! Wooot!

    I would like to see something about managing a large library, as well as multiple catalogs.
    Optimizing exports and backups more effectively.
    Working with a wacom,
    plugin options,
    using LR mobile with multiple libraries,
    intergrating LR with photos when that gets release and using it with iCloud and using LR with multiple computers

  24. Petra 7 January, 2015 at 14:09 Reply

    I’ve been following this blog for a few weeks and learned some valuable pieces of information on working with Lightroom here so I’m thrilled to hear about this new Lightroom show you’ve been preparing. I went through the comments above and liked many of the expressed suggestions. I’d like to highlight some and add a few new ones:

    1) I’d like to hear more about exporting processed photos anywhere, all the settings and choice reasoning. The processed photos sometimes look much better in LR than in their target destination, whether it’s a print or Photoshop Elements. What to be careful about?

    2) This may relate to the exporting issue but I’m never sure whether brightness of my processed photos is accurate and often need to get back to LR and adjust it. Is there any piece of advice?

    3) I’ve seen quite a few tutorials on processing in LR and they had different opinions about proper workflow in the Develop module. Someone says the right one is from the top to the bottom as it is designed, someone else insists on some settings being necessary to start with (like lens correction), others state the order doesn’t matter at all. It’s really confusing so if you have any experience with the importance of any sequence, it would be great to hear.

    4) I really liked the suggestion to process one photo in two different ways both aiming at a final result. It would be great if you provided the raw file for the audience to download and others could make their versions of the photo as well and if they sent it back to you, next time you could show all the different versions, or at least the best ones. Sometimes it’s not easy to imagine what the picture could look like and this would broaden one’s imagination.

    5) I’d love to hear more about presets, their use and creating. Why you can stack some and others not? How to make them work best in our images?

    6) Though I have quite a new and not that bad laptop, sometimes I run into problems with LR functioning. Everything works fine until I start making corrections with the spot healing brush. The more I add, the slower it works and sometimes my screen even turns black for a few moments. Have you met this issue? Are there any technical issues to be aware of?

    Wishing you a successful 2015!

  25. Roger Meinert 7 January, 2015 at 10:04 Reply

    I would like to hear tips for using Lightroom across 2 computers. I use my laptop in the field quite often to edit and process shots we take on location, but I don’t store them there long term. My desktop computer is where I store my photos because of the vast amount of storage I have on it and it can then backup to offsite storage as needed. My laptop is often not connected to the internet, so it would take forever to push all of the photos from there.

    Once I am back home, 90% of my work is done at my desktop.

  26. Debbie Brady 7 January, 2015 at 08:46 Reply

    I’ve read through most of the great suggestions but may have missed this one: There’s been many people looking for input on organization. I’d like assistance with backing up to my external hard drive AFTER I’ve done my importing and sorting in LR. I don’t want to import a copy of photos as I download them from my camera via LR as I haven’t, at that point, done any culling. Looking forward to your show. How will we know when it starts?

  27. Gladys 7 January, 2015 at 08:22 Reply

    I would like to see Lightroom tips and NOT Photoshop because that is a whole other subject that is more complex and covered by you in other places. This site Is called LR Killer Tips, after all. I would however, like seeing tips on using plugins like NIK and OnOne which are more an part of LR.

    I have used LR for years but still struggle with organization. Many tips given are for folks that are doing professional “shoots”, so naming a folder by a name is easy but how about the enthusiasts who takes a weeks worth of unrelated photos from the card – i.e landscape, wildlife, bird, family week after week after week. How does one keep all those things organized and easy to find.

    Tips and uses for the gradual filter would be great and printing, another section that I struggle with in LR.

    The thing that I have always loved about this site is the tips were presented in an easy and concise format. Hope that even in video form, it will stay that way.

  28. Terri 7 January, 2015 at 07:35 Reply

    i would like to see a show dedicated to helping Aperture users make the switch to Lightroom. We could use a little hand holding. I have Lightroom installed, but have not begun the inevitable switch. I am afraid. There must be others like me.

  29. Chris 7 January, 2015 at 06:46 Reply

    Would really like to see RC run through his develop routine. Exposure or Contrast ?
    Effective use of collections.
    Processing with harsh concert (gel) stage lighting.

  30. Joshua Saxton 7 January, 2015 at 06:13 Reply

    I would like to know while working on a photo in light room, when should you transfer to Photoshop? Meaning when it would be more efficient to start editing in photoshop. And also when could I say no to Photoshop and accomplish everything in light room. For example: I just got a white backdrop with softboxes and I started practicing with it. So of course my background wasn’t up to par. It was highly noticeable that that I was simply taking a picture in front of a white sheet. So I tried a few things in light room and I didn’t know what to do to be honest, but it seemed like nothing would help so then took that edited photo into Photoshop and then put white paint around it. That may be funny to you but that was the last thing I could think of at the time. Later I found out that I can achieve the effect I’m looking for in Photoshop through adjustment levels which is adding photo filter layers. I like that I can do that but I also like that light room gives me an efficient way of editing my photos. is there anyway I can do that process,and others like it more efficiently. Can i achive that effect in light room without using Photoshop? If not should I go straight to Photoshop and then transfer the photo to lightroom, or should i do it all in photoshop? “Lost”.

  31. Janice 7 January, 2015 at 04:35 Reply

    I would love to see some of your own great books made with lightroom as well as examples of advanced book supplement the courses you have

  32. George Osborne 7 January, 2015 at 04:27 Reply

    I have been a Lightroom user for many years and I am always looking for new tricks to enhance my images and workflow.
    I hold all my images on an external drive and use this drive for all of my workflow etc (I backup to another external drive and my PC drive) I would welcome any thoughts on the best type of external drive to get optimum Lightroom performance.

  33. JFordORL 7 January, 2015 at 02:28 Reply

    I have been using LR since version 3, but I still don’t know where and how to install downloaded brushes, etc. Same for PS, how and where to load brushes, actions, etc. Help!

  34. Gizmo 6 January, 2015 at 23:48 Reply

    I’d like to put a vote in for catalog management and printing profiles. Mainly because my catalog is a mess and I’d like to know what settings to use to get a good jpeg when I send my photo to a print service.

    Love seeing all the new info you’re putting in to the site.

  35. Kurt Kramer 6 January, 2015 at 22:51 Reply

    Paul C had a suggestion earlier: “And with SSD drives now available to all I’d love to know the best way to improve performance by putting the catalogue, caches, LR-prog files & photos onto the optimum locations.” I also have an SSD C:\drive and keep my photo-files and Lr catalogs on an E:\drive. Performance is terrible, SLOW.

  36. Kurt Kramer 6 January, 2015 at 22:47 Reply

    Split toning is usually associated with monochrome photographs, but I see it can also be used while still working in color. Have you guys made use of split toning with your color photographs? Any suggestions on appealing uses of it in that medium?

  37. Ed Velez 6 January, 2015 at 22:07 Reply

    RC…good to see you at PPE2014 (missed you Scott but maybe next year). The 3 things I still grapple with even after using LR for a few years are:

    1. print module….Need to understand how to use soft proofing in Develop and then take it to print to get the best output

    2. Virtual copies and collections. I know there has to be a way to incorporate these into my workflows somehow

    3. Too many leftovers! I use NIK and OnOne and going back and forth with those plugins as well as going into PSCC and back leaves alot of TIF and PSD files from all the edits. I have -edit-edit-edit.PSD and .TIF files taking up space in my HD and my workflow has me deleting the ones I dont need…OYE!

  38. Dennis Caten 6 January, 2015 at 21:59 Reply

    I would like to see some of the photos that you have presented during your critique sessions, or some of your own photos, being processed both in LR and PS as you would do in a true production environment.

    Focus on Sharpening would be GREAT!


    PS I LOVE watching all your work. (The Grid, Tutorials, and Training Sessions. I am an avid fan of both you guys and appreciate all the hard work you put into making us better Photographers and LR & PS Users. Thanks and Happy New Year!

  39. W. Jeff Rushford 6 January, 2015 at 21:47 Reply

    I am an Aperture user. No choice but to switch over when Lightroom 6 releases.
    In your first few shows, will you use Lightroom terminology, then explain the same concept in Aperture terms so that
    we Aperture people can get a handle on the new terminology?


  40. Brian Jurkowski 6 January, 2015 at 21:21 Reply

    SO glad to hear this is coming. I am SO looking forward to this show. As much as I LOVE Lightroom (and believe me, I LOVEs me some Lightroom!) there are SO many great plug-ins and add-ons, etc. that expand Lightroom’s functionality. Consider doing a segment that focuses on expanding Lightroom’s (amazing) functionality beyond what’s in the core application!

  41. Caiti 6 January, 2015 at 21:06 Reply

    Hi guys! I would like to know the easiest way to adopt good organizing habits when you’re starting with a mess. How do you quickly make sense of months of photos that you imported before you knew anything about Lightroom?

    I’d also like to know the best way to organize photos stored on multiple drives (that are not always plugged into the computer.) Ever since buying a new computer, my catalogs are a mess! Thanks.

  42. Brian Havican 6 January, 2015 at 20:55 Reply

    Scott & RC,

    First off, I’m a big fan of the Grid and look forward to your new show. And Scott-my wife just bought me your “Light it, Shoot it, Retouch it” book; great material, the overhead shots and your detailed explanations really helps someone looking to start shooting in the studio!

    I’m going to shoot more portraits and try my hand at head shots. I’ve never shot tethered, but want to use this feature. My new MacBook Pro has limited hd space, and I’m running a 1TB external drive.

    I’d like to see you cover how you would configure the tethered rig, with suggestions on a tripod/platform for studio use. Also, is there a way to set LR5 options to automatically move your images as you shoot them (tethered) to the external HD? I’d like to be able to use a sequence to be able to view, edit and store images shot on scene, without blowing up my MacBook HD. Is there any way to automate this action, similar to automation in Photoshop?

    Anything you guys cover on LR5 studio shoots and shooting tethered in your new show will be appreciated. Good luck!


  43. Leslie Bradley 6 January, 2015 at 20:51 Reply

    Hey Scott,

    Love the idea! Here’s a couple of my suggestions –

    – Sharpening/ Noise Reduction Tips/ Tricks
    – Exporting to the Web Vs Exporting to Print etc
    – FILE STRUCTURE!!!! How do you Manage/ Store your files and keep everything backed up and in order?
    – WORKFLOW!! What do you do first? and Why? What steps to you take from start to finish?
    – Say you’ve just shot a wedding, How do you process hundreds of photos in little time?
    – How to print multiple photos on one page for proofing?
    – What not to do, things to stay away from?
    – When would you edit photos in Photoshop after editing them in lightroom?

  44. Otto 6 January, 2015 at 20:43 Reply

    Hello Scott and RC,
    I think in would be great to see how you have customized your Wacom tablet for LR. This I know will be different depending on how one uses LR. If this is not feasible, then maybe some tips what tools would be most useful to customize. Thank you for all that you do.

  45. lyle 6 January, 2015 at 20:00 Reply

    A recurring feature – dueling users. 2 people take the same raw photo and what they do to it to get the best result in their view…. recorded to show there’s more than one way to skin the cat. *rwowow* Maybe one uses LR proper and the other adds in externally purchased add-ons/plugins etc just to expose people to what is out there…

    Someone with internals knowledge to identify the most efficient order to approach things – like recently someone stated that doing the lens corrections should come last, and sure enough it seems to be true.

    Good luck keeping the show short and on topic. grid (as fun as it is) sometimes gets drawn out too long.

  46. Jim 6 January, 2015 at 19:52 Reply

    I’d love to hear RC go on an in depth discussion of printing. Things like retouching for prints specifically, calibrations, equipment and paper selection, that sort of thing. I remember he did something like this a while back, but I don’t remember the details.

  47. Luis 6 January, 2015 at 19:32 Reply

    Love this!! I cant wait for this to start. Everyone here has given such good ideas.
    I would also like to see some editing that goes from Lightroom to Photoshop and back to Lr as if preparing to print. Thanks Scott & RC for all your hard work.

  48. Brodie 6 January, 2015 at 19:15 Reply

    Hi Scott,

    – Would you guys be able to talk about VSCO Film and how to successfully use it in LR?
    – How to process your pictures in LR for sites like Tumblr. There are awesome pictures on tumblr and I’m sure ppl would be interested in knowing how to use LR to process pictures like the ones we see on the site.

  49. Dennis Zito 6 January, 2015 at 19:10 Reply

    Hi Scott and RC,

    1.How to repair or rebuild a catalog from another version of LR. I have used LR since LR 1.0. I used to have LR rebuild the catalog to match existing version. Now after changing computer from PC to Mac, my catalogs are a mess.
    2.Some Wacom Table settings for LR. I just can seem to get the same feel in LR as PS-CC2014 ACR.
    3.Performance issues after using Nik, Topaz, OnOne plug-ins. Slow sliders, constant redrawing, sliders pausing and etc. I’m quickly thinking of quit using LR most of the time because of these issues.
    4.My system is iMac 27in 1TB HDD, 32GB memory OSX-10.9.5.

    Thanks guys! Looking forward to you new show.


  50. Gary Anderson 6 January, 2015 at 19:03 Reply

    a section on How to start from scratch (a.k.a. Lightroom for beginners). also something that would be for someone with years of images that are not in Lightroom.

  51. KRISTI 6 January, 2015 at 18:47 Reply

    I’d like to learn more on aspect ratios when cropping.
    What’s a good rule to learn how to match sizes for making prints fit into the frame with the matts (an 8×10 print with a matt into a 11×14 frame)?
    I would like to order prints with a white border to better fit the frames. For example, I would like to make my image an 8×10 but then have a white border that will fit in the 11×14 frame.
    I hope this makes sense to you guys. 🙂

  52. Fernando Ortega 6 January, 2015 at 18:38 Reply

    Hi Scott & RC

    Congratulations for the idea on a show About Lightroom alone.

    As a. Lightroom workshop instructor in the last 7 years I see frecuently that most people has a problem with the managemente of their pictures library and archive.

    I am subscriber of Kelbyone years ago and reader of Scott book on Lightroom and I has find that most of the content is related with the Developing side of Lightroom which I find very well covered while Library module needs moré consideration.

    Digital asset management techniques and best practices amplíed to lightroom users needed to be covered in more detail if you want to be a complete reference in Lightroom. Issues like metadata, keywording, folder namimg or estructure, hard drives or backup estrategies are crucial for Any serious photographer.

    There are types of photography which depends a lot in a correct keywording as for example Nature photography in which clasificación by species, hábitats or Location are key to find your pictures, please ask Moose Peterson how he does…

    Thank for asking and congratulations for the idea
    Madrid, Spain

  53. Jeff 6 January, 2015 at 17:58 Reply

    A slight variation to what has already been suggested; you give us a photo to process between shows (home work) then you show us how you would do it.

  54. Jackie Burhans 6 January, 2015 at 17:47 Reply

    File management in LR. I’m getting tired of people complaining that LR loses their photos. The differences pros/cons and/or the place for Photoshop, Bridge, ACR as compared to LR.

  55. Jim 6 January, 2015 at 17:40 Reply

    Hi Scott and RC,
    Would like to see tips and tricks for merging LR catalogs. For example, I filled up two small external drives. I want to combine both onto a larger external drive and then use it for storing my files.


  56. Jeff G 6 January, 2015 at 16:51 Reply

    I saw another mention of printing, and I think that would be a great one to explore. Having done some printing from Lightroom, I see lots of features, but am still not sure how to best prepare a photo for sending to a print lab — should I sharpen differently for print than screen? How do you adjust for the difference between looking at the image on screen (lit through the color) versus print? I’m also never quite sure how big a print I can generate from a given resolution, and whether there are tools that might allow you to go beyond the native resolution of the file (interpolation, etc…).

    Great idea for a show — I’m looking forward to it!

  57. Jim Teague 6 January, 2015 at 16:48 Reply

    Because no one else has mentioned workflow, I would like to suggest you do something on workflow, spend a bit more time on workflow, take a break to discuss optimizing Lightroom performance (on iMacs in particular), and then – just for kicks – spend a little time at the end on workflow.

    You guys rock!

  58. Frank 6 January, 2015 at 16:40 Reply

    I’d like to start out with basic organizational tips. My folder panel is a hot mess. is there a way to reorganize into folders and subfolders once you’ve been at it awhile and have stuff everywhere?

  59. Curt Wells 6 January, 2015 at 16:16 Reply

    Hi Scott and RC,

    Here are a few things that come to mind:

    1) Understanding the difference between Camera Raw and LR and when to use which one.

    2) How to move LR and photos to a new PC or hard drive. “I have outgrown your system now what do I do? Help!”

    3) Best practices for backing up your LR Catalog

    4) Plug-ins and how they work, which are the best ones.



    5) Printing out of LR

  60. Ernie Decker 6 January, 2015 at 16:02 Reply

    Don’t know if my original comment got through or not-got a message about posting too fast???
    Anyway, show needs to be 30 min at least. 15 min is not enough time to cover much in depth. And if it is going to be short, please leave off all the joking and fluff like on the Grid. We are there to learn and will (I guess) not have much extra time for joking around. Thanks

  61. Jim Kearns 6 January, 2015 at 15:52 Reply

    I would like to see a section of the show dedicated to actual user submitted files with his/her question of How could I edit or do “x” to this image. Then you show with the users file how you would edit it… (i.e. adjust color balance, clone or heal a difficult area, etc). I would like to see any method for streamlining the work flow on many images where I want to sync settings across all BUT edit part of the settings one just a few of those same images that had their settings synced.

    I look forward to seeing the show.

  62. Steve Miller 6 January, 2015 at 15:34 Reply

    Looking for ways that Lightroom can handle all issues without going to Photoshop. For example, can’t always use a tripod so I have to go to Photoshop for shake reduction which I love. Maybe you have ideas on how to stay in lightroom which would save time.

  63. Mike Rodriguez 6 January, 2015 at 15:04 Reply

    Hey Scott & RC. I took a quick informal poll of my beginning photography students (high school level). They’ve been using Lightroom for about 4 months. Here’s some of what they said:

    – Different ways for making a photo look vintage
    – Working with existing presets and making/saving your own
    – Situations when you might use the Radial Filter
    – Tips, best practices, etc. for creating slideshows
    – Tips for using the local adjustment tools (adjustment brush, spot removal, & graduated filter)

    I may have a few more of my own to add later on. 🙂 Thanks, guys!

  64. Jeff Harmon 6 January, 2015 at 15:03 Reply

    Want to repeat a few of the topics already mentioned in the comments:

    1) Is there a reason to use multiple Lr catalogs today, or is this really due to history when Lr didn’t support large catalogs very well? If it should be split out, is there a recommendation on the number of images that should be in a catalog?

    2) How much sharpening should be done to the eye in Lr considering that an image could then be exported for multiple uses (web page vs. print)? Or should you do a smaller amount of sharpening in Lr before an export and use the different export sharpening profiles?

    3) Show us a few real, practical examples of utilizing split toning on something other than trying to get a color cast on an image for artistic purposes.

    4) Just saw a post from you Scott on how you are now using Canon’s DPP software for RAW processing before bringing it into Lr for further editing. Would love to see that workflow and examples of the difference.

    5) Does the order of the workflow seem to affect Lr performance. For example, if you apply lens corrections at the beginning of editing a shot it seems like everything else is slower. If you wait until the end to apply lens correction you may have to re-evaluate some of the other edits, but it seems Lr can keep up better that way.

    6) I know Scott has said in the past that he doesn’t do any noise reduction on photos, but I have a lot of shots with noise in them and would like to know how you go about balancing noise with sharpness. How do you determine when to change the radius and detail sliders for sharpness, and the same with the detail slider under luminance noise reduction.

    Looking forward to watching the show!

  65. Colin 6 January, 2015 at 15:00 Reply

    Some of the logistical issues would be great. How to plan and organise keywording. Should location info be in location fields and also in keywords?

    Creating and maintaining smart collections, there are so many smart things that can be done with SC’s but managing and editing them after changes is not simple.

  66. Jean 6 January, 2015 at 14:51 Reply

    I’ve been using one very large external hard drive for all my photos (and I’ve backed up that up to several other external hard drives). My catalog is on my computer hard drive. I’d like to know best practices for the catalog–keep it with the photos on the external hard drive? Keep it separate from the drive that holds the photos? Create a new catalog when I start a new external hard drive? Put the catalog on the hard drive with the photos?

  67. Ted Goudie 6 January, 2015 at 14:44 Reply

    I’d love to see lots of discussions on workflows and workflow variations:

    – How landscape photogs post-process
    – How event photogs post-process
    – Best practices integrating plug-ins/roundtripping/etc

    And of course, how to use selective color according to the School of Scott Kelbyâ„¢

  68. Kevin Schirado 6 January, 2015 at 14:40 Reply

    Tips on how to maintain your catalog. Also tips on how to find duplicate the catalog I’m looking forward to your new lightroom show.


  69. Michael Waite 6 January, 2015 at 14:38 Reply

    I would like to see information on how to manage large collections of photos using the Lightroom catalog. I’m trying to reduce the number of images I have taken through the years. I use Lightroom and have the original raw files, tiff’s for photos developed with plugins, and jpg’s that are used in web galleries, facebook, etc. What are some strategies to deal with all the tiff’s and jpg’s that are created for various uses?

  70. William Chinn 6 January, 2015 at 14:35 Reply

    Day 1: What do you do to fine tune the first installation of LR (Mac and PC)?

    Day 2: What precautions do you take before installing an update to LR? Do 3rd party add-ons sometimes disappear after a LR update?

    Day 3: What goes into the decision to update a major release (maybe there are bugs) especially when training (KelbyOne, et al.) isn’t down in Black and White to read).

    A feature I need disappears or is drastically changed. Do I save the old version?

    Day 4: New computer, but old LR. What do I do now to make the transition go smoothly?

  71. Al 6 January, 2015 at 14:23 Reply

    I have learned a lot from the various books and shows that you have produced but there are two things that are still not that clear to me:

    1. How to create USEFUL presets for the Develop module and how to best use them across a variety of photos with different exposures, lighting, etc.

    2. Noise reduction and sharpening – how to really tell when you have it “just right” (not too much, not too little).


  72. Stefi 6 January, 2015 at 14:13 Reply

    Sounds great! I looking forward to see this show.
    I’m quite new LR user, so I read a lot your book, but I would be interested in how to prepare photos for printing in a photo lab (not at home).
    Last time I was really excited to get back my first batch of photos from the lab, but they were disappointingly darker than expected.

  73. Lindsay 6 January, 2015 at 14:01 Reply

    The three areas that I would like to learn more about are a) lightroom mobile and how to coordinate it with using Lightroom on the computer, 2) when it really does make sense to go over to Photoshop, and c) when are presets really useful and, especially, given how many there are out there (thousands?) what makes for a really good one.

  74. Ed 6 January, 2015 at 13:56 Reply

    I sure you could do a three part mini series on this subject.
    We all have to have gotta love to hate um because they change size every other Sunday, Social Media Profile Headers.
    Image, Sizing, Cropping, DPI, Exporting..ect.
    Looking forward to the show! RC & Scott

  75. Trevor Stafford 6 January, 2015 at 13:51 Reply

    Great idea Scott and RC, looking forward to the new show. Something on publishing and publishing plug-ins would be really useful thanks.

  76. Jeff 6 January, 2015 at 13:46 Reply

    I would like to know more about where LR keeps all the different files. I frequently backup my catalog but I am not sure where that file is written.

  77. Michelle 6 January, 2015 at 13:33 Reply

    New to Lightroom and have gone through Matt’s class repeatedly and think I am getting the hang. I notice lots of comments from more seasoned users, but I would like to suggest maybe a small bit for new users as we aspire to become proficient like the rest of you.

  78. Carl Ouellet 6 January, 2015 at 13:25 Reply

    It is a very nice news for all Lightroom users, beginners and professionals. Some suggest on tips using the Wacom tablets personally I’ll be real happy with that. As for picture may I suggest that you use pictures that are known by many such as Antilope canyon, Eifle tower, famous cities skilyne etc where many will be able to connect easily. Can’t wait for the first show.

  79. Larry Novak 6 January, 2015 at 13:11 Reply

    I’m looking forward to the new show but would be happier if the episodes weren’t so long as some of your other shows – I just can’t sit in front of the computer for an hour or more per episode. I think 15-20 minutes would be great and I would for sure watch every episode. Thanks.

  80. Shaun Hillis 6 January, 2015 at 13:10 Reply

    I would like to see specific workflows for different types of photos (portrait, landscapes, architecture, etc.). You could combine this with the previous proposal of utilizing viewer provided photos. Kill two birds with one keystroke!!!

    Also, workflows with some of the more popular plug-ins (NIK, Topaz, OnOne) would also be helpful. Looking forward to the new show.

  81. Dave 6 January, 2015 at 13:06 Reply

    I’d like to see some creative uses of smart collections to organize my library. I feel like I don’t get the most out of them.

  82. Tomas Nilsén 6 January, 2015 at 12:49 Reply

    Many great questions. I would love to see if there’s any workflow if you had a NAS with all your material and have several computers connect to the NAS.

    Workflow? Share lightroom catalogue somehow?

  83. Ved 6 January, 2015 at 12:42 Reply

    I’d love to see more tips like the sharpening using mask holding the Alt key that you shared earlier. More portrait retouching tips like that one. Least destructive way of retouching without having to move over to PS.

  84. Tami 6 January, 2015 at 12:35 Reply

    what about everything Lr does, outside of editing? Maybe a show about all that stuff; organizing, watermarking, some beginner stuff.

  85. Will Musgrove 6 January, 2015 at 12:30 Reply

    Here are some things in LR that I struggle with:
    – why the “New photos only” selection option on Import doesn’t seem to do anything
    – backup strategies when drive space is limited (split catalog between two drives? one external HD? two? cloud?)
    – storing metadata and previews in DNG files vs. not
    – specifics about all the ways to sharpen
    – why photoshop files are so much larger but have less info in them compared to RAW files
    – calibrating monitor brightness and color (not LR specific but I struggle with it)
    – bulk fixing capture date and time on old photos

  86. Pedro Braz 6 January, 2015 at 12:25 Reply

    There are plenty of courses and books about almost everything of lightroom. I would like to see a real workflow every week. I would like to be your bud in a chair next to you and see you working on a image while you explain what you are doing. That’s it. 🙂

  87. Cindy O'Neil 6 January, 2015 at 12:19 Reply

    I am very excited about the “Lightroom Show”!!!! I have LR5, but rarely use it because I don’t quite understand import. Starting from the beginning with import, editing, and ending with export would be so helpful to me. Thank you!

  88. Jo 6 January, 2015 at 12:10 Reply

    All great suggestions. I would appreciate basic white balance and RGB info for landscapes as well as portraits and skin tone. Thank you !

  89. Rob 6 January, 2015 at 12:09 Reply

    I learned aperture through the live training a offered by Joseph linaschke at

    I’m looking for something similar for lightroom. Maybe not a full hour on each adjustment set, but you could incorporate An in depth look at tools each week.

  90. Robert 6 January, 2015 at 12:04 Reply

    I am very much looking forward to this show. My recommendations would be the following (and may be a little dependent on the overall length of the show):

    1) Start each episode with a few basic Lightroom functionality tips or techniques. This would be to make sure beginning users are getting something from the show as well as ensuring that more experienced users are refreshed on the basics that we sometimes forget about.

    2) Then move on to more intermediate or advanced techniques for the more experienced users. These should likely involve editing an image. Maybe make the images used on the show available at the beginning of the show so that viewers can follow along. This is often the most frustrating aspect of watching and learning a technique during a live show. It’s great to try it on our images, but there is something said for being able to compare my results to your results on the same image to ensure the technique has been learned. Then post-show, or immediately after the in-show editing, make the finished image available online so viewers can compare side by side their finished image to that one.

    3) Maybe have a segment where viewers images are showcased in which they utilized the previous weeks techniques. This would serve as a quick refresher/recap and allow viewers to feel more connected with the show.

    4) Question and answer sessions are great as well. Maybe take a few questions submitted prior to the show and build a segment around them rather than trying to address random submittals during the show. I’d still recommend reading a few viewer’s tweets and/or emails, social media postings during the show.

    5) Rating system for the tips and techniques so viewers have a sense of how hard or complicated they are. Maybe instead of stars, Scott and RC could use monopods or some other photography gear item to say, “we rate this technique 3 monopods in difficulty.” Would be a way to add a little humor while also helping viewers gauge technique difficulty before attempting a technique.

    6) Should include how to not only use presets and plug-ins, but how to create our own. Maybe reviews of popular plug-ins and those recommended by viewers.

    7) Something I love about Lightroom is the ability to create preset metadata settings that I can apply to images depending on what style of photograph I shot. This could make for a good tutorial to teach one week.

    8) Bring in guests and have them take the viewer through a quick edit of one of the quest’s images. This way if viewers like a particular artists style, they can learn how to recreate it.

    9) Final recommendation (for now), have a segment called the Photoshop Plug-in or something catchy where you teach a Photoshop feature that isn’t available in Lightroom, or maybe is done better or more easily in Photoshop. There are some things that Lightroom can’t do, and viewers should be reminded of that. Would be a brief crossover, but allows for keeping the remainder of the show focused on solely Lightroom.

    • Dave Rizzico 6 January, 2015 at 21:35 Reply

      I have to give a plus one to option 1 for beginners. A beginners corner would be a great section to have, you could explain things like curves and how various controls work and when to use them or more importantly not use them. Also the review section would be great…

  91. Scott Madrigal 6 January, 2015 at 11:58 Reply

    Hi Scott, excited to see this new show! My biggest grip with Lr and what has led me to using Bridge/ACR instead is that LR does not allow me to set the program to use the SRGB color space. Because of this the colors you are seeing while you edit aren’t an accurate depiction of what will print. Do you have a workflow for this? Why would Adobe allow this setting in ACR and not in LR?

    Thank you!!

  92. Greg C. 6 January, 2015 at 11:54 Reply

    Noise Reduction! Can you go over all the different options (radius, color, contrast, etc.) and how you incorporate into your workflow?

  93. Paul C 6 January, 2015 at 11:50 Reply

    I’m hoping you will be at the from of the queue when Lightroom 6 becomes available, as you were with previous versions, though ideally you will be ahead of the queue telling Adobe what new features to build in. I have found your “what’s new” podcasts some of the most helpful LR videos at getting us going quickly

    • Len 6 January, 2015 at 16:20 Reply

      let there be Lightroom. I like it.
      Sizing and exporting to a commercial printer such as Mpix would help a lot if you would spend some time on that subject.
      Love your manuals and looking forward to the show.

  94. Kurt Obermeier 6 January, 2015 at 11:36 Reply

    I’d like to see you go through an initial setup for Lightroom. How to develop an organized directory structure before importing. How to rename files during the import and then your suggestion on tags so we can find our pictures years down the road. I’d like to see how this would then compliment the use of the different types of selections. Finally, I seem to remember RC had a quick way of selecting keepers after importing a few hundred files.

  95. Steve 6 January, 2015 at 11:35 Reply

    I’d like to see how to set up within LR and then use external editing tools, OnOne, Topaz, Photoshop etc, so that once I’m done it all returns to LR

  96. Richard Sherman 6 January, 2015 at 11:35 Reply

    I need help organizing. I love the simplicity of iPhoto’s interface. It’s so easy to find my events by looking at the key photo of each folder. I wish LR5 had that ability. It’s not intuitive enough for me to look at the folders panel and have to remember each event by a name or date. I usually do all my editing in LR5 and PS CC and then send the pics to iPhoto for organizing and viewing. This is taking up way too much space on my hard drive.



    • Susan 6 January, 2015 at 12:17 Reply

      I also would like to know the best way to organize, set up catalogs, and use keywords tags to help me find and use photos years later. I do all my editing in LR, but then use Picasa to search for photos and set up albums. My file folder names are so long, that I don’t see what is in each folder in LR and have to know the date a picture was taken to find it.

  97. Carl Aylman 6 January, 2015 at 11:24 Reply

    Hi RC & Scott,
    As a new convert to LR from iPhoto, I seem to learn something new each day I am using LR. I have gone through Scott’s LR book and reviewed a number of Matt’s videos on KelbyOne and still screw up sometimes and forget the proper workflow from import through development and then to output either online or print, so anything that reinforces that learning would be great. Additionally the number of plug-ins on the market is confusing so advice on that front would be helpful. Lastly, navigating the world of presets and how to create and use them would be great for novices like myself.
    Looking forward to the launch. Already a big fan of The Grid and Photography Tips and Tricks.

  98. Robert 6 January, 2015 at 11:14 Reply

    +1 for ‘everything’ there is to know about sharpening and noise control” (quoted from Henk)

    Looking forward to see the first show! 🙂

  99. Brian McIntosh 6 January, 2015 at 11:13 Reply

    How about printing from Lightroom? I can happily proof and print from Photoshop but when I try to do the same thing through Lightroom, the prints are way off even though I seem to be doing everything exactly the same!!

  100. Paul 6 January, 2015 at 11:11 Reply

    Watching you do step by step edits. Advanced, not just basic. Optimizing performance. Plugins. Workflow.

    Looking forward to the new program.


  101. Phil Walker 6 January, 2015 at 11:08 Reply

    My suggestion would be for people to submit a RAW file (as has already been suggested and is a great idea) and RC and Scott process independently before the show and have the big reveal on the show itself, you could then each discuss what you’ve done and decide which is best, possibly after an on air fist fight to spice things up a bit. The only slight problem I see with this is that RC would require 5 bracketed RAWs for an HDR treatment and Scott would only pick files that would look good with a selective colour treatment!
    Looking forward to the show.

  102. Joe Schmitt 6 January, 2015 at 11:07 Reply

    I recently purchased a Wacom tablet and now wonder have I ever got along without it. I’d love to see more work with the adjustment brushes, healing, etc. Before the Wacom tablet, I used the brushes a little bit but now I find myself REALLY digging into some photos doing local sharpening, dodging, burning, healing, etc. and it’s really taken my photos to another level. I’d love to learn more about this but I think it’s a feature that many LR users don’t take advantage of and that would make for a killer episode. Thank you!

  103. Florian 6 January, 2015 at 11:06 Reply

    Hi Scott, I’ll echo some that have already been mentioned, mainly workflow efficiency and working with plugins. I’d also be interested in seeing some of your and RC’s personal preset formulas for the develop modules but mainly for export such as what settings do you use for the web, social media, prints to outside vendors such as MPIX, etc. Thanks to the both of you. This is a great idea.

  104. Alton Marsh 6 January, 2015 at 11:01 Reply

    I wanted to apply the OnOne Vol. 2 PerfectPreset WOW-Glow10 to just a portion of my niece’s photo of the Philadelphia train station. I wanted to make the station interior white while leaving the Christmas tree normal. Ended up talking to a local instructor who guided me through writing down the preset’s slider settings, then entering those in an adjustment brush and saving it. Now all I have to do is make an adjustment brush for the other 200 presets for future photos.

  105. Phil Walker 6 January, 2015 at 11:00 Reply

    I think it would be good to invite people to submit a RAW file (I know this has already been suggested, its a great one) like you do with blind critiques but you and RC process the file on your own prior to the show then both reveal your take on the RAW file to see what difference there is between you both. The only problem I see with it is that RC would want us to submit 5 bracketed files for an HDR and Scott would only process files that look good with selective colour!

  106. Ed 6 January, 2015 at 10:57 Reply

    Is there a specific workflow that is good for a beginner/intermediate LR user? If so, what is it?

    Or…how can one improve their workflow?

  107. Kimberlee 6 January, 2015 at 10:55 Reply

    looking forward to this. I would love to know your thought process on how you decide what a photo needs and then the steps to make it happen.

  108. Alan D. Brunelle 6 January, 2015 at 10:25 Reply

    A good discussion around going between Lightroom and other programs (Photoshop, OnOne, DXO, Photomatix Pro, HDR Efex Pro, …). What steps you should take to ensure that the updated photo (by the plug in or external program) “return” to the LR collection you are in (for example). What sort of things you need to worry about re: photo settings (tiff?).

    Sounds like a great idea, by the way – looking forward to the shows!

  109. Dave Dabour 6 January, 2015 at 10:19 Reply

    Well you can start off announcing the new LightroomWorld conference on the East Coast! lol

    Other than that more info on pros/cons of whether or not to start a new catalog on the new year and if you do the pros and cons.

    Echo the post above about more info and tips on the print module. As well as I know Lightroom, when I go there for casual prints, always does things I don’t expect.

    Looking forward to the show!

    • Joe Schmitt 6 January, 2015 at 11:08 Reply

      I recently purchased a Wacom tablet and now wonder have I ever got along without it. I’d love to see more work with the adjustment brushes, healing, etc. Before the Wacom tablet, I used the brushes a little bit but now I find myself REALLY digging into some photos doing local sharpening, dodging, burning, healing, etc. and it’s really taken my photos to another level. I’d love to learn more about this but I think it’s a feature that many LR users don’t take advantage of and that would make for a killer episode. Thank you!

    • Roger Manning 6 January, 2015 at 11:37 Reply

      Would like to see pros and cons for using mac or windows. Are they truly the same experience except for keyboard shortcuts? And how about comparing a Surface Pro to iPad as a mobile platform.

    • George 6 January, 2015 at 15:50 Reply

      Processing Image
      This probably would not take a whole show but I would love someone to explain what the difference is between Adjusting the Contrast in the first LR module and then adjusting “Tone Curve” in the 2nd module. Do they not do the same thing just a little more control with Tone Curve or do they not do the same thing… Again difference between Contrast and Tone Curve adjustment?

      I remember a great photographer suggesting the set up of a collection after a shoot.. with a structure of “Full Shoot” … Picks…. Selects which I adopted. I find myself getting confused at times when I move to Photoshop to work on an image out of the collection because the saved Photoshop file does not appear in the collection it is saved in the original folder of raw files. It just seems cumbersome for me to move back and forth between collections and folders… I would appreciate any help or tips on making this operation smoother.


      • Ron 24 January, 2015 at 09:49 Reply

        Is there a script to automate the process of stitching panoramas starting in LR going into PS and back to LR? I am talking about doing dozens at a time. Is this possible or will I just have to keep doing them one panorama at a time?

      • ron 24 January, 2015 at 09:53 Reply

        I second the question George asked about how contrast works is it the same to use the contrast slider in the basic panel or add contrast with an s curve in the tone curve panel?

  110. Margo 6 January, 2015 at 08:28 Reply

    There has to be a way ! I had my pictures on individual named folders on I Photo. I followed the instructions from Adobe to move the Master Copy in I Photo to Lightroom but that just “dumps” all photos into one file and does not keep them organized in the folders you had them in. Why can’t I move folder by folder from I Photo to Lightroom ?
    Thank you Scott and RC

  111. Kevin Graham 6 January, 2015 at 08:24 Reply

    Sounds great, Scott! What I’d love to see more than anything is how to improve your Lightroom workflow. As an event photographer, how can you quickly edit 800+ images? Do you use the sharpening in Lightroom or do you bulk process that part in Photoshop?

  112. John Dabarno 6 January, 2015 at 08:00 Reply

    Having read almost all of Matt’s tips and tricks and reading your books about Lightroom, maybe some topics on working with some of the more popular plugins in conjunction with Lightroom. Such as OnOne Perfect Photo Suite, Google/Nik plugins, and more currently DxO Optics Pro 10 and the workflows for working with them.

  113. Jeremiah Baumann 6 January, 2015 at 07:56 Reply

    I think something that would be fun and I know you guys could have fun with would be a Lightroom Battle. Similar to the Photoshop battles (think Adobe MAX), you could have two photographers take the same photo and edit it in Lightroom on a time limit and have the viewers (through chat and Facebook/Twitter) choose a winner. Could be a fun ongoing segment of the show that not only would show all the amazing things you can do with Lightroom, but present it with a competitive twist for obvious KelbyOne bragging rights on set. It would bring in viewership, have a great social engagement, and be another way for your guys’ personalities to really shine and have some fun!

  114. Paul C 6 January, 2015 at 07:10 Reply

    Also…. how about if we do an edit and send you a saved-DNG so you can see our settings and crops, then you do a blind-crit and re-edit. I find that when I return to a photo after a few weeks I always have to pull back on the vibrance, clarity and vignette! However I’ve noticed from the Grid that you guys also have a great eye for cropping, too.

    You could also talk about the kit we may want, such as Wacom tablets, colour profiling, updating out monitor.

    And with SSD drives now available to all I’d love to know the best way to improve performance by putting the catalogue, caches, LR-prog files & photos onto the optimum locations.

  115. Dave Gregoire 6 January, 2015 at 07:09 Reply

    Hey Scott & RC! Definitely looking forward to new show, I think that much like the format of this site, it’s the randomness of tips and info that you provide that gets people widening their horizons and wanting to learn more. So much to learn , so little time!
    Really like the way you teach!

  116. Paul C 6 January, 2015 at 06:58 Reply

    SMART collections are my most prized part of LR as they enable photos to appear in multiple collections at the same time simply by adding keywords.

    I struggle with setting up printing – particularly in deciding whether to let LR or the printer manage colour. But also, sharpening options are worth a look.

    Workflow sequenced in Develop module are useful, particularly sharpening & noise, and adjustment brush. Maybe Scott could do a masterclass on Selective Colour 😉

    I won’t be upset if you NEVER mention the Web module. Upgrading your computer causes a few people problems. The iPad LRM editing techniques could be interesting for those of us with really fat fingers

    • Lyle Cameron 7 January, 2015 at 15:22 Reply

      I like Paul C’s suggestion regarding Smart Collections. I’d like to see you do something on that too. With my new camera (Nikon D610), I’ve gotten interested in shooting video too…….it’s so easy. When importing stills and video into Lightroom, per your (Scott) suggestion in your Lightroom 5 book, I also set up a Smart Collection to capture all videos. Thus, I now see the power of Smart Collections and would to know more about it. I don’t care at all about any module other than Library and Develop. Same goes for printing as I go to Photoshop for all printing.

  117. richard 6 January, 2015 at 06:54 Reply

    Processing for landscape photography and for cityscape night photography would be good.

    I’d prefer more advanced techniques rather than widely available information. Advanced would not include basic operations of the sliders or even common recipes such as: boost shadows, turn down highlights, hold alt and move black left, white right, increase clarity and vibrance.

    • Scott Kelby 6 January, 2015 at 12:00 Reply

      Hey Richard. So, are you cool with us starting in Lightroom and then heading over to Photoshop for finishing? In reality, there’s only so much you can do with the limited under of sliders in Lightroom, and for the “advanced” stuff we’d really need to head over to Photoshop for a minute or two (but we’ve got some really helpful stuff to show there). Let me know if that works, and if so, we’ll definitely add that. Thanks. 🙂

      • DaveT 6 January, 2015 at 12:22 Reply

        I like Richard’s idea, and I for one would have no problem with you heading over to Photoshop to finish off the processing. After all the two programmes work in tandem 🙂

        I have been using LR for a number of years now and I am still learning bits, which is great. So anything on the more ‘advanced’ side would be very welcome. For example I am particularly interested in using LR to create looks that would make my images look very similar to types of film emulsion or slide films.

        I would also like to do more with things in the book module – for example setting up some pages with text and layout from within PS and using it as a page layout within the book module in Lightroom.

        Hope this helps, and i look forward to the launch!


      • Curt Nordling 6 January, 2015 at 15:38 Reply

        Applause for this! Showing the overall workflow from 1. ingest to LR to 2. LR processing to 3. transition to PS for more subtle touches to 4. transfer back to LR for final ‘save’ and, maybe, 5. export to website/FB/etc.

        Thank you x100!


      • Lyle Cameron 6 January, 2015 at 20:03 Reply

        Scott, your idea of starting in Lightroom and then heading over to Photoshop is a FANTASTIC idea ! PLEASE DO IT. Also, lots of people are asking you to show us the “not so obvious”. I think that is great but you know, hitting us with the “obvious” also…….once in awhile, I think, is also a good idea. For example, I’ve now decided that importing and using DNG instead of NEF…….is a good idea. A quick video on that would be good too. PS I have your Lightroom and Photoshop (CC) books so thanks for them too. I LOVE your suggestions in your Lightroom book about immediately creating “Collections” after importing. A quickie on that too…….would be great. I want to ensure I’m not missing anything.

      • pete gibson 6 January, 2015 at 23:47 Reply

        If you could do a show where the majority of the work was done in LR with maybe 5% needing the PS work (i.e. not fantastic, just ‘a good shot’ – Those shots that constitute the bulk of a fair you were shooting for instance.

  118. Mark Casebeer 6 January, 2015 at 06:30 Reply

    This show I’m sure will be very exciting. As a long time Lightroom user I really like learning more about keywordng and tagging photos. I seem to never take the time to keyword my photos. I’m great at organizing but it stops there. I would really like to see you also put a lot of content for new users. I’m always getting asked what software should I buy, and why Lightroom. Good luck with the show.

  119. Phil Maly 6 January, 2015 at 06:15 Reply

    Hi Scott and RC
    I’ve been following you both via different channels like G+ for almost 2 years and already improved a lot my photo and post-processing skills.
    Currently I think I master quite well Lightroom, start getting into mastering Photoshop (thanks to your book “PS for LR users”) and I also sometimes rely on Nik Software plugins, understanding that LR is sometimes not sufficient to make a photo look stuning.
    What I would be interested to know better is what would be the optimal workflow and steps based on these softwares/plugins to transform a photo. I’m not always clear in which order to use with tools, creating a new copy of the resulting file when moving from one tool to the other, and where LR is better or worse than other software solutions.

    Thanks in advance for your opportunity to ask for topics, hopefully mine will be adressed one day.

    Regards and best wishes for 2015 by the way.

    • Erik 6 January, 2015 at 21:34 Reply

      I would love to hear how you maintain keywords when finishing a photo in another program. On reimport it always messes them up creating duplicates which is a real pain for complex lists.

      I’d also love to learn a bit more about how you determine the proper sharpening for an image. I know it has been done a number of times but issues like determining the proper radius always confuse me somewhat.

      Looking forward to the show!

  120. 6 January, 2015 at 04:40 Reply

    Hi Scott,

    Looks like my comment wasn’t saved the first time. Hence the new tentative.

    One thing which could be interesting is: you select a raw file from someone (readers would submit their files on LRKillertips). Then you or RC show how you would develop it. It wouldn’t be a “save my ugly shot” type of thing but more “here’s what we would do”. This would allow us to see and understand your approach to development whilst benefiting from tips and tricks (which I’m sure will be different whether you’re dealing with a portrait, a landscape or a food shot). Nothing crazy long, 4 to 5 minutes where we get to see your final post-processed shot.

    Happy New Year from Paris and all the best for 2015 !

  121. 6 January, 2015 at 04:26 Reply

    Hi Scott,

    One thing which could be interesting is: you select a raw file from someone (readers could submit their files on lightroomkillertips) then you or RC develop the picture. Nothing crazy long but just enough to learn a trick or two based on the image you’ll use (and I’m sure there will be tips and tricks depending on the type of image you’ll have in front of you e.g. landscape, portrait, …). This wouldn’t be a “Save my ugly shot” type of thing but more “here’s how I would post process this shot”; 4 to 5 minutes where we see and understand your approach to raw development.

    Happy New Year from Paris and all the best for 2015 !

  122. Henk 6 January, 2015 at 04:16 Reply

    What I would like to see on the Lightroom show are the things that are not so obvious:
    – what can I do with split toning (examples, special tricks)?
    – ‘everything’ there is to know about sharpening and noise control
    – how to synchronize keywords in two catalogs?
    – how to improve LR’s performance?
    – clever shortcuts
    – how to achieve the ‘right’ whitebalance for difficult pictues (e.g. fluorescent light combined with normal light)
    – …

    • Steve M 6 January, 2015 at 11:50 Reply

      I would like to see Lightroom videos for Raw processing for expert results, export settings for the best look for email, Facebook and computer viewing. Also applying sharpening and lens profile corrections during import of files. Anything to minimize my time indent of the computer.

    • Shannon Hoffbeck 6 January, 2015 at 20:47 Reply

      I would like to see the best ways for organizing catalogs, saving them, and becoming more efficient. As well as what a good workflow could look like.

      • Ken Kramer 8 January, 2015 at 12:33 Reply

        I agree with Shannon….I am about to re-import all my photos to do some MAJOR Clean up and optimizing catalogs would be very helpful!

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