One of our esteemed readers, Matt S, suggested that I post a survey where we could all vote for our top five picks, based on my favorites from your feature suggestions which I posted those here on Friday. (hope that makes sense).
Well, I’ve got kinda half-that. I couldn’t figure out how to configure a survey that let’s you pick five answers out of a list of 10 or more, so I did the next best thing — I did a survey where you can pick your one favorite feature you’d like added to Lightroom, and it will calculate everybody’s favorite pick, and then we’ll see what the top five wind up being.
So, if you wouldn’t mind, click the link below to take this quick one-question survey.
Many thanks, and I’ll share the results of your voting here tomorrow.
P.S. Hope to see some of you in person this Friday at my full-day seminar in Hartford, Connecticut. Ticket’s here.Â
I wish the list had included the ability to quickly review and tag photos in the Library module with a speed close to that of Photo Mechanic. I shoot a lot of sports and have moved to Photo Mechanic to quickly review and tag the 500-800 pictures I typically take in a day. I shoot sports pictures for my son’s school and will often shoot 2 to 3 sporting events in one day. Lightroom is terribly slow at generating a preview, so I moved away from Lightroom for the initial review and tagging. I delete the photos I do not tag and import the remaining ones into Lightroom.
I agree with Steve. This is my #1, #2 and #3 suggestion all rolled into one. The Preview speed of Photo Mechanic.
multiple exposures from within lightroom!
A warning that you have multiple photos selected when you switch to the Develop Module or make changes.
Scott – My suggestion fell off your survey. Add tone curves to the brush for localized tone curves instead of going to PS.
Several of the choices, listed in the survey and previous blog post comments, appear to request that features of InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop be combined into Lightroom.
While Adobe has claimed for years that there would be seamless cross-compatibility between those three (3) applications (but hasn’t done so), I wouldn’t hold your breath for items like a full typography engine, scripting/macros, et cetera. Lightroom is already bloated, buggy, and full of useless items for serious users (maps, books), and serious lacking in other areas of serious users (the biggest being the speed, organization, and IPTC of PhotoMechanic).
A very serious question for the KelbyOne staff: How about a survey that queries the professional photographers that work with KelbyOne (Moose Peterson, Jeremy Cowart, Joe McNally, Vincent Versace, Dave Black, etc.) on what they use for their everyday, professional, paid, work—and then publicize those results, along with explanation from each pro on why they have made their choices. (Of course, after I’ve typed this, it has dawned on me that KelbyOne might not want to bite the hands of Adobe that feeds them.)
We already know that Scott Kelby uses PhotoMechanic for his sports photography—why? I know that Vincent Versace doesn’t use any sort of cataloging software, does his initial RAW editing with Nikon’s professional software (due to its superior work with the Nikon NEF format), then does the rest of the editing in Photoshop, while archiving in OnOne’s Perfect Resize (née Genuine Fractals). Moose Peterson also uses PhotoMechanic.
I am not use why Scott is putting forth the effort to catalog the survey results. He has already chastised Adobe for not listening thus far (“Lightroom is now around eight years old. It’s time to fix some of these foundational things…” – 5/26/2015). It is more than abundantly clear that Adobe didn’t listen to any of us regarding the ill-conceived subscription-only licensing. What makes any of us think Adobe will listen to anything we have to say? With Apple out of the picture (competitively), there is no one else competing for the same market. Now, if PhotoMechanic or CaptureOne lowered their price, or if Nikon modified their professional RAW editor with (good) library features, then there could be some discussion.
How about being able to easily add a another photograph to a saved book?
history brush
Content aware cloning.
A lot of These suggestions were good. Just maybe Adobe will see this list and adapt some of them. I don’t think any of them were bad ideas, several were just common since.
I chose to combine the library and develop modules, given the processing latitude of RAW files only one module, Develop, is up to the job of determining whether a photograph is a keeper. An auto adjustment button or preset in Develop would be a perfectly good starting point for Jpg shooters for a variety of reasons given that format’s strengths and limitations.
A unified module then needs serious performance improvement. LR was created to handle volume and LR6 has not delivered the promised performance boost necessary to keep up with the volume, size and processing latitude of current image files.
I chose one thing, but it would be really cool if they merged the Library with the Develop modules too…
You really should have an “other” box for text entry – the one (and only) feature that i really care about is network shared catalogs.
And obviously smart collections to the online, but in my mind why cant my whole catalog sync – why pick a subset
I agree … there should have been an “other” box. LR is now 8 years old and the catalog structure in LR remains the primary source of confusion amongst its users. You would know better but I venture that 80% of all LR questions I see are related to the catalog. My vote would be for a complete redesign of how this function works. I know, I know … it isn’t a simple thing to do but all other function/feature changes are just bandaids to LR’s major problem. Thank you for asking, though!
Amen! Networked catalogs would be THE killer feature.
The trouble is that I want more than one item – what to do, what to do. ho hum 🙂
I would like it if in the Library or Develop module you could go to folders like you do in Windows Explorer. Such as: C:\2015\Miller Wedding\Reception Instead of having a long list of “Reception”. That’s how I organize my photos so it makes sense to me. I’m just sayin.
Mike Meyer
I would really like to see colour management within filtered areas. So if I apply a grad filter to the sky, allow me to adjust the blue intensity of that without affecting the rest of the image. Would be a massive help.
Smart Collection Sync for lightroom mobile! to be honest I have difficulty to understand the reasons behind “dumb” collection! only thing I can thing of is technical issues, why else one would choose a “dumb collection” over a smart collection?
I would like to see many of these enhancemecpnts. How about giving one the opportunity to rank several choices in order of preference.
Need ‘Content Aware Fill’ and Network Catalogs.