Lightroom Tips

Tip – Don't forget about History

Importing your photosHey folks. I’m out in the Palouse region of Washington state teaching my GAPW workshop and getting up at oh-dark-thirty every morning. Seriously, we were driving to our sunrise shoot today (well Thursday which is when I’m writing this) at 4:10am and the sky was already blue. By 4:45 there was sun and by 5am it was bright as can be. It’s even more odd when we were shooting the sunset at 8:45pm that same evening. That is one long day but I’ve got a great class here and we’re having a really fun time. Anyway, on to the tip…

I always forget how cool the History panel is in Lightroom. It’s basically undo’s forever, of whatever you’ve done to your photo. If you’re in the Develop module and you’d like to jump back to a specific point in the editing history of your photo, just look at the bottom left side of the interface for the History panel. Lightroom shows you every single history state that your image has gone through. It’s just like Photoshop but when close your image in Photoshop, Photoshop forgets about the history. Lightroom doesn’t. This really helps though when you’re not sure what point you want to step back to and you don’t feel like pressing Control/Command – Z a bunch of times. Just look for the specific step in the History and click on it to jump to that point. Hope you have a great weekend everyone! Get some extra sleep for me 🙂
