How To Share Your Lightroom Ideas & Suggestions Directly With Adobe
Hi, gang:
I hear from a reasonable amount of folks who leave comments or send me messages asking me to share an idea or suggestion with Adobe for something they’d like to see added/changed/fixed/disabled/etc. in Lightroom Classic but you don’t need me to get your ideas heard. Adobe has a special forum just for you to share ideas directly with the team who monitor those forums daily.
Here’s the link. 🙂
Posting there is your best chance to be heard by the very people who can make it happen.
To increase the chances…
…of your idea or suggestion being considered by Adobe, when you post your idea I would recommend being nice. In fact, you should be nice always but especially when asking for someone to do something for you. That’s not an official Adobe thing, but it should be just an official “life” thing. 🙂
Are you in Atlanta? I am.
I’m up here today, but I’m teaching my full-day “Photoshop for Lightroom Users” seminar here tomorrow. Come on out and spend the day with me. Tickets and Info here.Â
Call for Entries: You Could Win Your Own Solo Gallery Showing
The details are over on my blog today, but if you think you have no chance of winning — you’re in good company. Nobody that has won any of the competition even though they would win (and that’s in their own words). But they did do one important thing — they entered. Here’s the link for how to enter.
Hope I see you in Atlanta tomorrow (or Ft. Lauderdale next Monday). 🙂
Have a kick-butt Monday, and Roll Tide!
The only problem with the Community Forum that Adobe monitors is that once you sign on and open an account to use the Forum, there doesn’t seem to be any way to unsubscribe. Every comment that is posted, shows up in your email inbox! I get way too many emails.
Go to your profile on the forum (click the icon for your name at the top-right) and you should see a link for Email Notifications that gives you some control. I believe you can also un-follow a discussion right from that discussion’s page if you chose to follow it.
Hi Scott! I’m going to steal that Adobe link and share it with the awesome KelbyOne Community.
If you’re not Scott Kelby and you’re reading this comment, you better check out the KelbyOne Community, part of the KelbyOne Pro Membership. All I can tell you is that you will love it. Just saying…
Thanks for posting the link, Scott.
It is one very good way to engage directly with Adobe.
Bob, I’ve seen a few of your requests come through today.
Appreciate your response Rikk.
I have only one goal in doing this stuff and it’s to make something better.
Ok, I did several from the tome I wrote on your 7 things post.
They should really have a college coop/intern scouring the net for these conversations in comment sections, it’s a great way to expose some budding engineer as to how people want to use their software or what’s not documented in a way that they know how to use the software efficiently.