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You Need To See This Video on the New Lightroom CC

Hi, gang. I know there are a lot of concerns from the Lightroom community here about yesterday’s announcements and the launch of a new Lightroom (named Lightroom CC). This new Lightroom CC might not be for you and your workflow, and that’s OK — we have a much-improved Lightroom “Classic” release, but I think everybody here needs to see this short presentation on CC from Wednesday’s Adobe MAX conference keynote.

The presenter is our friend, Adobe’s own Bryan O’Neil Hughes, and I encourage you to at least give this a look — if for nothing else to help you understand why there is a Lightroom CC, even if it winds up being not for you.

It helps to see that, right? 🙂

Here’s to a great weekend filled with football (#rolltide!).



P.S. I’m looking forward to seeing everybody in Phoenix on Monday for my Lightroom seminar. Hope you’ll come up and say hi. If you’re not signed up, it’s not too late. Next stop, Dallas and San Diego in November. 



  1. Agnes 23 October, 2017 at 15:47 Reply

    For somebody shooting 50Mb RAW files with an archive currently 3TB and growing, and spending a non negligible amount of time in places with either no or very limited/expensive bandwidth, the new LR CC is clearly not the answer. I can live with that as long as the desktop version remains available. But… The Classic name does not inspire confidence in Adobe’s commitment to keeping the desktop software alive. Especially after seeing how long the promise to keep the permanent license version of LR alive lasted — Tom Hogarty has burned any credibility he had on that count.

    So… I expect it will take about 2 years for Adobe to improve the feature set of LR CC and then try to shift us all to the new model. I was on a permanent LR5 license (the LR6/CC feature set wasn’t convincing enough to upgrade) and a CC photo plan for PS. I have now bought a permanent LR6 license and canceled my CC plan (I can make do without PS). 2 years from now I will have more than broken even, and will reassess the field.

  2. Donald E Davis 23 October, 2017 at 08:23 Reply

    Adobe’s move towards cloud based storage of original photos begs the question of what happens to them when we die and the monthly fee is stopped by our heirs? I think the answer is we still have to make a backup copy on a local hard drive. Seems inefficient at best.

  3. K.G.Wuensch 22 October, 2017 at 07:37 Reply

    Unfortunately that LR CC is half baked and doesn‘t play nice with LR Classic. I live in an area where upload speeds still are measured in kilobytes per second, not the required gigabytes per millisecond such a cloud application would require, so LR Classic is going to be my choice of tool for the next 10-20 years as progress towards faster internet is painfully slow for us in continental Europe…

    And when things are broken by design like the keywording function in LR CC on mobile devices which does *NOT* synchronize with smart previews originating from LR Classic I can‘t shake the feeling that LR CC on mobile devices is just a toy development for casual mobile phone snapshooters!

  4. Gary 21 October, 2017 at 05:47 Reply

    This video is just an advertisement isn’t it?

    It doesn’t address the concerns of so many photographers.

    Adobe seem to be pushing photographers to store all their photos and edits in Adobe cloud storage and then holding them to ransom with a monthly subscription fee, which Adobe will obviously increase over time.

    I’m very unhappy with Adobe and am now looking for a way to migrate away from Lightroom onto a different product.

  5. Paul Grubb 21 October, 2017 at 03:42 Reply

    From my perspective this is just a rebrand of Lightroom mobile including the introduction of a Lightroom Mobile desktop app (LR CC).

    Sad to see that any of us who subscribe to the photography bundle have now lost the unlimited storage that Lightroom Mobile provided previously – its now limited to 20Gb.

    It should have been a great news story but they totally confused users wit the bizarre naming.

  6. D J 20 October, 2017 at 12:36 Reply

    Hi Scott,
    While I think that Bryan’s snippet is good, Julianne Kost has a video on YouTube that more adequately, at least in my opinion, summarizes the changes.

  7. PaulF 20 October, 2017 at 11:17 Reply

    I don’t see the “short presentation on CC”, the only video I can see is the 2+ hour keynote address. I’d love to see the short and sweet version:)

  8. Paul Parkinson 20 October, 2017 at 04:20 Reply

    Since I cannot post the same ideas and concepts as I did on a previous comment (it looks like you’ve posted that already) then I will just say “It’s all in a name”…

  9. Paul Parkinson 20 October, 2017 at 04:19 Reply

    It’s not the product, it’s the name. It’s the use of the old name for the new product which is giving people the scaries. The use of “Classic” has a number of negative connotations. If they HAD to give the new product the old products name (they didn’t) then why not choose a different name – I would have thought LR Professional would have put clear water between the web-storage, simple, version and our more powerful, desktop, local storage version.

    I think the Adobe marketeers have screwed up – the product is fine, the name is bad

      • MattS 20 October, 2017 at 06:58 Reply

        The issue is LR CC was already in existence and referred to the subscription version prior to this. It would logically make more sense to not confuse ‘users’ / ‘customers’ by maintaining that. Currently LR-CC now refers to the new cloud version. Never a good idea to redefine what has already been. JMTC

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