A “Lightroom Classic” Survey (and a really helpful Lightroom tip)
…and if you take the survey, you get a Lightroom tip as my thank you gift (oh yeah, oh yeah!). 🙂
Happy Monday everybody, and greetings from Phoenix, Arizona where 250+ photographers are joining me for a full day of learning Lightroom – can’t wait to meet everybody!
After last week’s big announcements, which saw Lightroom CC renamed “Lightroom Classic” and a new program released which is now called “Lightroom CC,” I wanted to get some feedback from you guys about all this.
So, if you’d take this short 5-question multiple-choice survey, I will:
(1) Share the results directly with Adobe’s Lightroom team, and…
(2) Share an important Lightroom Classic tip at the end of the survey, just for taking it.
At the end, there’s a button that brings you right back here (well, at least that’s the plan).
Hope you all have a great Monday!
you should have added a section to your survey on what version of Lightroom the respondent is using.
I am on LR 6 and will stay there. The cost for the cloud offering is ridiculous compared to the on premise version. No compelling reason for me to switch and a million reasons not to.
I am still running LR5. After reading the missing features, I am gobsmacked.
Had no idea so many things were missing in the new CC! Thanks for being our advocate, Adobe would be crazy to ignore you and your base.
My biggest missing features weren’t on the list: people tagging, and two-way syncing of tags between Lightroom CC and Lightroom Classic.
Also – this whole thing would be easier for people to figure out if they’d chosen a new name for the new product. Trying to learn about the new “Lightroom CC” by searching for info brings up mostly irrelevant articles about the old “Lightroom CC”. Search for “people tags lightroom cc” and the first result is from Adobe: “Use Intelligent facial recognition in Lightroom Classic CC”. Searching for “people tags lightroom cc -classic” gets an article from 2015 about Lightroom long before it was called Classic. There’s no easy way to search for information about the new Lightroom CC.
The one feature I’m really missing in LR mobile is the Upright function. To me, mobile and PC/Mac versions won’t be equivalent until this is available on my phone and tablet!
Sorry but I’m done with Adobe after this. If I cannot have a perpetual license I’m not interested…. Period! I would have paid more for a perpetual license vs. the historical upgrade fee. They do not seem to be interested in this. I will not “hook” my future to a lease. Between Capture One and On1 etc I know I will me much better off. I have a v6 perpetual license and my 2017 catalogue will be the last photos processed in LR. Time to learn new software and kiss LR goodbye!
The problem with this approach is that I don’t think Adobe are alone in needing to move to a subscription model. The whole IT industry has worked out that its products are now mature enough that they struggle to come out with the killer features that will make you pay for an upgrade. And without you upgrading, they don’t have the revenue to provide on-going support.
While moving to CaputreOne or ON1 gets you out of that subscription model now, I think it’s dangerous to assume that they will not follow the industry trend and also move towards a subscription model, too.
I’m now testing Capture One 10 (they also have a subscription model) and Affinity Photo. So far I just miss the LR DAM!
I had to rollback from LR Classic to LR 2015 because Classic introduces heavily noise to a lot of my images. That means, in Library mode they show up fine and in Develop mode they are heavily noised (color noise) and noise reduction doesn’t have any influence. I then find out that it depends on White Balance values (above 20.400 noise shows up). But then I find images where the WB values are under 5000 and show noise. I mean how should I develop an image if it doesn’t show the real world? It just sucks.
So one question remains: What’s really new with the new development process despite the numbering?
I agree – not only do I object to the subscription model, but the idea that stopping the subscription would not only stop software updates, but also defeat the Develop and Print modules!
I would agree to a prepaid annual renewal (but not at $120/year) on the condition that if and when I decide not to renew I would still have a complete working tool – with no more upgrades.
The survey has a fundamental flaw, what about the people who could care less about CC. Several of the questions needed a NA or don’t care answer.
Agreed. 1 – I’m not interested in cloud storage. Already have what I need. 2 – I have no intention of using LR Mobile to edit, so don’t care and would rather see dev efforts focussed on “LR Classic”. Unless the intent is to deprecate that in a few years.
I see two issues:
1. I have more than 1TB or photo files.
2. I have a Desktop at home and a laptop for the road. If I Import to the desktop and run out with the laptop, I am unable to login into my account on both. Therefore, I am waiting for all these photos to sync, then log out of the PC, then log in and wait for the sync. I would be wasting time not being able to work during the first sync.
If I understand your second point, I’m now essentially doing this by using both products.
Can leave my desktop logged into Classic, synching while I’m out on the road with my laptop. With that laptop, I can be logged into Lightroom CC at the same time working on the images as they become available. Yes, it requires the laptop to also have an internet connection so that I can download them. But, since you are only downloading smart previews, the mobile part of the synch process is really quick.
While this has worked well for me so far, the only caveat is that I watched an interview where Adobe said you should chose one or the other, not both. But, since it is working for me, I’m treating that comment in the same way as their advice not to put your Lightroom (Classic) library onto DropBox.
Thx GG – I will try this. I also have to remember to import using the correct camera calibration sine LRCC doesn’t have that.
I couldn’t really finish the survey since I fall into the group of people unwilling to submit to a subscription software service at all. Turns out that what’s good for Adobe stock price is bad for me.
My plan is to root hard for both On1 and Macphun to come out with something that frees me from the Adobe leash entirely. They are both working on things that seem very promising. I hate to think of flushing all these years gaining expertise in LR/PS, but I’ll do it if I can get the results I want.
Did I overlook the most important feature missing from the survey? Keyword syncing both ways. Classic and CC.
Importing RAW with my personal default setting by ISO, like is possible in Lr Classic
I feel the survey is propaganda for Adobe and the questions are presumptious that all are on board save one question.
Seems the survey indicates a succesful sell of the new version of CC to at least on customer.
What you should also have asked:
What could Adobe have done better this time?
My A: Discussed this in any way whatsoever with the public before it was announced.
This secrecy around the CC program is nuts. Many companies with subscription products discuss upcoming changes ahead of time. Why is Adobe special? Want an NDA? make it easy to get into beta.
Why is beta closed? There’s not even a way to ask for admission to the beta program as far as I can see.
The complete Opaqueness to many of us is approaching insulting.
Keyword hierarchies are a reason I CANNOT think about Lr CC.
The reason this worries me is that the statement of support for Lr “Classic” is about as strong as it was for Lr 6 standalone and we saw that took just two years to evaporate. If I was sure Lr Classic would be around for a long, long time, I could safely ignore the new CC. As it is, I have to worry about what’s missing.
And why not really cloud-enable Classic so I can have a backup of my photos and especially the catalog in the cloud. Currently I have a kludgy cloud backup that lets me share catalogs across computers, but I’d LOVE a supported way to do this.
Another biggie missing from your survey:
Keywording in LR CC like we have it in LR Classic PLUS syncing of all that.
Adobe’s Ai technology for keywords may be nice for many, but those of us who have been keywording seriously over years will need to continue that.
As it stands, there is going to be confusion going forward since Adobe has continued to use the name Lightroom CC to represent something different. Until a few days ago everybody knew is was the desktop subscription model but now it’s the cloud subscription model. Wow, their marketing group really blew that one! #LackOfCommonSense
The thing that would help me consider LR CC would be the ability to use any cloud service. I have spent weeks (and I’m not finished yet) putting a backup of all my photos to OneDrive. I have no interest in repeating that process to upload to Adobe, or to have to manage multiple cloud storages.
I find the new Lightroom CC intriguing, especially with the ability to use my presets on a Mac now, though they are indeed very much missing from mobile.
One major issue for me wasn’t in your survey however – the ability to export photos with anything else but sRGB. The world is slowly moving away from that, and I just don’t want to fill my iCloud Photo library with sRGB photos anymore (Lightroom for me is an editing tool, not a catalogue/library tool).
Couple of thoughts on the survey:
1. It is working on the assumption that you have to chose either CC or Classic. I’m already working on a workflow that will use both. Images will still live in my main Classic library on my iMac. But, I like the fact that I can now essentially use Mobile on a laptop rather than just a tablet and work on images from my main library without having to have my MacBook drive bloated with a 100k image plus library. Yes, I could do this before by having a “working” sub-library. But, using CC already feels a more intuitive way to keep everything working together.
2. Obviously, the ideal solution would be to have CC so rich that I no longer need Classic. The big blocker to me doing that isn’t in your list of missing features. I’m the official photographer for an ice hockey team and need to get images out to their social media (primarily Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) as quickly as possible, as well as being able to push out to my own website. Bringing the CC share options up to the level of Classic is a pre-requisite to making a switch for me.
The ability to Print is missing from your survey
Adobe still does not have an option to stay in Lr when you click to exit from Lr and then you change your mind. 🙁
What software gives you an option to stay in the program when you quit? It would seem there is an easier solution, which is don’t quit the software until you are ready or else you’ll have to restart the software. 🙂
Since it does launch faster now, it isn’t even that much trouble to restart.