
When You Might Want to Build 1:1 Previews

New Lightroom News Coming?
Before we get to our tip: Make sure you check back here tomorrow after Adobe’s MAX keynote in the morning in case there’s some big Lightroom news (historically there usually is lots of Lightroom news at the Adobe MAX keynote, so check back here just in case ). OK, onto our Lightroom coffee break.

Here’s a really helpful, and as always, really quick video from Adobe’s own Benjamin Warde — this one is on when you might want to take the time and built full 1:1 size previews. It’s not for everybody, but it might be for you (ya never know).

Thanks, Benjamin. 🙂

See you here tomorrow, in case there’s any big news! 





  1. Rauf AKBABA 18 October, 2017 at 14:11 Reply

    Don’t forget! This “1:1 Build Preview” type of importing only speeds up the Library module. Not the Develop module…

  2. M.-A.D. 18 October, 2017 at 06:51 Reply

    There’s a new version of Lightroom mobile out this morning! Nothing Earth-shattering, but there is a new subscription formula that seems to be just for mobile… or is it a new price tier for Lightroom mobile + regular Lightroom?

  3. Burt 17 October, 2017 at 13:37 Reply

    I have always created 1:1 previews on import, for exactly the reason you mention. I would rather that time consuming process go on in the background, while I do other things on the computer. When I then go through the shoot for ranking and editing, it is instant.

  4. Tim 17 October, 2017 at 10:21 Reply

    Sorry, but even with an i7 processor and 16gb RAM and generating 1:1 previews, I still have to wait 3-5 seconds between photos in loupe view.

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