
I’m Giving Away a Platypod Ultra Today!

Well, I’m picking the winner today, and announcing the winner here tomorrow. All you have to do is leave a comment below (you can just say hi, or whatever), and you’re entered.

If you’re wondering “What’s a Platypod?” it’s an awesome camera support, like a tripod but without legs, so security guards don’t freak out when you use one (well, that’s one big benefit). It also allows you to easily put your camera in places where a tripod would fit, or if you just want a really interest low or high perspective. It’s made of aircraft-grade aluminum; it’s light and strong as heck, but it literally fits in your shirt pocket. These things have become a sensation, and I take mine everywhere!

You attach a ball-head, and you’re ready to shoot.
Here’s an example, taken in the Venice, Italy Opera House (where tripods are forbidden). Check out the low perspective (which hides the tourists sitting in chairs to the left on a guided tour).
Here’s my Platypod in the Vatican, where tripods are also forbidden and everybody’s trying to hand-hold shots in this amazing cathedral….well, except me. I’m getting super sharp longer exposures at 100 ISO.
Here’s the shot, taken with a 14mm super-wide angle lens.

Anyway, I hope you win!

This contest is open to everyone, everywhere (if you win, we’ll ship it wherever), so good luck to everybody! Leave a comment below and you’re entered. Hey, ya never know, right?

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you’ll drop by back tomorrow — I’ve got a Lightroom tip and I’m hoping to post a link to my shots from my trip to rural China. Have a great Thursday, everybody!


P.S. If you live in the Dallas area or Richmond, I’ll be there next week with My “Ultimate Photography Crash Course” full-day seminar. Come out and spend the day with me. Tickets and info here.



  1. Barbara Olson 13 October, 2019 at 16:16 Reply

    Hey Scott…just want to thank you for all the tips and support throughout the years. I started learning from you with PS2. I continue to this very day. You revolutionized my photography!

  2. Martijn Rooker 13 October, 2019 at 14:03 Reply

    Hey Scott, great device. That will put everything in a new perspective. Would love to try to make pictures like that!
    Cheers from Austria!

  3. Caroline Foster 12 October, 2019 at 02:22 Reply

    Oooh……I ‘met’ my first Platypod (though we thought it should be called a Flatipod…..or maybe a Phlatipod) on last weekend’s Worldwide Photo Walk 😀 Instant gear lust! To win one would most certainly satisfy that lust.

  4. craig 11 October, 2019 at 15:31 Reply

    I know that you have been recommending these for years, but I have always used my foot instead. Would love to have one.

  5. maury englander 11 October, 2019 at 11:35 Reply

    This will go perfectly with my gray hair…….the change in hair color pretty much marked the time I started taking a closer look at my gear, particularly in terms of weight and bulk. Fill frame DSLR to M4/3, aluminum to carbon fiber and like that. This looks like a perfecr replacement for about a pound of table top supports. Thanks!

  6. Rob Candis 11 October, 2019 at 07:48 Reply

    Hi Scott,
    I already feel like a winner with some of the great tips you’ve passed on over the years.
    You’ve help me become a much better photographer.
    Winning a Platypod would be the “Cherry on top”!

  7. John 11 October, 2019 at 07:38 Reply

    Your tutorials are excellent and I have a couple of your books. I have learned a great deal through your dedication to the craft and look forward to continuing in my pursuit and finding my niche in photography. All the Best!

  8. Jennifer 11 October, 2019 at 06:22 Reply

    How you doin‘?

    I know!

    May I offer you a sarcastic comment…or cheese?

    You know, in prison you two would be my bitches?

    We were on a break!

    I feel erotically charged.

  9. Gerrit 11 October, 2019 at 01:28 Reply

    They don’t sell these in South Africa. Even according to their website, Africa isn’t even on the list. Wouldn’t mind having one as I like collecting and shooting with all sorts of Photography gadgets.

  10. Terry Richmond 11 October, 2019 at 00:27 Reply

    I would love to have one of these. I could probably leave my travel tripod behind when I ATV and use the PlatyPod instead.

  11. Thomas Hucksoll 10 October, 2019 at 23:46 Reply

    Hi Scott! Love your work and books and would love to win this playapod it’s been on my list for a while now.

  12. Vikram 10 October, 2019 at 23:21 Reply

    I would love to have one of these as most of my photography is done in dimly lit places and this will be of great help instead of lugging the tripod around.

  13. Irwin Strowe 10 October, 2019 at 20:22 Reply

    Like your new series LR in 30 seconds – always found Benjamin Ward very informative and look forward to many of your posts. Will be checking here for your China photos, enjoyed your Faroe Island photos too. Is your web design here new? I don’t remember it looking this way – if so, I like it.

    I find collections hard to use what I do but I am trying – keep telling me how they are better and maybe I will find a way to make it easier.

  14. Dennis Zito 10 October, 2019 at 20:16 Reply

    Hey Scott,

    Wow! Thanks for making this offer. Hope I’m not to late to enter. Sure could use the PlatyPod!



  15. Lisa 10 October, 2019 at 18:48 Reply

    I loved loved loved your latenight ClickCon’19 Marketing Session! I’ve never used a Platypod and would absolutely go to town with it!!!! Thanks for being such a great coach & encourager!

  16. John Wilkinson 10 October, 2019 at 18:01 Reply

    I’ll be going to to Seattle Volunteer Park Conservatory soon. This will be perfect for upshots in the plants’ bright glassed-in environment. A friend just gave me his CamRanger wireless remote. Perfect combo to get the perfect image.

  17. Ann Barber 10 October, 2019 at 17:20 Reply

    Neat! Love learning about these tools of the trade. Excited and can’t wait to see you in Atlanta in November to hear about more.

  18. Roberto Montanez 10 October, 2019 at 16:10 Reply

    Until recently, I had never heard about the PlatyPod. I was in Chicago at a workshop photographing the city streets. The instructor was using one and it was then that I found out and saw the usefulness of this amazing tool. This is a tool that every photographer dreams to own for our cityscapes.

  19. Skip White 10 October, 2019 at 16:01 Reply

    Scott Kelby! Your Photoshop and Lightroom books have taught me everything I know about those applications. I buy your new book with every new version of the software. Immensely helpful! Thanks!

  20. Kelly Bunch 10 October, 2019 at 15:58 Reply

    Pick me! Pick me! I’m going to Hawaii in December and I’d love to have this for my trip. Thank you for always being so generous with giveaways.

  21. Teresa Quesenberry 10 October, 2019 at 15:57 Reply

    I would love to win a platypod, and apparently so would hundreds of other people lol. I had never heard of it until this article!! Hoping for some good luck now, since my tripod broke months ago 🙁

  22. Cristyn Merry 10 October, 2019 at 15:38 Reply

    I would love to win a Platypod Ultra! Entering the giveaway and hunting for tips to make LR run faster on my 2015 MacBook Pro. Thank you!

  23. Jim Kurovsky 10 October, 2019 at 15:31 Reply

    The Platypod would have saved me from many out of focus photos. There are times a tripod isn’t the best solution.

  24. Scott Gerber 10 October, 2019 at 15:22 Reply

    The Platypod Ultra is already on my Christmas list after seeing your amazing travel shots taken in places where tripods aren’t allowed. So, if I’m lucky enough to win, it will be like Scott Kelby is doing his best St. Nick impersonation.

    • Sue Day 10 October, 2019 at 16:34 Reply

      Thanks for all your wonderful teaching Scott, anyone that tells me that they don’t get lightroom, I recommend your resources to them.

  25. Darryl Thompkins 10 October, 2019 at 14:34 Reply

    Hi Scott
    I would love the opportunity to win a platypod. At 6′ 5 and a half it’s getting harder to down low. Not to mention I’m on my second pair of knee pads!
    Thanks and keep on keeping on. Love your teaching style.

  26. Mark Burdette 10 October, 2019 at 13:44 Reply

    Hey Scott:
    Big fan here, member of Kelby One and have taken lots of valuable courses, and attended several of your live seminars in the Dallas Ft. Worth area. Would love to win the Platypod Ultra!

  27. Roger Greenwood 10 October, 2019 at 13:44 Reply

    Great to get the low-down on this low-down (and elsewhere!) product. Are you really willing to ship to UK? Hope so …

  28. Roy Sutherland 10 October, 2019 at 13:16 Reply

    I’d love one of these … I saw one on a walk with Dave Williams about a year ago; fantastic piece of kit.

  29. Paul Streu 10 October, 2019 at 13:16 Reply

    Hi Scott! How low can you go! Disappointed I was out of town for your cChicago photowalk. Would have joined for sure.

  30. Diana Brown 10 October, 2019 at 12:52 Reply

    Well I’ll be that’s pretty darn cool. I am a very armature photographer. I love taking pictures. My camera is not fancy but that doesn’t stop me. I have several of your books Scott. Having the PlatyPod would be amazing. I enjoy your stories and pictures.
    Have a great day.

  31. Mathias Mirheim 10 October, 2019 at 11:15 Reply

    Hi Scott!
    While I’m taking up this comment space for the contest, I throw in a question as well. Do you know if there is a reseller here in europe for the Platypod?

    All the best

  32. Reno DiTullio 10 October, 2019 at 10:27 Reply

    I always have a Platypod with me, even when I carry a tripod. I sometimes keep the Ultra mounted to my camera when carrying with a Black Rapid sling.

  33. Johan Slagers 10 October, 2019 at 10:23 Reply

    I’m from the netherlands and the Platypod is just as flat as the netherlands.
    I would love to win the Platypod

  34. Lisa Ireton 10 October, 2019 at 10:14 Reply

    I would love a PlatyPod Ultra! I could stash it in my purse, and my husband wouldn’t get that “Oh no, the tripod” look on his face. Also very handy for all the museums in Vancouver where I can’t take a tripod, and for taking hiking up the mountains.
    I enjoy LightRoom Killer Tips very much, and have had a lot of help when I asked questions.

  35. Terri Smith 10 October, 2019 at 10:13 Reply

    Can’t be a Scott Kelby fan without knowing what a PlatyPod is! (ha ha) I don’t have one – but I reeeaaallly want one – so I’d love to win this! Thank you for giving one away.

  36. Javi Zavala 10 October, 2019 at 10:00 Reply

    I am so happy that you are updating the lightroom tips with those 60 seconds videos! Thanks for all you do to make photographers happy!

  37. Janie Neary 10 October, 2019 at 09:58 Reply

    I purchased your book-The Landscape Photography book and loved it so well that I purchased one for my brother.

  38. Mark 10 October, 2019 at 09:57 Reply

    I’ve been looking into one of these recently after being let down by my table top tripod and missing some ‘killer shots’ it made me a bit of a sad panda.

  39. Paul Parkinson 10 October, 2019 at 09:50 Reply

    Gosh, this is timely. I’ve just lost the bolt that fixes my tripod head to my FPLATE (remember them?) and because I am in the UK, I simply cannot get another one (we’re all metric!!)

    Winning this would be a HUGE thing for me!

  40. Steven Gotz 10 October, 2019 at 09:47 Reply

    It would certainly help this old man get low a lot easier. Who am I kidding? I never even try to get that low anymore!

    See you in South San Francisco next month.

  41. Donna Niemann 10 October, 2019 at 09:47 Reply

    I want a PlatyPod so much!! Sadly out of my reach on limited income, just like the Dallas workshop! I live an hour away, but way to short on money.
    So, I could use the PlatyPod.
    Enjoy your time in Dallas area!

  42. BeckiG 10 October, 2019 at 09:37 Reply

    Thanks for all you bring to us through Kelby One. It makes such a difference in some many of our lives. There is always so much to learn and you and the other instructors that you introduce us to through Kelby One help make our lists shorter. Look forward to more on travel.

  43. Sheri Harvey 10 October, 2019 at 09:33 Reply

    Been looking at one of these for a while now and I’m getting an opportunity to be in Greece in November! This would sure make thing a lot simpler that trying to take a tripod.

  44. Susie O. 10 October, 2019 at 09:30 Reply

    I have no idea how a PlatyPod works – can’t see why it doesn’t tip over but have faith as if you’re recommending a product Scott, it’s usually because it’s well-designed and useful.
    Thanks for all I’ve learned from you so far

  45. Michael Scarton 10 October, 2019 at 09:30 Reply

    Every time I visit your page (LightroomKillertips, KelbyOne, facebook etc) I learn something knew and useful. When I am done, I leave smarter than when I started. Thanks for being a great teacher Scott. Looking forward to your Ultimate Photography Crash Course coming to a city near Gainesville, FL

  46. Gary SIMM 10 October, 2019 at 09:22 Reply

    Thanks for sponsoring the Kelby Walk. Met a lot of nice people and found a lot of interesting views I’ve walked by a 100 times.

  47. Ellen 10 October, 2019 at 09:08 Reply

    I’ve drooled over that device ever since I saw you demonstrate it at the KelbyOne seminar in Minneapolis! Haven’t picked one up yet (barely been able to pick up my camera – you would not beLIEVE my work schedule); winning one would be aces, especially from you!!

  48. Cathy Firmbach 10 October, 2019 at 09:05 Reply

    I always enjoy your giveaways and the chance to win cool prizes. Thanks! I enjoy your classes and killer tips even more! Great to meet you at your Ultimate tour too. Keep them coming please.

  49. Eddie Brooks 10 October, 2019 at 09:04 Reply

    This would be amazing to even try out! Thanks for always giving out great prizes that let us try out cool gear!

  50. Cathy Bennington 10 October, 2019 at 09:00 Reply

    Oh oh! There’s getting to be plenty of comments. I guess I’ll not the only one who still doesn’t have one of these cool devises. Maybe i’ll Win one tomorrow – I sure hope so. Thanks for the chance Scott.

  51. Jeison 10 October, 2019 at 08:59 Reply

    Looks like a really useful device, especially for places where tripods/monopods are not allowed.

    Would love one!
    and ever better if with your autograph too.

  52. christine fischer 10 October, 2019 at 08:56 Reply

    Yeah, I could definitely need one. I moved last year from FL to Sicily, Italy and left almost everything at the storage over there. Also my tripods etc. The Platypod Ultra would feel so good here in Sicily 🙂

  53. Erick 10 October, 2019 at 08:25 Reply

    This would be very useful for all sorts of things. In my case I could use it to place a remote camera in the end zone of a football game or point it towards 1st base at a baseball game.

  54. Conny 10 October, 2019 at 08:24 Reply

    yes, weight is always a issue when we are getting older, haha
    I could use that pod also for some Music Videos, from a low angle!

    Anyway… cheers

  55. Ramona Janes 10 October, 2019 at 08:19 Reply

    Good morning Scott! You said to say hello or whatever, so Hello and whatever! Hope I win this seriously, I’m getting to old to be dragging my tripod on trips with me. Have a great day!

  56. Marie Graichen 10 October, 2019 at 08:19 Reply

    Hi Scott! Enjoyed seeing you in Boston! If I am primary using the Canon RP with the 28-70 lens, would you recommend the smaller or larger Platypod?

    • Lorelei 10 October, 2019 at 08:21 Reply

      Hey, there! I love photographing low angle —worm’s eye view! My back is starting to hurt with my regular tripod. The Platypod has got to be the “better way” to do it, right?

      Thanks for all you share!

  57. Lewis Johnston 10 October, 2019 at 08:13 Reply

    Hey Scott
    Love the new Lightroom Killer Tips format. It is very readable and well designed.
    Kudos to your graphics folks!

  58. Jill Brunks 10 October, 2019 at 08:11 Reply

    Thank you so much for all of the educational content you provide for people like me who want to learn to be the best photographer I can be. Kelby One is awesome and I love the Lightroom tips!

  59. Andi 10 October, 2019 at 08:10 Reply

    ACK! I had no idea this was a thing and now I HAVE TO HAVE IT! 😉 I’m going on the “trip of a lifetime” (for me) to Italy in 2020 so your photo examples are basically a big tease, LOL!

  60. Jesse Feyereisen 10 October, 2019 at 08:03 Reply

    Good morning Scott! It was great to meet you briefly at Photoshop World in Vega this past Aug. It was an amazing week and I hope to be able to go again next year! Fingers crossed for a Platypod in my future!

  61. OUATTARA 10 October, 2019 at 08:03 Reply

    this year I discovered this great gentleman in the world of photography and I’m proud
    I will be honestly honored by the winner to start a career. Congratulation to the future winner.

  62. Alexios 10 October, 2019 at 07:59 Reply

    I ‘ve seen you so many times using the platypod that I am curious to try it myself. It would be great to win one!

  63. Tom Vanduffel 10 October, 2019 at 07:55 Reply

    Heard so many good things about the platypod. Last week, during the worldwide photowalk, the walk leader had a platypod and this was the first time i had one in in my hands. He told me about the functionality it brings for him, and man, that is one multifunctional tool. Who wouldn’t want one?

  64. Krystle 10 October, 2019 at 07:53 Reply

    Hi Scott! Thanks for creating the worldwide photowalk. I had such a blast leading the group around Patchogue, NY. …could’ve used a platypod though. Fingers crossed!!

  65. Carl Green 10 October, 2019 at 07:51 Reply

    Hi! I hike, and dragging even a travel tripod around is getting to be a pain for my aging ass. A Platypod might offer a useful solution in some circumstances, saving me a lot of sore shoulders from dragging that heavy gear around. I would certainly like the chance to find out. 🙂

  66. Laurent DELPLANQUE 10 October, 2019 at 07:48 Reply

    I built a DIY version but it’s definitely not as good as the original one, so I would be very happy to win one 🙂

  67. Jonas Demeulemeester 10 October, 2019 at 07:46 Reply

    This would be an interesting tool for first dance shots on weddings while I shoot with my other camera, this could stand somewhere on the ground or up high, and I can fire it with my remote between other shots…

    If I don’t win it, I will look for it (if they get it here in Belgium)

  68. Poichotte Emmanuel 10 October, 2019 at 07:42 Reply

    You don’t know how I’m impressed by your photo with the PlatyPod. Thank you to show us this product.

  69. Mario Linares 10 October, 2019 at 07:38 Reply

    I moved this to the top of my wishlist after they wouldn’t let me bring my tripod into Arlington National Cemetery….

  70. John Michael 10 October, 2019 at 07:36 Reply

    Can’t Wait to see you in Richmond on the 21st – Trying to up my game – Would love to have a Max for the size and convenience.

    Thanks for the offer to all of us – Congratulations to the lucky person!!

  71. Stephanie Palmer 10 October, 2019 at 07:33 Reply

    Hey Scott 🙂 I’d absolutely love one! Recently bought myself a Nikon D7500 & I am having photographers block as I keep shooting the same things. To have a Platypod that could give me a different view of scenery wherever I go, would be amazing!

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