Lightroom Presets

Free Lightroom 4 Presets – The Ultimate Fighter

I’ve been busy going through my old Lightroom 3 presets and updating them for Lightroom 4. I figured I’d start with the most popular ones and the Ultimate Fighter look was one of them. There’s 3 versions and while they seem to work best on dark dramatic photos, they work on brighter photos as well. It’s just got to be a photo that you want to add a dramatic gritty effect to (probably not a good family portrait effect). It also works great on other types of photos too, so give it a try on anything and see what you come up with. As always, your comments are welcome. Download ’em and let me know what you think.

The Presets:
• Click here to download the presets.
• Here’s a video that’ll help you install and organize your presets.
• Here’s a couple of examples (click to see it larger).



  1. LAP - English 6 June, 2012 at 10:30 Reply

    Greetings, the solution to the problem is to extract the files: -> enter the ZIP file and each file delete the character “|”, then we can extract it without problem!. happiness

  2. LAP 6 June, 2012 at 10:29 Reply

    Saludos, la solucion al problema al extraer los archivos es: -> Ingresen al archivo ZIP y a cada archivo borren el caracter ” | ” , luego ya pueden extraerlo sin problema!. Felicidad

  3. JD 15 April, 2012 at 21:03 Reply

    Turns out Windows 7 extract utility has issues with this archive. I used Peazip and was finally able to get it to download and extract.

  4. Marti Buckely 12 April, 2012 at 08:32 Reply

    Has the question of the empty folder been answered? I’m on Windows Vista and I don’t see any files to change names on.

  5. Keith Boyd 11 April, 2012 at 00:04 Reply

    Hey Guys….At least I’m not the only one who can’t get the files……makes me feel a little bit better.

  6. NAPP_News 10 April, 2012 at 11:43 Reply

    I just downloaded it and the files were there. I’m using Chrome. To save a file in Chrome, right-click the download link and click “Save Link As…” Then, choose where you want to place the Zip. =)

  7. Derek 9 April, 2012 at 22:38 Reply

    Not sure why, but I can’t open it either… the folder is empty when I double click on it, and when i right click and “extract” it says the file is invalid…. ?

  8. Andrew 9 April, 2012 at 19:33 Reply

    Preset looks great, but like Ronnie I get an error trying to unzip the file saying that it’s invalid. The zipped file actually doesn’t look like it contains any compressed files on my Windows 7 machine. I’ve never had issues unzipping/installing your other presets (just tried some of your other ones) so I’m wondering if there is something funky about these particular files. Thanks for your great presets and tutorials! Keep up the great work 🙂

  9. Joe Aragon 9 April, 2012 at 17:54 Reply

    Hey Matt,

    Same problem as Ronnie. I’ve downloaded several times with no success. It’s like the zip is empty, so it errors out as invalid.

    I’ll try again tomorrow…

  10. laura 9 April, 2012 at 16:33 Reply

    I can download ’em but I can’t save them. wondering if it is due to the “|” symbol. I am a PC user.

  11. Luis 9 April, 2012 at 16:03 Reply

    Thanks for making these available. I am having a problem… the zip file is empty. downloads ok but there is nothing inside.


  12. Beverly 9 April, 2012 at 15:22 Reply

    I’m having the same trouble as Ronnie. Have tried two different browsers about 5 times total and it says the file is invalid. Any suggestions?

  13. Linda 9 April, 2012 at 15:21 Reply

    Thanks for the presets, Matt. I just tried to download this one too, and it said the file was invalid. Tried it twice…..

  14. RON 9 April, 2012 at 14:04 Reply

    Matt, what are you changing or adding to your LR4 revised presets?

    what is most often going to be different about them?


      • RON 11 April, 2012 at 11:45 Reply


        I have a question maybe you can help me out.

        I need to figure out how to change the default edit in Photoshop to my most current version. Right now its using an earlier version, before it wasn’t really an issue. I had just created an alternate edit in, but I am finding that I am not benefiting from being able to open as smart object, as layers ect. In looking in the registry I see that the previous version of Photoshop has also a current version entry and my most current version does not. would you think that deleting the older versions current version entry and creating the same entry for the most current version would correct this?

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