Lightroom Presets

Calendar Preset Follow-Up

A couple of week’s ago, I posted about some awesome calendar print presets created by blog reader Ed Weaver. Well, another blog reader (Thomas Ljungberg) was kind enough to follow up and create some more calendar print templates for those of you (mostly outside the US) who’s calendar week starts on Monday (kinda makes more sense to me anyway) 🙂
If you haven’t seen the post yet then make sure you go back and check it out. The original idea, and follow up from Thomas is absolutely clever, outstanding, and very well put together.

Here’s the link to Thomas’s non-US templates. Thanks Thomas!



  1. John Swarce 17 January, 2011 at 07:49 Reply

    When you think about it, it really does make more sense to have the weeks start on Monday. Heck, they do call Saturday and Sunday the “week end”!

    Nice job, Thomas!


  2. Per-Christian Nilssen 17 January, 2011 at 05:01 Reply

    As one of the guys who commented on the former thread regarding the starting weekdays, I’d like to say a BIG THANK YOU to Thomas for the templates!

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