Hey there. Hope your Friday is going well. Here’s a few things to check out while you’re surfing around.

• Nik Software has announced Silver Efex Pro 2 – an update to it’s award-winning kick butt Black and White plug-in.

• I just finished watching Jeremy Cowart’s new LifeFinder DVD. What a perfect combination of inspiration and instruction. You get to see everything from his thoughts on photography, how he goes about business and the creative side of his work, as well as full shoots so you can see it all in action.

• I’ll be taking the Lightroom 2 Live Tour to Houston on March 9th. Make sure you snag a seat now. Also, I’m teaching the Photoshop CS5 for Photographers Tour in Covington, KY next Friday (Jan 28th) and in Austin, TX the following Friday (Feb 4). There’s still room so sign up over at Kelby Training Live.

• Scott and I just recorded our latest episode of DTown TV. It’ll be up next week (sorry it’s late but there were a few projects that had to get done first). Also, Photoshop User TV has been back for a few weeks now so make sure you stop and watch that one too.

• And now for the tip: If you’re in the Develop module and you want to see a quick Before/After view of your photo, just press the Y key. This shows you the before and after side-by-side. Then press Y again to get back to your regular Loupe view. Now, if you want to see a full screen Before/After try pressing the (backslash) key. The view will change to your Before image (no side by side comparison). Then press to get back to the After view.

Have a great weekend!



  1. Stephen Wensley 26 January, 2011 at 10:08 Reply

    Is there a way of adding subtitles to print module contact sheets?

    I’m a sports photographer and cover racing events. I’m trying to find a way of helping offline clients find their images quickly and easily, whilst minimising by workflow through using templates or presets.

    I would like to print off a contact sheet for the entire event, but have a sub-title applied to each individual race (say one title for 30 images, and then another sub title followed by that race’s images). The only options appear to be the identify plate or using photo info. The images are imported into collections by race, and grouped into a collection set for the event (another bug bear – having to import each race seperately, rather than being able to assign keyword sets on a single event import to groups of images – perhaps based on the folders from the CF card)

    Photo info might work on each individual image as a compromise if I could use the child part of a keyword hierarchy and exclude the parent. But currently it just appears to add all keywords in the hierarchy attached to the image.

    So can I either attach a subtitle to the first image in a collection and group images below that in the print module, or use the photo info edit template to insert partial keyword hierarchies?


  2. jlua 23 January, 2011 at 07:30 Reply

    A long term gripe I´ve had with LR is that you can´t use the key when using a Spanish keyboard. I used to be able to hack it until LR Ver. 3 arrived, because they removed the directory where the hack went.

    LR should implement a keyboard mapper, so that we can change keyboard shortcut mappings.

  3. Yohan 22 January, 2011 at 18:17 Reply

    Hey Matt,
    I have not ever used Silver Efex Pro 2, I would like to. But I’d like to know how does it integrate itself with lightroom?
    Thank you,

  4. Simon 22 January, 2011 at 08:03 Reply

    Cowart’s DVD is $249 and that is a pre-sale Special Offer?!?!!!!

    That is just ridiculous, regardless of what’s in it, how can 2 DVDs be worth $250? I was expecting $20-$50, tops.

    The whole instruction/workshop market is turning into a complete rip-off, you guys give much better value, as do Creative Live. This kind of gouging really turns me off people like Jeremy and Joey L. They deserve to get pirated at those crazy prices IMO.

    • Pete 30 January, 2011 at 17:47 Reply

      I agree the price is very high, too high unfortunately. However, that is not a reason to steal his intellectual property. I’d love to see Jeremy’s videos, but I’ll have to wait until the price comes down to a more reasonable ($50-100). Again, we should wait and let the market drive the price, not steal his hard work.


  5. Dan Zientek 21 January, 2011 at 16:56 Reply

    Just saw that you are coming to Houston, TX. in March. Look forward to seeing you. I posted the link on the Houston Lightroom meetup site. Thanks for all you do, you are awesome!!

  6. Glyn Dewis 21 January, 2011 at 15:42 Reply

    Hi Matt.

    Cheers for the Friday News…

    I was turned on to Silver Efex Pro after hearing yourself, Scott and the gang giving it so much praise when it was first released; and rightfully so. An incredible oiece of kit that is my ‘go to’ for B&W conversions. The update looks very interesting so I guess my next stop is over to Nik to download the upgrade 🙂

    Re Jeremy Cowart’s DVD ‘LifeFinder’ I wholeheartedly agree with you…awesome! I got my copy delivered last week and have watched it over and over. So much so having read Alan Hess’ new book iPad:Fully Loaded I’ve now converted it to use on my iPad for watching ‘on the go’.

    Talking of the iPad, as you all are no doubt we’re eager for the Kelby Training App for the iPad to finally launch…any update on that at all?

    Thanks again and have a great weekend,

    ps> Speak soon re you know what 😉

    • Matt Kloskowski 22 January, 2011 at 10:43 Reply

      Hey Glyn,
      iPad app is still under way. The video conversion process is turning out to be much more than we ever thought. Still plugging away though 🙂

      And yes, we’ll definitely get together on the other project.

  7. Michael Preston 21 January, 2011 at 14:40 Reply

    I’ll pass along a tip I discovered last night…when using the crop tool, if you press the Command key (CTRL on Windows), the cursor becomes a ruler for straightening the image (similar to ACR and PS where you draw a straight line to level a horizon).

    Most folks may already know it, but I don’t recall it being addressed in any tutorials I’ve seen so I figured I’d throw it out there.

  8. Janine Smith 21 January, 2011 at 13:38 Reply


    I hope that’s the Lightroom 3 tour, not Lightroom 2? Here in Los Angeles it was fantastic, and really got me using Lightroom more and smarter. Highly recommended, folks!

  9. John Swarce 21 January, 2011 at 13:24 Reply


    We are all gong thru D-Town withdrawal! Can’t wait to see the new set.

    Any plans for Kelby tours to come to Boston sometime this year?

    Thanks for the LR tip…that will come in handy!


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