Who’s Teaching on Our Live 3-Day Lightroom Training Track
Hi gang and happy Friday (real quick, watch that short 1-min video trailer above just to get you in the mood, then pick up right here).
I just wanted to share the teaching roster for our 3-day full Lightroom training track at the Photoshop World 2016 Conference in Las Vegas (July 19-21, 2016) and of course, you’re invited to come join us.
We are so excited to have Matt back teaching Lightroom at the conference this year, (of course, he’ll be teaching some photography classes, too). So glad he’ll be with us “rockin’ the houseski” (sorry, I couldn’t help myself).
Mesdames et Messieurs, we are proud to have French photographer and Lightroom instructor, the one and only Serge Ramelli. Tres bon!
We are very psyched to have Trey teaching some Travel photography / Photoshop & Lightroom stuff. You’ll love getting to learn from him.
I love this guy. He’s really a brilliant next year thinker and photographer, and he’s doing a session on sharpening in Lightroom. If you’ve caught his Visual Literacy class on KelbyOne, you know this guy is the real deal.
Adobe’s own Lightroom Mobile Senior Product manager is teaching a special session on Adobe’s Mobile Apps track called “Editing Tricks with Lightroom for Mobile” (all Full Conference attendees have free full access to Adobe’s new Mobile App training track).
Oh yeah the Diva herself is back! She’s one of the most gifted teachers in our industry and we’re thrilled to have her back, and joining us on our Lightroom track. A real treat.
The man, the legend, and one of the most popular Lightroom trainers anywhere, Adobe’s own Terry White is joining us again this year. Not only does he know Lightroom inside and out, he’s an incredibly entertaining presenter.
Julieanne Kost
Adobe’s own Lightroom evangelist; photographer, and master Lightroom trainer Julieanne is back again. I never sit in one of Julieanne’s sessions without learning something new.
I love Rich’s concept for this Lightroom class – it’s called “Triple Exposure in Lightroom – Panoramics, HDR, & Time Lapse Post Processing Tips.” Rich is the perfect guy to teach this class (you’ll learn a lot).
You know I’ve gotta be there, right? Oh yeah! I’m teaching three classes covering Lightroom Mobile, Creating Photo Books, and a class that spawned the name of this site: Lightroom Killer Tips.
I really want you to come and join us this summer…
and if you get your ticket now, you can save $100 by registering early, and if you’re a KelbyOne member, you save another $100 off the regular full conference pass ticket price, so basically…pack your bags — we’re going to Vegas!
Hope you all have a great weekend. I’m off to Seattle for my seminar on Tuesday, and then I’m taping some new classes out along the Oregon Coast, and wrapping up the week on Friday with my seminar in Portland.
Hope I’ll run into you in one of those West Coast spots! 🙂
Thanks Everyone for your contribution