
Weekly Worth-a-click

Howdy folks. Thanks for all the great comments about the graduated filter presets earlier this week. Glad you enjoyed ’em. Here’s a few links of interest:

• Fotomagico 2.6 is out (the slideshow software that I swear by) and it now supports Adobe Lightroom 2 libraries.

• onOne Software’s PhotoFrame 4 plug-in now works with Lightroom.

• This is more of a Photoshop thing but I thought it was cool. Keyboard shortcut stickers for your keyboard.

• Lastly, we have a facebook page. I wanted to keep my personal facebook page for close friends and family members to view. So we (the Photoshop Guys – Dave, Scott and I) created a Photoshop Guys facebook page. We’ll post behind the scenes photos, links etc… on it so make sure you stop by and “friend” it 🙂

• Finally, I posted some answers to some comment-questions for Tuesday preset post. In fact, I do this as often as I can so make sure you go back every few days and re-read the comments from any posts you like here.



  1. David Aspinall 18 November, 2008 at 11:52 Reply

    On reading your comment about Fotomagico I looked at the site was impressed and bought it…
    There is a bug relating to portrait photographs generally but also imported from certain cameras.
    This means it only works in landscape mode.
    They say it is on their to do list but nothing appears in their advertising about the problem and for me it is a big problem.


  2. xtexan 4 November, 2008 at 17:26 Reply

    The Fotomagico software looks great. However, it’s Mac only. Can you recommend a slideshow package of similar quality, compatible with PCs?

  3. Matthew Goldsmith 3 November, 2008 at 14:36 Reply

    Hi Matt:

    I just want to second one of the comments above regarding Fotomajico. When I import photos from Lightroom I also just get the original RAW files. I emailed Boinx. They say that Lightroom doesn’t share edited images with other applications, thus the collections/images would have to be exported first, then imported into Fotomajico. Is there an easier solution?


  4. Ron Larsen 1 November, 2008 at 19:38 Reply

    Hello Matt,

    I have been trying to use Nik Silver Efex Pro for Black & White conversions, It works in CS3 but when I try to use the Plug-in manager in Lightroom 2.1 and direct it to where it is in the plug-in file in the CS3 it can not find the file. It sees the Nik folder for plug in but can not see a file. I understand Niks program works with Elements. Any suggestions?

    Also any suggestion for speeding up LR2?


  5. Matt Pavel 31 October, 2008 at 23:38 Reply

    Hi Matt,

    Great work, Ive got a question for you or anyone else who might can answer it. I’m using a raid drive setup to store an exact duplicate of all of my images on one drive. In Lightroom 2.0 the new volumes feature seems to be a bit confused. It is showing both drives but separating which ones it is putting my photos into. This drives me crazy because I keep my folders organized by date and now they are split up because they are showing up in two separate volumes. Is this a problem with Lightroom working with a Raid drive or is it a problem with my Raid setup?

    Thanks again,


  6. Dave 31 October, 2008 at 13:44 Reply

    Fotomagico looks cool, but I’m stuck on a PC platform. Does anyone have recommendations of a similar product for deprived PC users? I’ve considered jumping into ProShow Gold, but I don’t know much about it.

  7. Ron 31 October, 2008 at 09:57 Reply

    Hi Matt
    First thanks for all of the help with lightroom 2. Watched your video on camera calibration beta settings – followed the down-load instructions for both Raw 4.5 and Lightroom 2 but settings do not appear in either. Now what?

    Thanks again for your great instructon.

  8. Julian Adams 31 October, 2008 at 06:49 Reply

    Hi Matt,

    Greetings from Switzerland – your posts are really useful, and keep showing me things that I haven’t found myself!

    I was wondering if you knew if there was a plugin for MobileMe?

    Thanks and keep up the great work.

  9. John Larson 30 October, 2008 at 19:00 Reply

    When you go to Plug-in Extras to open up PhotoFrame, a dialog box asks if you want it to go to CS3 or CS4, and then it sends the file on over for the PhotoFrame 4 processing. I have had some problems with its coming back in to LR 2.1. However, if I go straight to Edit in CS4, click on PhotoFrame 4 when the file has opened; then save it back to LR; everything works perfectly. I don’t see where you gain anything from the plug-in.

  10. Jerry Herman 30 October, 2008 at 15:45 Reply

    your new graduated presets will not work on my computer. I put them into the correct folder but when i use the graduated tool in develope mode they are not there…can you help please

  11. Simone 30 October, 2008 at 15:09 Reply

    I’ve had a look at Fotomagico, but it does not seem to take my Lightroom development changes on DNGs into account. Am I doing something wrong?


  12. Rix 30 October, 2008 at 14:36 Reply

    Hi Matt,

    Fantastic website – great work! You are empowering people across the globe!

    Quick question for you – I have the latest iMac with 4GB RAM. I use LR 2 as 32bit only because I only have 4GB RAM. I ran it as 64bit but didn’t notice any difference. What would you recommend?

  13. Kurt 30 October, 2008 at 10:44 Reply

    Hi Matt,
    Great to see you again yesterday at the Lightroom 2 class in Orlando. Thanks for all the great posts on you blog, love the presets. Talk to you soon about Naples.

  14. Gena 30 October, 2008 at 10:34 Reply

    Hi, Matt.
    Thank you for all your great stuff.
    Photomatix 3.1 with export plug-in for LR already out.
    Do you have any video tutorials on this in the future?

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