The Lightroom Show

Hoping to Launch “The Lightroom Show” Here Tomorrow

lrshow bts

Above: Behind the scene of RC and I getting our mics and stuff ready for the taping on set (photo by Kathy Porupski)

SHOW UPDATE: OK, we’re not 100% on this, but my video crew is trying to get the production stuff done so we can launch the first episode of “The Lightroom Show” here tomorrow, so keep your fingers crossed.

Also, we’re working on a link where you can submit images for us to take them from start to finish in Lightroom in an upcoming episode so as soon as that’s ready, we’ll share that here as well, but we’re really excited about the possibility about a possible launch tomorrow so send all your good Karma (and boxes of chocolate) our video team’s way. 🙂





  1. Paul C 12 February, 2015 at 11:54 Reply

    Very excited. Set looks very blue, is that a hint at the color-scheme for LR6 ???

    Hope to catch the podcast in the UK

    Good Luck

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