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Deal Alert: only $7.99 a month for the Lightroom/Photoshop CC Bundle

If you’ve been holding out for a screaming deal…here ya go: Adobe is giving KelbyOne members a special deal on the Lightroom/Photoshop CC Photographers bundle — only $7.99 a month for the first year (for new subscribers, or renewals). Details below:


If you’re a KelbyOne member, here’s the link with details. If you’re not, you can find out more about us right here.

Hope you all have an awesome weekend, and we’ll catch ya back here on Monday. 🙂



P.S. Four quick questions: (1) Have you been wanting your own pro-looking online portfolio? (2) Are you an Adobe CC subscriber? (3) Are you a KelbyOne member? (4) Want your portfolio up and running this weekend? Cool! Then watch my new class on how to create your FREE awesome-looking portfolio using Adobe Portfolio, right here. It quick and easy, and you’ll love it!



  1. Geoff 17 November, 2017 at 08:53 Reply

    Just asking confirmation in regards to this being available in Canada. Also I’m heading out today for a few days so how long will this offer be available?

  2. Uncle Earl 11 June, 2016 at 12:00 Reply

    Cannot wait… for the Windows 10 update with BASH. It a Linux shell where Linux based applications can run on Windows 10. Darktable. Something very close to Lightroom. Should be able to do away with the $9.99 monthly fees. Just tips from your Uncle Earl. Carry on.

  3. Steve Kalman 7 June, 2016 at 05:57 Reply

    Could you do a quick tip sometime on how you did the red oval around the price? It is perfectly balanced and I really like the way the paint on the brush is solid a first but then begins to sputter (there must be a better word for that).

  4. Ryan 5 June, 2016 at 17:05 Reply

    If you have a current subscription, I was told by Adobe support that you need to cancel your current subscription and start a new subscription with the KelbyOne deal. If there is an early termination fee, contact Adobe. They waived it for me.

    • William Chinn 6 June, 2016 at 09:59 Reply

      Did your account number change or did it stay with your login. Please post if there are any negatives for this no “update” method. TY

      • Ryan 8 June, 2016 at 19:58 Reply

        It has been a few days and I have not noticed any adverse affects of cancelling then re-purchasing. I was able to successfully install the latest release of both Photoshop and Lightroom.

        Everything stayed with the login information.

  5. Florian 3 June, 2016 at 09:01 Reply

    I guess there is no Adobe love for those of us who have already beeb both CC subscribers and Kelbyone members 🙁 The again, Life is too short to worry about $2/month

  6. Colonel Blip 3 June, 2016 at 07:24 Reply

    I have a photo plan but it has a finite end to it. I would like to take advantage of the discount and renew for another year when my current plan expires. How do I do this?

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