Lightroom Presets

Preset – UPDATE: My Auto Preset

Last month, I made my Auto Adjustment preset available for download. This was a preset meant to be applied when importing your photos into Lightroom (you can read more about it here). At the time, I had just started using it and was really happy with the results so I wanted to share. However, since then I’ve come to realize my auto fix preset had a few flaws. First off, it added Clarity to everything. Great for landscapes and still life… bad for portraits. I also realized the edge darkening (Vignette setting) was too strong (again, good sometimes but bad other times). So I’ve gone in and made a few changes to this one and I’m making my new version available. This time, though, you get two of them 1) Auto Preset for Portraits 2) Auto Preset for Everything Else. Post a comment and let me know how they work for you. See ya.

Click here to see a sample of the preset.
Click here to download Matt’s Auto Adjustment Presets
Click here to see a video on how to install presets.



  1. Patricia 15 July, 2012 at 01:25 Reply

    i have downloaded the pre set, but when i try watch the video to see how to set up, it doesnt open, I have lightroom 3.. help

  2. SeanS 30 July, 2008 at 13:08 Reply

    A question, I know this thread is old but this just occurred to me today. The preset is applied when importing the pictures into lightroom. But, at a later time if you hit the Reset button in the Develop module, I assume this removes the auto adjustment preset, as well as anything else since you imported the picture? Therefore you would have to re-import the picture with the auto adjust preset to restore to what you started with?

    Thanks so much, appreciate all the great presets, and tips on the site!


  3. Ray 30 June, 2008 at 12:01 Reply

    The only issue I have with the preset is it’s judicial use of the brightness slider. Some images (yes, I know they were under exposed). Several images ended up with the brightness slider at 70+ and exposure compensation at 0. I’ve found that a bit of EC is better at holding the the image together. Is there a way to have EC adjusted instead of brightness?

  4. Alex 8 June, 2008 at 15:37 Reply

    hey matt, as usual you ROCK!! i’ve been using the 1st one since it came out. the 2 new ones look awesome.
    thanks for all your work.

  5. Krystal McGee 29 May, 2008 at 20:51 Reply

    Ok Matt, seriously stupid question, but I’m going to ask it anyway – can any of the actions I use in CS3 be used in LR? Is there a way to convert them?
    Love your work, you are the best,
    Regards from OZ

  6. mattk 28 May, 2008 at 15:42 Reply

    Thanks everyone. Glad you like the update. I’m a lot happier with it too.

    Jewrry – It’s working good for me. Sorry 🙂

    Kris – I have a Twitter plan. I actually haven’t started yet so I haven’t even made one post. I think I’m starting on June 1 though.

    Matt K

  7. Kris 28 May, 2008 at 10:14 Reply


    Thanks for all the great presets, I have been checking out the Lightroom 2 Beta and reworking my workflow to incorporate it — the presets have made it a great experience.

    By the way, you should update your Twitter feed once in awhile.



  8. timofej 28 May, 2008 at 02:48 Reply

    >Timofej you can edidt a preset by right clicking the setting title and click the “update with current setting”.

    Thank you for the tip but the preset would be hard coded in this case, i.e. the same adjustments will apply on all images. I’d like to preserve the automation of Matt’s presets.

  9. Violet 28 May, 2008 at 02:09 Reply

    Thanks so much for the update, used the original one and was very happy with the results, can’t wait to try out these new ones.

  10. Dennis Zito 27 May, 2008 at 23:34 Reply


    Thanks for the info. I wasn’t aware that the picture styles were for jpegs only. Back to the manual! 🙂



  11. Barbara 27 May, 2008 at 19:22 Reply

    Hi there

    I can’t seem to access any of your LR presets. My computer (PC Windows XP) gives me an “unrecognisable file type” message every time. I’ve watched your videos and followed all the steps but just get the same messages. In LR itself it says “wrong file type”. I have the unzip software which does not do anything either, and I’ve tried searching online for something to open the file type.

    What am I doing wrong? Help! I’d love to try out some of the presets.



  12. captain spin 27 May, 2008 at 18:14 Reply

    Timofej you can edidt a preset by right clicking the setting title and click the “update with current setting”. This is a very useful feature to tweak presets to suit your personal workflow.

  13. captain spin 27 May, 2008 at 18:06 Reply

    Dennis, Picture style prersets in the 40D are available when you use Jpeg settings and will import into LR with the Canon adjustments. This will not be like Matt’s presets at all. As always shooting RAW and importing into LR will give you the best chance of getting the most out of Matt’s presets. But they will work on Jpegs. Remember Matt has added some vibrance to his new presets and if you are tweaking your images with a picture style setting you may get a result that is too strong.

    Matt thanks for the new set. I like Dan tweaked the original preset much like you did. I add some recovery because of the high contrast conditions that I commonly work in.
    CS in tropical Australia.

  14. Dennis Zito 27 May, 2008 at 17:53 Reply

    Hi Matt,

    Thanks for doing these Pre-Sets. They are GREAT!

    I have a question for you. I use a Canon 40D. Could I use the picture style feature to accomplish the same type of pre-sets? Then when I input the original photo into lightroom it would import with the custom pre-set?

    Thanks again!


  15. timofej 27 May, 2008 at 16:03 Reply

    Thank you very much for sharing! Really nice work! As I understand it is impossible to edit the presets or is it?

    I’m using LR2.0b and I wonder whether it is possible to make the vignetting to be in the Post-Crop module and not in the Lens Correction module.

    It also seems that different adjustments apply depending on the photo. Is it something that you made yourself or do you use the built-in Auto function in LR? As far as I know there are no built-in Auto Clarity nor Auto Vibrance in LR. That’s why I’m asking how you did it.

    Best regards,

  16. Dan 27 May, 2008 at 15:21 Reply

    Thanks Matt! I had made some adjustments to your first auto release, which I have now deleted in favor of these two. Both work well.

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