Photoshop World Contest
OK, here’s the deal on the Photoshop World contest. I’m giving away a free pre-conference workshop (a value up to $279). You can see the list here and there’s some really good ones available. First off, you have to be signed up and going to Photoshop World to win. So if you haven’t signed up, you’ll need to by next Wednesday (July 16th) because that’s when I’ll pick the winner. To enter, all you have to do is a leave a comment to this post and let me know which session you’re most psyched about or any ideas on a class you think would be good for Photoshop World. I’ll randomly pick a name from the list, and as long as you’re signed up for Photoshop World by that time, I’ll get you into the pre-con that you want. Sound good? Hope to see you there.