Lightroom Tips

Friday Tip – Hiding Panels

Did you know that you can hide specific panels in Lightroom? You probably know that you can collapse them by clicking the tiny arrow next to the name of the panel but you can also hide them so they simply don’t show up. For example, personally I never use the Camera Calibration panel so why even have it show up there anymore? To hide it (or any other panel) right click under the Histogram in the dark gray empty area in the Develop module. The panels that are visible will be checked. To hide one or more just click on it. <a href="" target="_blank"Here's a graphic that shows where I clicked and the list that you’ll see. It not only works in the Develop module but all of the modules. Neat huh? Well folks, enjoy your weekend and make sure you scroll down to the next post to see the Photoshop World contest and how to enter.



  1. jax 24 July, 2008 at 15:11 Reply

    It would be really nifty if there’d be a shortcut to collapse all panels at once. It would save a lot of scrolling up and down in the panel frame all the time..

  2. Irene 17 July, 2008 at 00:40 Reply

    To make this clearer, the area that Matt suggests clicking is actually the title bar for the Basic Panel.

    As I commented earlier, you can right click ANY title bar for any panel and get the same menu to turn of panels.

    The panel you click on will have an asterisk next to it in the shortcut menu – as is visible in the screenshot Matt posted.

    You can not turn off the top Preview, Navigator, or Histogram panels.

  3. Tuan 15 July, 2008 at 16:39 Reply

    this is kinda unrelated, but do you have a list of the gear you use? I know Scott does and was just wondering. great post too! big fan 🙂

  4. frank "cooksfriend" severa 11 July, 2008 at 10:35 Reply

    Wow Matt you posted Friday late Thursday, you must have a long weekend planned. Thanks for one more good one. cooksfriend

  5. Julianne 11 July, 2008 at 04:53 Reply

    I wish there was a way to put the panels in a different order. For instance, I use the Detail panel a lot more than Split Toning but there doesn’t seem to be any way to move the Detail panel above it.

  6. Brian Gooch 11 July, 2008 at 04:19 Reply

    I love it Matt – another tip that is so simple to remember & execute but at the same time so useful. Thanks

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