FeaturedLibraryLightroom Tips

What This Particular Lightroom Thumbnail Warning Badge Means (and what to do about it)


Hi gang – and happy Friday. OK, down to business. If you see that little warning icon up in the right corner of your thumbnail, that’s a Metadata warning, but it doesn’t mean your copyright info isn’t in there, or that your metadata is missing or damaged. It’s means it’s changed outside of Lightroom (ack!). Click directly on that icon, and here’s what you’ll see next:


So, at some point this image was edited outside of Lightroom (maybe you edited it in Camera Raw in the Bridge, or something like that), and now Lightroom isn’t sure if you want this images to reflect the changes you made to it outside of Lightroom or just ignore them.

If you want to update the image to include changes you made to that image outside of Lightroom, click on the “Import Settings from Disk” button on the left. If you want Lightroom to ignore those changes, and just leave the image as it appears now in Lightroom’s catalog, click the “Overwrite Settings” button. It’s as easy as that.

Hope that helps.

Hey, one more thing:


It’s just 8-days away you’re invited. We have photo walks set up in over 1,000 cities around the world, and there’s still plenty of time to join a local walk near you (it’s free, it’s fun, you’ll make new friends, you’ll take a lot of pictures, and you might even win a cool prize or two). Here’s the link to see if there’s a walk near you.

OK, now you can head into your weekend, knowing you’re fully informed. Well, partially. Well, let’s not dwell on how much information you really received. Hey, what’s that shiny object over there…? 😉



P.S. If you’re looking to dive into Lightroom a little deeper this weekend, check out my online class called “Protecting Your Photo Library & Backing Up Your Lightroom Catalog,” A lot of important stuff in this class – here’s the link. 
