November 2019 Updates to Lightroom Classic, Lightroom, and Camera Raw
Adobe MAX begins today, and with it, a whole lot of updates have been released across the spectrum of Adobe products. Let’s take a look at what goodies have been added to the Lightroom family of applications.
Lightroom Classic Updates
Lightroom Classic has been updated to version 9.0, and with it some welcome additions, fixes, and new camera support. Let’s take a look. Also, don’t be surprised when you are asked to upgrade a copy of your catalog on first launch.

Export with Multiple Export Presets Applied
This one has been a frequently requested feature for as long as I can remember. If you’ve ever had the need to export the same batch of photos using different export dialog settings, that day has finally arrived. Now it is as simple as checking boxes next to the export presets you want to use, and away you go.

Export Develop Presets and Preset Groups
On the exporting theme, we finally have a built-in method for exporting an entire group of Develop presets. Just right-click the preset group you want to export. You can also export individual Develop presets in the same manner.

Panorama Fill Edges
One of my all time favorite features has been the ability to merge to pano (or HDR and HDR pano), but I was never a big fan of the Boundry Warp function. Today we gain a new option called Fill Edges (also added to the new version of Camera Raw), which uses Content-Aware Fill to create pixels in the empty (white) area around the edges. So far I’ve been impressed with what it can do.

Filter by Color Labels in Folders and Collections Panels
When we got the ability to apply color labels to folders and collections I think we all scratched our heads about why the filtering option was all or nothing. Scratch no more! Now the color label filter has the options we wished we had from the start.

That’s the highlights for Lightroom Classic. I added links to all the new camera and lens support at the bottom of the post. Head here for Adobe’s more in-depth round up of new features to learn more.
Mac and Windows Cloud-based Lightroom
The cloud-based Lightroom family of apps have also been updated with very welcome new features on each of the platforms. Let’s explore those starting with the desktop version for Mac and Windows.
Guided Tutorials Available in Mac/Windows Versions of Lightroom
I’m super excited to see these guided tutorials and interactive edits arrive on the desktop versions of Lightroom. While these may benefit brand new users the most, I have found it fascinating to see how other photographers make use of these tools. I’m also proud to have had the opportunity to contribute tutorials to the Lightroom Education Team account.

They are all easy to click through, and if you check out the Discover tutorials you have the ability to save the settings used as a preset of your very own.

Advanced Export Options
This is probably the most overdue and valuable addition to Lightroom. Previously, the lack of export options have made this app a non-starter for many people. We now have the ability to choose different file types, color space, output sharpening, and more.

Fill Edges
The same functionality added to Lightroom Classic and Camera Raw has found its way to the desktop version of Lightroom too.
Print to White House Custom Color and Blurb
We can finally print and make books! This was another potential non-starter for anyone who wanted to print their photos using the cloud-based Lightroom or missed the Book module. Now, through a partnership with WHCC and Blurb, there is a new “connector” built-into Lightroom that allows you to provide access to your cloud-based photos to those services.

Photoshop Elements Migration
This will facilitate the migration to the cloud for any Photoshop Elements users.
iOS and Android Cloud-based Lightroom
The mobile versions of the Lightroom app got some love too.
Copy/Paste Settings
I’m very grateful that this was finally added to iOS (it was already available to Lightroom on the other platforms). Now you can edit one photo, then copy its settings and apply those settings to a selection of other photos. Huge time saver!

Advanced Export
Android and ChromeOS (with iOS soon to follow), now have the ability to choose advanced options when exporting copies similar to what was just added to the desktop version of Lightroom.
New Camera and Lens Support
Of course there are always new cameras added to the list of supported raw formats, as well as new lens profiles. If you run into any problems or have suggestions for new features visit the Photoshop Family Forum.
okay, so i am pretty illiterate when it comes to technology… So sorry for my question if it’s dumb.
On my old computer I had the old version of Lightroom. Now I got a new computer and downloaded the new version. And I am lost!
When I open lightroom and click file it doesn’t give me an option to make a new catalog… What do I do?
Also, with importing I just simply add photos? No import button?
You want to install the one called Lightroom Classic, not the one just called Lightroom. You can uninstall the new Lightroom. Lightroom Classic will look and act like the old version.
Oh my! Thank you so much!
.Question?? The LR preset… soft, creamy neutral… does not appear on the left under presets when I use my Nikon z6. When I shoot with my D700 the preset shows up in the develop mode so when I shoot senior, families I use my old D700 so I can use this preset. Also about 2 months ago ALL my purchased/free presets disappeared and I did not delete them.
Thank you for any help.
Hi Elaine, Try this, go to Preferences > Presets, and check Show Partially Compatible Develop Presets. Do the presets reappear? If so, it means that there is a setting in those presets that will not work with the selected photo (most likely a profile), and as such Lightroom hides them by default. You can see them now, which solves the mystery, but you may not get the same results if all of the settings in the preset are incompatible with the selected photo. In other words, you may need to figure out some other way to achieve the same look.
Same as you, windows 10, PC. Thanks. I will wait a bit, then update. Likewise I haven’t used cloud-based, round-corners Lr or Ps. Thanks for your help, glad it is all working well for you.
Thanks so much for replying. I haven’t updated to the just released version because of my questions about updating the catalog first.
I do see the “round-corners” version of Ps and Lr, but called them Lr and Ps for mobile.
I’m still not sure why I’m seeing multiple versions of Lr Classic, Ps, and Bridge. Shouldn’t the older versions have disappeared when I last updated?
Which actual product are you using and on what hardware ?
I’m using Lightroom Classic – desktop oriented storage. I do not use the cloud (round corners) version of Lightroom on the PC or on a mobile of any kind. ( I’m a PC windows 10 guy btw, no Mac knowledge – It my be different for that based on the OS you’re on.)
I think if you click on the Ps with the round corners (maybe it’s More info) you’ll see one reference to desktop and then another platform option for mobile… this version has some special support for cloud oriented features/file formats .
I’ve updated the Camera Raw, the Ps (round corners, which is 21.0) and LR Classic desktop 9.0, it updated the database just fine and I’ve worked since moments after. I’ve pushed files from Classic back into Ps, did a “Save as” and checkmarked the box to not ask me again – and to save as desktop files just like it’s always worked rather than cloud enabled. It’s all working fine for me.
maybe that helps ? Again I don’t know your config and which desktop/mobile/cloud options you’ve been working and using. (Beyond this, Rob’s probably your guy – I’m not a KelbyOne employee or anything.)
A major release with only lame to now improvements? What about performance or new development engine to be comparable with Capture One? Or layers?
I understand they brought content aware fill to LR for panoramas. Why isn’t it usable for other edits?
To clarify my previous comment, the window that opens when I want to update my apps shows Lr for mobile, Lightroom Classic V. 8.4.1, Classic v. 6.0, Bridge, Bridge V. 9.1, Bridge V. 8.1, Ps for mobile, Ps v 19.1.9, and Ps v.20.07.
Should i be trying to delete the older versions of all these from this page?. They never used to show on the old “Update Your Apps” page. Very confused.
You need to refresh the view of available apps, you’re not seeing the Classic 9.0 and Ps with round corners, just those previously released.
Is it possible for you to explain in REALLY simple terms what the beginning section about upgrading your catalog means?What does it mean, the catalog won’t be compatible with previous versions of Lightroom? Why would I need to make a copy of my catalog? I already have several backups. Aren’t these copies? Do I have to keep a copy forever? I am already confused because the last update of Creative Cloud showed a different layout of all the apps and it looks like I have 2 versions of photoshop and 2 versions of lightroom. How can this be?
Hey Rob, links to new cameras added doesn’t work.
new update cases delay’s in post processig and consuming a lot of cpu. Somtimes even hanging