
NEWS: Lightroom 5.6 Update

Hey everyone! Adobe just released another “dot” update for Lightroom. We’re up to 5.6 now and it’s free to download. Just launch Lightroom, go to the Help menu and choose Check for Updates. There’s nothing really breathtaking in this one. It’s mostly a camera update (the Nikon D810 is now included as well as a couple of Panasonic cameras) and a few bug fixes. Oh and lots of news lens profile support (especially with Sony’s lenses). You can see exactly what’s in the update and what bug fixes were addressed over on the Adobe Lightroom Journal blog. There’s download links there as well, but the easiest way is just go to the Help menu and get it from there. Enjoy!



  1. Festus 13 September, 2016 at 08:03 Reply

    My 5.6 develop module is disabled and i don’t know what to do please can you help me out.
    I have been searching for solution but none is available.
    please i need help.

  2. Anne Parsons 30 March, 2015 at 17:51 Reply

    I upgraded to LR 5.6 from 5.0, but many of my presets will not load…I get the message, “Error importing…lrtemplate.” The preset file was the wrong type of preset.”
    any suggestions???

  3. jim gray 24 March, 2015 at 18:02 Reply

    I’m running LR 4.4 and didn’t really need to up it until I recently purchased a Nikon D810. Any suggestions about how to deal with the sNEF files? I really like LR and would like to get LR5.6 if it doesn’t cost me an arm and a leg….. not on the heels of my camera purchase 🙂

  4. Peter 5 December, 2014 at 18:47 Reply

    I was so happy to see that finally in version 5.5 my Mac didn’t go into a sleep mode while exporting. Updated to 5.6 and that amazing function has disappeared. Anyone noticed that?

  5. Eric 12 October, 2014 at 14:52 Reply

    Hi Matt,

    Just about to get back into DSLR photography again and plan on using my HP Probook, Lightroom 5.6, WD Elements 4TB USB 3.0, Viewsonic monitor and Colormunki – in your opinion, will this combination work OK?


  6. JACK I 8 October, 2014 at 13:44 Reply

    I upgraded to Lightroom 5.6 from 5.5. When I go to the Develop Module there is no longer the Basic Panel. All the other Panels are there. I have been unsuccessful in getting the Basic Panel back. Please help.

    • Matt K 8 October, 2014 at 14:14 Reply

      Try right-clicking anywhere over on the right side panels. You’ll see a pop-up window and make sure Basic is checked. Sounds like it accidentally got hidden.
      Also, you could go to the Develop module. Then go to the top menu to Window > Panels > Basic.

  7. Brian Sprague 21 August, 2014 at 12:34 Reply

    I have Photoshop CC and LR 5.6 for my Windows 64 bit system. 2 days ago LR somehow, on its own, updated with LR Mobile on my home PC – I don’t have a tablet. After that change I lost my personal settings and all my personal watermarks. How can I get these settings and watermarks back?

    • Brian Sprague 25 August, 2014 at 05:41 Reply

      I don’t know what happened but all of my personal LR 5.6 settings including my watermarks have returned. Thanks goodness.

  8. Jim Fair 11 August, 2014 at 21:20 Reply

    Hey Matt, my windows machine recently crashed and I just got into the 21st-century by bought my first MacBook Pro. The computer crashed I lost all of my favorite LR Presets that you have created over the years and so generously provided. My question, is there one place that I could find all of your presets and download the ones that I desire?

    • Dennis Zito 14 August, 2014 at 13:42 Reply

      Hi James,

      If you updated using the Adobe CC, you’re toast! You’ll have to re-install all your plug-ins. This happened to me with LR5.5 update. If you updated using LR, then your plug-ins should be working okay. In any event, just go to google and down load the latest version. If you have registered your Nik/Google product, then you won’t have to enter your license #. Otherwise you’ll have to contact them and have them send your license # if you didn’t save it somewhere. So, for now, don’t update LR using the Adobe CC.


  9. gail 6 August, 2014 at 14:30 Reply

    Will lightroom ever fix the glitch with the slideshow module? My pictures are all black and apparently a lot of other people have the same problem.

  10. Jim V 6 August, 2014 at 09:06 Reply

    Be careful to find the direct link and not the CC link if you are not using CC. If you use the CC link and are not a CC member it converts your license to CC and will not work. The popup took me to the CC update page and it took me an hour with little help from the Adobe tech chat people to figure out that it change me to CC.

  11. Dennis 4 August, 2014 at 01:43 Reply


    After installing Lightroom 5.6 (upgrading from 5.5) I noticed that all the listed “Edit In…” items are disabled. This was working correctly in Lightroom 5.5. With the new upgrade, I cannot export and edit images in i.e. Silver Efex Pro 2 or Pixelmator using this feature. I use a Mac running OS X 10.9.

    Does anyone have the same behaviour with this new upgrade?


    • Dennis Zito 7 August, 2014 at 16:24 Reply


      If you update using the Creative Cloud, then you’ll have re-install all your plug-ins. I learned this going from 5.4 to 5.5. I had to uninstall LR 5.5 and go to the Adobe download site and download LR5.5 from there and install it. Then install all my plug-ins, which include onOne, Nik, and Topaz. Wasn’t fun. Just remember next time, do what Matt says and click on Update using LR NOT Creative Cloud. The Creative Cloud will recognize it.

      Dennis Zito

  12. bob bob 1 August, 2014 at 12:40 Reply

    How about a new version of Lightroom. After all, every month they take $10 of my money. I fell like I am getting group-F-ed.

  13. Patrick 1 August, 2014 at 03:51 Reply

    …but the awful bug of the Info overlay not working in the Print module and the double entry for the Grid option in the View menu of the same Print module is *still* not fixed, and was already there since version 5.0…despite mentioning this in the Adobe forums as well…

  14. Marcilio Prado 31 July, 2014 at 09:06 Reply

    Great to see Adobe adding support for the D810 this fast!

    Cheers from Brazil!

    By the way, “Happy birthday Joe” was awesome.

  15. Dennis Zito 31 July, 2014 at 08:56 Reply

    Hey Matt,

    One quick question about downloading. I got a update notice from Adobe Cloud (photographers edition), but the last time I used the cloud to update … LR wouldn’t run. I had to uninstall it and then go to Adobe and download the updated version. So, using LR to update, will Adobe Cloud know I’ve updated?



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