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Making Sure You Don’t Miss Any Dust Spots On Your Image

This is such a great tip – I used to show this one in the Photoshop World “Lightroom Killer Tips” live session. You can also use this in conjunction with the Visualize Spots feature – another super-helpful tip from Benjamin Warde.

Pretty handy, right?

Thanks to everybody who posted a comment here yesterday
I read every comment (always do). Anyway, thanks much for taking the time – it makes a difference. 🙂

Have a great Tuesday everybody, and don’t forget to head over to my blog, ya know, in case anything fun happens today. 🙂





  1. Nacio Jan Brown 24 January, 2018 at 14:52 Reply

    Another helpful trick is to turn the image upside down. This way, instead of seeing, and being distracted by, the various objects in the image you see an abstract array of color values. This trick is common in spotting prints.

      • callmebob 24 January, 2018 at 13:47 Reply

        Rudi – if there’s a problem with understanding English fully – view it on Youtube, turn on closed captions, and then under the settings icon (gear) enable auto-translate and choose your language. It’s not perfect, but might help some non-native English speakers.

  2. Stephen Barnes 23 January, 2018 at 15:38 Reply

    I used to use this technique until I found a better and quicker way.

    Press “Q” to select the spot healing tool, then “A” to “VisuAlise Spots”. Look at the slider at the bottom of the image and turn it up quite high depending on how fussy you want to be. What you’ll see is a representation of the contrast changes for adjacent areas. Where you have black, adjacent pixels don’t really change. White shows where adjacent pixels have a significant change.

    So… when looking at an image of an area which is supposed to be uniform you should see uniform black. Skies will be black, with grey for soft clouds. If you see a white circular halo you’ve got a dust spot.

    They’re VERY obvious and easy to check. Using the technique in the video took me 30-50 seconds per image but the VisuAlise Spots method takes me 1-2 seconds. Great if you have a few hundred images to process.

    I remember the keys “QA” as “Quality Assurance” 🙂

  3. Dave 23 January, 2018 at 05:43 Reply

    There’s an easier way. In the Develop module, select the Spot Healing tool. Then below the photo, switch on the Visualize Spots mode by selecting the checkbox. The photo becomes inverted, making it very easy to see the spots.

  4. Michael 23 January, 2018 at 04:04 Reply

    This spot tip is great, thanks a lot.
    I have been using the Fn key in combination with the page down and page right/left keys, this saves a lot of time


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