Lightroom Adjustment Brush Trick For “Turning On The Lights”
Before we get to today’s tip, I have some terribly sad news to share. Winston Hendrickson, Adobe’s VP of Engineering for Lightroom and Photoshop passed away this weekend after a tough year-long battle with cancer. He was a dear friend, a reader of this blog, and he totally “got” Lightroom users because as a pro-sports photographer, he used it daily in his own work. I wrote a tribute to Winston on my daily blog — if you’ve got a sec, I think you’ll like learning more about this force for good in the Lightroom universe. Here’s the link.
Note: after this, I have a small favor to ask, so please don’t miss it after the tutorial.
Lights on!
This is a trick I’ve used over the years when I have a scenes that has visible lamps that are turned off. This trick simply turns them on to add more visual interest to the shot. Great for anything from street lamps to table lamps, and in this case, hanging lamps.
STEP ONE: Here’s the original image, and I want to make it look like those hanging lamps are turned on. We do this with the Adjustment Brush, so click on the Adjustment Brush tool. Then increase the Exposure Amount (here I increased the Exposure to +1.27. Then drag the White Balance Temp slider the right over to 24 to add some yellow to the brush. Note: This was a JPEG image. If you’re doing this on a RAW image, just drag it over a bit until it’s a bit warm.
STEP TWO: Zoom in, and make the brush a little smaller than the size of the lamp you want to “light.” Now just click the brush once inside the area where the light would appear, and voilá — it’s lit! (as seen here).
Above: Here’s a Before/After so you can see what the lamp looks like when it’s lit (on the right).
STEP THREE: In the case, the lamps gets smaller as they get farther away from the camera, so after you “lit” the two forward-most lights; shrink your brush size a couple of notches and then repeat the process for the next two farther away lights, and again with the next two, and so on — shrinking your brush as you go. The final “lit” image is above.
Hope you find that helpful.
Speaking of helpful…
I have a favor to ask. On Friday, I posted an in-depth start-to-finish video tutorial. The video itself was 11-minutes and 34-seconds long, and I posted the original RAW file for you to download and follow along. So, how did it go? I only got one single comment about the tutorial, and it was from a guy who wanted to critique the final image. Nearly 3,000 people watched that video, but I get just one comment. You know what that says to me? Well, they don’t like these start-to-finish projects, so I won’t do that again. So, I’m done with that type of video. However, if you do see something you do actually like, would it kill you to post a simple comment. Anything. Just a simple Thanks, or I liked it, or I didn’t like it. Maybe Do more of these or don’t do these, or just something. Anything. On days when I really put my heart and soul into a cool tutorial that I feel like people are really going to like, and I get one or no comments, I actually want to hang it up.
That’s the reason we stopped doing “The Lightroom Show.” The first couple of episodes we got lots of comments. Then as the season progressed, people still watched the shows, but the comments and feedback stopped, so without feedback or comments, we lost interest in continuing it. In short: if you guys stay involved, it will make me want to stay involved . If you go silent, I eventually will, too.
Thanks for listening (for the few who made it down this far).
Thanks. You taught me the tips I am searching for.
Here’s a similar technique, but used much more extensively, showing how to turn a day picture into a night picture.
Good tip that I didn’t know think about. Thank you for sharing.
Great tip! So easy and such a fun. But if you like comments than post the “commentbox” above all the comments and not under it. Now i have to scroll along all the comments to place my reaction. So i hope you go on with this awesome stuff.
Wow, lighting the lamps is brilliant, thank you! Love these tips!!
I am so sorry for the loss of your friend… You wrote a beautiful Tribute to him…I have been one of the silent ones who have learned from you over the years… Keep up with everything you do for us..I look forward to always learning from you and will speak up going forward:-)
Loving the tips!
Your start to finish tutorial was fab!
Sorry for the loss of your dear friend and colleague 🙁
Thanks Scott for the “Turning on the lights” tip. I will try that as it certainly makes a difference.
I’ve read some of your books, watched the videos but unfortunately forget to comment and / or tell you how much I appreciate them. Will do in future if it means the difference between you continuing the great service or closing down.
All the best.
Will do. You do so much for the Lightroom community, and I have learned so much from you. it the least I can do.
Don’t give up on start-to-finish. It really helps me see how to take my ordinary flat images and make them pop!
Nice little tip Scott, Thanks for sharing.
Oh, Scott, over the years I have learned nearly evrything I know about Photoshop and Lightroom from you and your friends – from the beginning with Photoshop TV to KelbyOne this days. You are the best phototeacher in the world, even here in Sweden
Thanks for sharing Scott. I have followed your videos and web posts over the years and purchased some of your books but rarely make comments on what you post. I appreciate your simple teaching style and have used many of your “Tips and Tricks” in my LR editing and file management. Keep up the great work.
New Year’s Resolution: I will not be silent any longer. What you share and teach the photographic community is invaluable. Keep it up. Been watching/reading for years; great work. You should feel very very proud. Thank You.
Please continue with your videos and tutorials. Some of us introvert types just prefer not to speak in public:)
Thanks, Scott. That is a very handy tip!
Thank you for a great tip! Now, I will have a look at the start-to-finish tutorial!
Great tip!
Very useful. I have an image from a few years ago that I have always wished had an “on” light. Just tried your tip on it and it works. Thanks.
Great tip, seems obvious but would have never thought to do it. Thanks.
Muchas gracias, Scott. Gracias por tus lecciones altruístas y magistrales. Un saludo.
Not a regular reader, though I guess I should be, some really good info. Nice tip on the lights.
This tutorial is excellent – thank you. Sorry I must have missed the On Friday, I posted an in-depth start-to-finish video tutorial….I will try to locate it.
i feel your pain man. Seems that is modern life.
Keep up the good work.
Scott, many thanks for this simply elegant tip!
I stumbled upon Book 1 of your complete Digi Photog book series in a second hand book store some years ago and although I had heard of you prior to that, I had never read or studied anything from you. That changed the instant I read the book; your straightforward language, lack of tech speak and clear, simple and concise instruction (along with your boundless enthusiasm) meant I sought out many other publications by you and started to follow you and your tutorials online. Please don’t stop! You are my go to guy for any photo help I need!
I apologetically admit, along with others, that I often watch and enjoy but have never thought to comment.
Being a novice at editing, sometimes the video content is a little too advanced for me but I would never think to comment thus as I know there are hundreds more who WILL understand and benefit…I am happy to just wait until something comes along that is at my level.
I think many of us (myself for sure) don’t consider that teacher training can be influenced by the students; we are simply happy and willing to accept whatever knowledge you offer us. It didn’t actually cross my mind that I could say “Hey, Scott…that was ok but could you please focus on ‘xx’ next time?” It just seems a bit cheeky! Maybe I’m just too British!
And yes, you’re right, we really should all drop a line to say ‘that really helped’ or whatever. I for one will definitely try harder!
Thanks so much for all you do. We do appreciate you!! (Even though we’re sometimes thoughtless…)
From a fellow Brit, I agree with everything expressed here. Please keep up the good work.
Look, I’m a ‘Kelby Groupie’ and I’m also guilty of not always acknowledging things that I ‘like’. Having said that, I’ve also been on the receiving end of that which you complain about……
Great tip, I will definitely be using this is in the future!
Thanks for the tip. Facebook being Facebook, I don’t always see your posts, but I’ll be looking for them.
Scott, thanks for all you have done as an enthusiastic and good-spirited educator over the decades. Your books in particular have been very helpful to me, like years ago in convincing me that I had a use for Lightroom even though I already was using Photoshop. Sorry to hear your audience doesn’t always let you know how much your work is appreciated.
I liked this tip, and do something similar all the time, but with the clone tool. I am a real estate photographer and it never ceases to amaze me how many times sellers have bathroom lights over their mirrors with one or two burned out. I “copy” one and paste it over the burned out one, but have to leave Lr to do it. I’ll try this next time, thanks….
Great tip Scott, this is the first of your tips/videos I watched and will be watching more
hola Scott
Me fascinan los trucos q haces con las fotos. Soy un seguidor tuyo
I watched the start to finish video, downloaded the file and practiced the adjustments a couple of times. Noted the workflow for future reference and learned some new things, as allways. Hope there are more to come! Please don’t stop …
Scott, I LOVE your start-to-finish tutorials! Been a KelbyOne member for a year, and saw you last November in Arlington. (Wonderful experience!)
I didn’t even know how to comment until I saw your disappointment.
When your “watchers’ are not commenting, it generally means they’re happy. Every politician knows a quiet constituency is a satisfied constituency.
PLEASE continue your start -to-finish tutorials!
Hi Scott, I am familiar with your work and have read one of your books which I loved but this is my first time on your lightroom killer tips page. I really enjoyed the article and am looking forward to reading more. I haven’t seen the video you speak of but I am going to look for it now! Thank you for all you do.
I watched it, liked it, and hope you do more too. A constructive comment: It would have been interesting after your global adjustments to compare it to the HDR version. I think you were saying that often HDR is not needed and that’s what I find too.
I don’t often comment here because, frankly, there is no discussion from what I can tell. My comments feel like they are going into the ether just like you feel with your videos! Maybe a commenting platform like Disqus that notifies people of responses could help with that.
Hi Scott,
I too am guilty of watching your videos and tips, thinking to myself that was great, then not thanking you for providing so much brilliant teaching,
So thank you very much for all you do, I very much appreciate it, and enjoy the humour in your videos and writing as much as the content itself. I managed to get to one of your seminars when you came to London a few years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Very cool! And yes, please keep these types of tips, as well as the video tips, coming! I have learned so much from these, and have failed to comment showing my appreciation; I will work to do better.
Thank you for ALL your hard work!
I am 67 years old … I joined NAPP 10 years ago … but I only lasted 2 years .. .more on that in a minute. I have always carried a camera (the first rule of photography!) .. and in 2008 I acquired a used Canon 5DmkII … and I simply wanted to learn more about digital photography … I took the Nikon School Photography Course in Ann Arbor in 2009, whatever books you had out at that point I acquired .. I purchased LR and PS as a result of that and started studying … I traveled cross country to California by car to take a course from Sean Duggan that was cancelled 2 days into a 4 day drive .. but Sean kindly worked with me one one one … I then took a course from JP Caponigro and Mac Holbert in Santa Barbara in 2011 … I didn’t learn a thing .. way over my head but I was exposed to the possibilities … I continued to follow you and Matt … buy the books … work through them … I even spent 4 months reading nothing but PS books .. I traveled to the canyons of Utah 4 times … spending weeks there trying to get ‘the shot’ … and patience did pay off … I traveled to Europe … and then I got burned out …. I realized that all my study of the software, workflow, etc. had resulted in me knowing nothing about the cameras and the software other what various photographers and authors knew themselves … I had become an unsatisfactory clone of the folks I was trying to learn from …. I think when I left NAPP I was unconsciously aware of this but it took a few more years for it to sink in … I did take courses with Ben Willmore and Terry .. and they were great … but the big aha moment for me was during my last trip to Moab, UT in February when I was hiking about on my own …. I kept coming across folks who were at these places not exploring but simply set up to take the iconic photograph that had already been taken by others and then processing it the same way to get the same shot … that is when I burned out .. I started taking photos 180 degrees away from these sites … my silent protest against the homogenization of photography!
Scott .. god knows you guys do great work … but I must admit that I have gone back to square one .. I have sold my big cameras and lens … and I am shooting with a Panasonic Lumix 100 right now … and enjoying it more than ever … I don’t want pin sharp .. I don’t want the iconic shot already taken … I want some emotion .. and that usually involves motion artifacts, grain and an unusual angle, shadows with no detail, etc.
I just started re-reading killer tips about a month ago … I love your positive attitude and your dedication to teaching … and there are new folks coming on board every year that need that … and what you are doing is perfect for that .. but I think, I, and possibly others who have been with you on this ride now want more …. and I would love to see you offer that in addition to what you do so well …
The camera and the software is only a tool .. and you need to know how to use those tools to articulately express what it is you are trying to say .. and that is where I am at right now .. yes .. your job is to educate users in LR and PS (and there is a strong sales connection to that job) … but I would think those of us who have been with you for a while … we all feel the same way .. meaning ‘we’ are trying to learn these tools .. and they are so complicated and content rich and there are multiple way to do the same thing …. and because we all learn differently .. we are all frustrated … you are trying to teach … ‘we’ are trying to learn .. and somehow maybe we are both not connecting …. and the disconnect is that a comment or a question will not result in the knowledge we require …
That said … I am not giving up … and I am frustrated as hell about the things that I don’t know … but I am still learning … so .. .don’t you give up .. look at the engagement for your posts … people still want and need to learn … if they don’t comment … carry on …. you are not in this for the comments … I know this .. so do you.
Sean Duggan and Katrin Eismann taught me the most valuable lesson I have ever had in photography … and that is very simply …. think about the photo and the reason you took it .. remember how you ‘saw’ it … look at the photo before you open it in LR or PS … open it in some other program or print it … decide what it is that the photo needs …. mentally think about how you are going to ‘develop’ it … what you will do in LR .. what you will do in PS … let the photo guide you … then print it (a whole other universe) … and then live with it for a while … then decide if it needs more or less …. final print it … then re-visit it a year or two later .. and see if it now needs more or less ….
I would love to see you do a series where you start with the photo … not in LR or PS … but just the photo … it could be the jpg … and then use this process … maybe have readers use the photo in the same manner and have them post on what they did and why … and then come back to it a couple of month later .. maybe have someone else critique it over that period and see if that changes your thinking on it … or some variation of this …
The other thing that I think all beginners need is a workflow recipe … instead of being exposed to a myriad of options … simply give them the recipe with the caveat that the more they learn, that the recipe will change to incorporate more of what they learned and gradually it will morph from the recipe to their workflow.
I know there is a lot in here .. and it is rambling a bit … but it is a note from a ‘silent majority’ guy saying keep doing what you are doing … but give it a good tweak.
Thanks for asking …
Phil, Peterborough, CANADA
Well said, Phil.
Mike. (formerly from Peterborough. And Lindsay.
I’ve been a paying fan since NAPP came onto my radar way back in the earliest days. I’ve been a LR user since the day the Beta version was released over 10 years ago. I have purchased over half a dozen books of yours. I am a faithful follower of your blog, and LR KT.
If it were not for Scott Kelby and his associates through the years, I’d still have pretty basic skills. There is no sufficient way to extend enough gratitude for the amount of learning I have gleaned from those sources over the years, but I am not one who typically comments on blog posts or classes. Like others, I don’t think I have much to add to the conversation.
I have seen blog buttons that allow a viewer to quickly “appreciate” or “like” a posting, and I very much like the the idea of adding something like that to your posts. Truth is, when I’ve seen those buttons, I’ve used them. Silence doesn’t mean your efforts go completely unappreciated, but I’m sure we could all make a better effort to show our gratitude. Thank you, Scott!
Scott: Need to let you know that this is the kind of tutorial I like best. It’s the same reason that the only episodes of The Grid that I must watch are the blind critiques. It’s a peek inside the editing process where you explain the Why and the Goal for the photo. I don’t need another explanation of what the clarity slider does. But I do need insight into what makes a good change vs a bad change. What is over processed and what is not enough. What edits ruin the shot vs make the shot.
And just so you know, a friend of mine mentioned to me last Friday that he had just watched the tutorial and loved it. And this is someone who does *not* regularly watch them.
Keep it up. Don’t lose faith. And if you keep making these kind of tutorials, I’ll try and remember to provide feedback without being prompted (guilted?)
Hi Scott,
I just saw the flat to fabulous tutorial and really enjoyed it. So don’t give up on us yet!
🙂 I picked up a couple of tips and seeing how some of the most recent changes was very helpful.
Scott, I’ve been a student of yours since the PS user TV was broadcasted from a closet of a set decades ago with Dave, Matt and Corey. Without doubt, you, more than anyone else, have taught me what I use all the time in my photography and post processing. You’re a great teacher and your efforts are appreciated
Scott, I find your site and the tips and tricks you share with us to be the best and most valuable lightroom site on the Internet. It would be a tragedy if you stopped sharing your knowledge and experience. I may be silent, but know that I appreciate your postings and video’s.
(It would be nice if the layout of the site included a clickable “like” or a rating star ala LR…) I always read, sometimes comment or add something related in a comment. You’ve been a wealth of training for a decade+ for me, thanks for all you do. I’ll probably get to the download later tonight and walk through it. (Your certificates for ads.kelbyone… has an expired cert in it btw)
Great idea, Scott. Instant, easy feedback
Scott, It’s true. You are the best teaching Lightroom. Thanks to you a lot of people have known Lightroom. Please, go on!!
Big thank you, Scott. Regret I rarely comment as I rarely can add anything worth it and I rather apply the saying: if what you are going to say is not prettier than silence, don’t break the silence.I do appreciate your teaching videos since those Nikon sponsored weekly series, quite a few years ago. Keep it up, Scott. A thousand thanks to you.
Scott, I’ve been following you for years now and by far, the most helpful posts are the ones where you take an image from start to finish. Keep them coming, the more advanced the better.
Scott – my sympathies on the loss of your friend; it’s been a difficult month for my family, too. Re: your tutorial…I’ve been ill and today is the first day in a few where I’ve been awake more than asleep. I just watched the tutorial. I really treasure your end-to-end tutorials because they give me insight into your vision, workflow, and tastes. My workflow is similar but usually starts with a basic preset that establishes the lens calibration and chromatic aberration and follows with a crop. Then I proceed similarly to you. At the end I add a sharpening mask (so I don’t sharpen already smooth details) and usually add a small edge-darkening vignette to draw viewer eyes into the picture. Thanks…be well.
Congrats, Scott….judging by all the previous comments, you’re ego should be sufficiently massaged for now. Thanks for the tutorials.
Please don’t stop. You are a big part of whatever I know about Lightroom, for over 10 years, I believe. Got too lazy to say thank you for all your efforts over the years. I send anybody new to LR to you!
I too got out of the habit of commenting because of having to “sign up” or some such stuff. I’ve watched your programs for years and will continue to do so. I always learn or re-learn something.
Scott, great job on the start to finish video the other day. I learned a few things and will try to post more often. Don’t stop the videos. Folks like myself out here need these, so keep them coming.
“Ask and ye shall receive”! As many others have mentioned here, I’m one of those who rarely comments – too often I have attempted to comment on various blogs or posts on other sites only to find that the format at that particular site requires me to submit my life story and open an account of some sort, so I just stopped commenting anywhere. I think you have a fair point though – you’re putting out some quality information for free – a comment from time to time is not too much to ask. I’m a self-taught amateur from watching videos like yours; I loved watching your Lightroom show when I was learning Lightroom. You are one of four or five photographers that I consider go-to sources. I sincerely appreciate the help you provide and am grateful for your willingness to share. Regarding the particular video you mentioned, I think those are worthwhile from time to time. Keep it up Scott – you rock!
Guilty as charged, Scott, and your video from Friday was very helpful to me as are most all of your training videos. Sorry that I don’t take the time to show my appreciation for what you and your group does – it makes a difference to my learning experience.
I watched that video in full, and didn’t comment, mostly because I rarely do.
In fact, I rather like those full end-to-end videos, because it gives you a flavour of what someone is doing for their full process. Tips and tricks are great, but mostly all start from a RAW file, and then start editing in our own ways over the years.
I’d completely forgotten prior to that video, how good the Auto button now is in giving you a good starting point.
Keep up the great work!
I guess that some people look at an 11 minute video and think that it means committing too much time. But once in a while it’s a useful way to look at things, especially when there’s some kind of new technique being explored, or just a reminder that just because I don’t use Luminance in the HSL panel, doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t be!
I downloaded the link to the tutorial and fully intend to watch it end-to-end. I LOVE tutorials like that and wish you would do more of them. The length is the challenge; it’s hard for me to devote that much time without planning for it in advance.
Nice little trick. Takes some time but definitely worth it on some images
I never comment, but love everything on LR Tips. I thought the video was great. The reason I don’t comment is because of those who think the have all the answers and want to pick apart everything to suit their own ego.
I loved the video about the hotel, and learned lots. Some places where you comment, your comment gets “critiqued” by other commenters, and not in a nice way, but I see that is not the case here. It was nice to see a real-life example of the range mask tool. I have just updated to Lr classic, and haven’t tried that feature yet. Please keep doing these how-to videos for the silent majority of us.
Hi, I came across your site for the first time today and I was sad to read your comment at the end of the “lights On” article.
Help from independent sites such as yours are invaluable to Lightroom and Photoshop users so please don’t stop the good work.
Thanks for the videos, the long ones and the short tips are all valuable resources for the LR community.
Scott, thanks for the tip !
Sorry for being silent.
The start to finish is always very helpful, anyhow for me.
A very good way to do a good review across the board.
Please don’t stop doing it.
And you are fully right to blame us for not posting any comments !
Don’t go away, man! I love your work! I have attended one of your workshops, I read your column in Shutterbug Magazine, and I follow Lightroom Killer Tips. I am not in the habit of giving feedback, but if it is important to you then it’s the least I can do. Have you considered adding a feedback button to your posts? It is one thing to offer a general opportunity to comment, but for those who are not inclined to write, a feedback button with a rating scale would give readers a chance to rate how useful they found the post. Once they are engaged with that, a comment box at the end of the survey would likely get more use. Cheers!
Great tip. I come to the site often in order to grow my lightroom skills.
I have never offered an online comment before, but your last comment has moved me. I start my day every morning with your tutorials on “Lightroomkillertips.” Please know I appreciate all your contributions to digital photography especially your “workflow” segments, so keep them coming.
Please don’t stop posting video tutorials. As a loyal follower I am guilty of watching, learning, and not commenting. Point definitely taken. I am pretty well versed in working with Lightroom, yet I always come away from your tutorials will something to add to my knowledge base. Thank you for all you do!
Another guilty person. I always watch you videos – no matter how much I think Inknow about Lightroom I always take away something from what you share with us, your loyal followers. And I rarely post. The point was taken. Please, please don’t stop offering your video tutorials, they are more valuable than you know to so many people.
Another guilty person. I always watch you videos – no matter how much I think Inknow about Lightroom I always take away something from what you share with us, your loyal followers. And I rarely post. The point was taken. Please, please don’t stop offering your video tutorials, they are more valuable than you know to so many people.
Thanks for the great tutorial! I have only just come across you and your website after taking some photography courses and seriously diving into learning photography. So much to learn and it is awesome to have someone willing to share the depth of their knowledge. Also not normally a comment person…
I like the tutorials, and I especially like the short tips like this one. Of course not everything can be covered quickly, but please continue your excellent and helpful insights.
Colorize me guilty. I love the tips and actually like the start to finish videos, especially the ones that deal with more challenging processing. I’ve got the site set to open every morning when I start my browser. Would hate to see a 404 error in the future. 🙂
Sorry, Scott. I’m one of those silent fans who come to this site each and ever day. Seriously, I do. I only got interested in photography 3 years ago, and as such I’m amazed and in awe of the talent here and at Kelby One. If anything, I’m guilty of being too timid to post a comment or ask a question for fear of sounding even more clueless than I already am. It doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate what you do. I wouldn’t know ANYTHING about Lightroom if it wasn’t for this blog and the classes I’ve taken at Kelby One. So, at the risk of speaking up for all the other semi-new-to-photography fans, PLEASE don’t stop posting the video tutorials. You’re our Obi Wan.
I am not usually a “comment” person – some of us just are not but the start to finish +/or flat to fabulous posts are without a doubt the A game of the repertoire
I also watched the video and took notes, but gave no feedback on the podcast. I have already taken notes on today’s tip. I may not use it today, but will use it in the future. Please keep up with the great instructions.
Guilty! Watched the tutorial then got caught up on other things vs taking a minute to comment before moving on to the next thing. Excellent tutorial BTW and while I’ve used all the tools before, this one helped to drive home how they interact to get a desired result. Don’t stop Scott, these are very worth your effort. Thanks for doing them.
Scott, thanks for this tutorial! I look forward to trying it out.
Hi Scott,
Please don’t stop doing these tips and tricks and videos! I read them all the time and use them. I don’t think the folks don’t care or don’t like them. I think in this social environment, people just look learn and move on. You’re not the only one that is experiencing this lack of feedback. Most of the blogs and sites I go too, they are all experiencing this lack of a respectful response. You can’t even get someone to say Thank You anymore!! Please know that there is a very supportive core of us out here and need your guidance and help!
I am migrating from Aperture to Lightroom . I found that learning Lightroom was at first overwhelming BUT with your killer tips it has been easier. I did enjoy the tutorial because it gave me a workflow to follow. I buy your books and follow everything you publish. Looking forward to your new Lightroom book.
I got a lot from that start-to-finish tutorial. Thanks
Hi Scott,
Your lightroom tips are excellent and usually just what I am looking to achiece.
Please dont stop.
This tutorial was extremely helpful for me. I have never done this correctly. Instead, I’ve tried to color in the entire lamp, or create a glow around it. They looked awful. This is simple and easy. Can’t wait to try it.
I was amazed at some of the things you do and learned a lot from the tutorial. The final result looked too “HDR” for my taste, but the individual steps were more than helpful!
I’m sorry Scott, that’s my fault too. But being silent does not mean that you are not interested. I have followed your publications for years, starting with your books and the various publications on the internet. They were always excited and extremely helpful. Therefore: Please continue with the tutorials. Don´t go silent!