FeaturedLightroom Coffee BreakLightroom Tips

How to Make Certain You Don’t Miss Any Sensor Dust or Spots In Your Image

It’s Tuesday, and Benjamin Warde is here with a tip on how to make sure, when you’re inspecting your image for sensor dust and/or spots, that you don’t miss any areas whatsoever (the other method is to use the Spot Removal Tool’s Visualize feature).

Hope you found that helpful (and thanks, Benjamin). 🙂

I shot the NFC Championship Game yesterday (Falcons vs Packers) and I’ll be posting a few shots on my Facebook page later today if you get a sec.

Since we’re talking about removing distracting stuff…
I have an entire class called “How to Remove Distracting Stuff in Photoshop” and it’s really popular (I cover a ton of different scenarios — just jump to the thing you’re dealing with and it shows you how). Here’s the official trailer (below):

This class is just one click away. 

Hope you have a great Monday!




  1. Giovanni Miele 31 January, 2017 at 05:01 Reply

    Grazie per le notizie fotografiche ed anteprime sui software di postProduzione fotografica che ci regalate.
    Per noi fotografi oggi è sempre un’impresa restare al passo.


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