How to Make Certain You Don’t Miss Any Sensor Dust or Spots In Your Image
It’s Tuesday, and Benjamin Warde is here with a tip on how to make sure, when you’re inspecting your image for sensor dust and/or spots, that you don’t miss any areas whatsoever (the other method is to use the Spot Removal Tool’s Visualize feature).
Hope you found that helpful (and thanks, Benjamin). 🙂
I shot the NFC Championship Game yesterday (Falcons vs Packers) and I’ll be posting a few shots on my Facebook page later today if you get a sec.
Since we’re talking about removing distracting stuff…
I have an entire class called “How to Remove Distracting Stuff in Photoshop” and it’s really popular (I cover a ton of different scenarios — just jump to the thing you’re dealing with and it shows you how). Here’s the official trailer (below):
This class is just one click away.
Hope you have a great Monday!
Grazie per le notizie fotografiche ed anteprime sui software di postProduzione fotografica che ci regalate.
Per noi fotografi oggi è sempre un’impresa restare al passo.
Amazing tips!! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Scott, this is very useful.
Yip – Visualise spots is the only way to do it – you don’t even have to zoom in to 1:1.
Did he really give that tip without showing how to turn on Visualize Spots?
I was going to say that turning on Visualize Spots would have been helpful!
You can hold the space bar down and slide the image around that way. Easier for me than page up/down or home/end… another way for someone to try.