Lightroom’s Hidden HDR Advantage
In my online class released yesterday on how to use the now free Nik Collection of plug-ins, when I got to covering Nik’s HDR Efex Pro plug-in, I wound up talking briefly about Lightroom’s built-in HDR feature, and I did a short tutorial showing what Lightroom’s hidden HDR advantage really is. It’s a really short video, but I think you’ll find it helpful.
It might make you start doing your HDR’s right in Lightroom (if you’re not into HDR, this might finally get you into HDR — and don’t just start listing why you don’t like HDR until you watch the video – it’s not what you think).
Now, if you’re already an HDR buff, then you should watch the whole class, because the rest of the section on Nik’s HDR Efex Pro is about toning your image there, which you would do for an entirely different reason.
Hope you found that helpful, and here’s wishing you a fantastic weekend!