Why Lightroom’s Gradient Filter Tool Might Be Better Than The Real Thing…
Happy Monday everybody – I’m back from my trip out West (although the shots I’m using here are from last year’s trip out there). Anyway, a photographer at my seminars out there came up asking about buying a traditional ND filter, and how many stops should he get, and should he buy one with a hard gradation or a softer one, and how much, etc., and I explained (which I do in the video above), why Lightroom’s version might actually be better than the real thing thanks to a feature added in Lightroom CC a while back.
So, I did a quick little video about this somewhat hidden little feature. He had Lightroom CC and had no idea it was there, so I thought some other folks might be in the same boat. (See what I did there? Boat. Lighthouse. Oh, come on, that wasn’t that bad). 😉
Hope you find it helpful.
P.S. In 10-days I’ll be in San Diego with my new seminar (on Thursday, May 12th) – hope you can come by. Also, a big shout out to all the photographers in Seattle & Portland who came out to my seminars there last week. Really enjoyed getting to meet so many nice folks. Thanks for making me feel at home so far from home 🙂