If you’re working a lot of photos, and you want to crank through those Develop Module edits, here’s two shortcuts that will make a world of difference:

Pretty awesome, right? Lightroom rocks!

San Diego and Phoenix — I’m coming your way Feb. 12th and 13th

Come on out and spend the day with me at my “Ultimate Photography Crash Course.” $99 bucks for the full day, includes a detailed workbook (and other goodies), and it’s 100% money-back guaranteed if it’s not the best photography seminar you’ve ever attended at any price, period!

Tickets and more details right here.

Have a great Tuesday everybody!




  1. callmebob 4 February, 2020 at 20:28 Reply

    Adding SHIFT to the + and – will move them by 1/3 stop at a time ( .33 vs .10)

    I get weird behavior with ALT and the +/- but when it works, it moves by .02 increment.

    very handy at times…

    (Classic, PC, English, US Kbd)

  2. Laurent DELPLANQUE 4 February, 2020 at 06:16 Reply

    Hi Scott,

    This is very interesting but I have an issue that sometimes happens with other tips like this one: I’m French.
    Not really that it is annoying by itself 😉 but that makes me use a different keyboard and thus the comma and dot keys are not located at the same place nor necessarily directly accessible without modifier keys (shift, alt, ctrl)
    Do you know a way to find (in documentations or in install files) the corresponding ones (if they ever exist) ?

    Regards and thanks for all your publications

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