Lightroom Tips

3 Tip / Lightroom Live Seminar Day

Happy Friday everyone. It’s about 6:30 am and I just got off the red-eye from LA where I helped field questions for Scott Kelby’s Lightroom Live seminar yesterday. First off, the seminar was a huge success with nearly 700 people and it was such an awesome crowd. They were totally into it and just really seemed psyched about learning more about Lightroom. My sincere thanks to everyone who stopped by just to say hi.

Anyway, as I watched throughout the day, I took some notes on tips that the crowd really seemed to react to and figured I’d combine them into a tip post. So here goes:

1) Believe it or not, one of the tips they loved was something I just take for granted. If you press Tab key you can hide the right and left panels and if you press Shift+Tab you’ll hide all panels. This helps when you’re trying to get a larger view of your photo and the crowd really seemed to dig it.

2) They also really seemed to like the Flash web galleries in the web module. I’ve always thought they weren’t very discoverable since they’re kinda hidden up in the top right corner of the module. So next time you’re creating a website make sure you look under the Engine panel (which by the way wins the worst name panel-of-the-year award) and try out the other gallery types in there.

3) Printing templates seemed to be a big hit. I think everyone thinks of Lightroom as the place to just print one photo on a page but you can make some really creative prints by adjusting some of the settings and even put multiple photos on a page for some neat templates. I did a couple videos on this a while back. One of them was on creating a pano-styled print preset and another was on how to create a print preset in general.

Thanks again to everyone who stopped by. Also, I’ll be taking over some dates in 2009 on the Lightroom Tour and my first one is in Covington, KY on January 23. You can find out more about it and sign up at the Photoshop Seminars website.
