FeaturedLightroom Mobile

Lightroom Mobile’s Hidden “Burst Mode” Button

Happy Friday everybody! Here’s a little tip I picked up from Adobe’s own Julieanne Kost, and it’s where Lightroom Mobile’s built-in camera’s “Burst Mode” is hidden on the iPhone. In Apple’s own camera, you just hold the shutter button down on screen and it fires a continious burst of images. Try that on Lightroom’s built-in camera and…well…nuthin’. You get just one shot.

Well, here’s where it is in Lightroom Mobile:

That’s right — not only can you fire LR Mobile’s built-in camera from the up/volume button (like you can with Apple’s camera), but holding it down gets you burst mode (like Apple’s camera). That’s today’s very short, sweet tip (thank you Julieanne), and hope you have a super nova sized weekend! 🙂



P.S. A shoutout of thanks to all the KelbyOne members who tuned into our live KelbyOne Focus and Vision for 2017 presentation the other night. You all are the best!!! 🙂



  1. Jam Jonson 16 January, 2017 at 15:47 Reply

    This is nice! It’s short but brief.I was also wondering where’s the mobile’s built-in camera’s “Burst Mode” and I searched it in the internet and I found this article. Thank you for this. This maybe short but it was very helpful. Thank you.

    • Justin Nelson 23 October, 2017 at 23:15 Reply

      This let me down trying to capture my daughter yesterday blowing a dandelion…. now I know how to capture those moments better in the future. Thanks so much from an adoring dad.

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