Lightroom “From Flat to Fabulous” Tutorial (with downloadable RAW practice file)
Download this RAW image and follow along as we go from the RAW image straight out of the camera to the final image, learning how it’s all done every step of the way (this is a perfect tutorial to do this weekend, or ya know, tonight).
But first…this:
Head up: my full-day Lightroom seminar is about to kick off for 2018 in these cities:
Houston (Feb. 26)
San Antonio (Feb. 22)
Atlanta (March 26)
Milwaukee (March 28)
Columbus (April 13)
Details and tickets at this link. – hope you’ll come out and spend the day with me. 🙂
OK, let’s get to the tutorial:
Hope you found that helpful. I have a WHOLE bunch more of these over at and you can join now for as little as $9.99 a month. Don’t spend another year not being a Lightroom shark – come join our community!
Have a great weekend everybody!
P.S. Go Jags and Go Vikings! 🙂