I've Got Some New Online Courses
Hey folks. I’ve got some cool news for you in the world of online training. First off, the company I work for, Kelby Training has launched a brand new website dedicated to online training. And when I say launched, I mean we jumped in head first and created the flat-out best online training resource on the planet. The only other place you’ll find so many world-class instructors at once is, well… probably at Photoshop World. Kelby Training has pretty much taken the dream team behind Photoshop World and put them online. Names like Bert Monroy, Dan Margulis, Katrin Eismann, Eddie Tapp, and Scott Kelby to name a few. What makes this online training really special (besides the world-class instructors) is the content. You’ll be hard pressed to find as many Photoshop CS3 classes anywhere. Plus, there’s classes on photography (from masters such as Joe McNally, Moose Peterson, and David Ziser) that are like nothing else out there.
Now, of course I’m really excited about the whole thing. But what’s really cool for me on a personal note is that, with the new site, are debuts several of my new courses.
1) Photoshop CS3 for Wedding Photographers
2) Automating Photoshop for Photographers
3) Adobe Certified Expert Exam Prep (coming very soon)
My Lightroom Basic Training course is also up there so if you’ve never seen it before it’s all part of the subscription price. Oh… the price. It’s really simple. $19.99/month or $199/year. No strings attached. You get access to everything. Not one course… all of them. So head on over to Kelby Training and give it a try (yep, you can see the first 3 lessons in each course for free). Thanks!
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Hi Matt,
The new online training is awesome!!! What a fantastic idea .. but god only knows how you guys managed to keep this quiet :o)
Really looking forward to getting on with some of the photography courses and of course the Photoshop ones. The Adobe ACE one you have lined up is sure to be a winner when you look at how many posts go up in the NAPP forums from people asking for advice on the exam.
Have a great Christmas and here’s looking forward to an awesome 2008!!!
Best wishes to you and yours,
Hi Matt,
I think that the flat rate pricing is an incredible offer!
I was hoping that I could make a request for a course. I would really love to see a course on Film Scanning Techniques.
While my film library isnt that extensive compared to digital captures, there is still enough to make it a huge undertaking and not cost effective to get a service to do it. At scan times that can sometimes run close to an hour, it would be great to do it right the first time and never have to do it again.
Id love to hear about things like the right settings to use to create a master scan, what software and file types to save scans as, what corrections should be done to during the scan and which are better left for post, etc.
Hope that this is a helpful suggestion. As it is probably a topic that many of your co-experts have already wrestled with, I am sure they have come up with some great solutions that would really help us old enough to still remember what a negative or a slide looks like. 😉
Thanks and keep up the great work!
Thom Dombrowski: it works for you? Good for you. I do my homework – try the stuff recommended by people and buy if I like it. If it does not work, there is no reason for me to go further, it will be my life time waste. Consider my postings as vengeance if you like. People would read those and waste their time.
It is beyond me that Dibutil would complain the way that he did above. Seriously, when you have a problem, both IE and FireFox, would you not think, Hm maybe the problem is on my end. There is no way that I could be wrong. No Kelby Training was put up over night, and they must not have done their testing. So it has to be them.
It works, it works like a charm. The free ones are there. Each episode tells you how long it takes, what more do you want.
This is not the place to give your complaints call tech support on the site itself.
I don’t work for Matt, never met him. Don’t work for Kelby neither. Have meet at a conference though. Do your homework first.
Sorry folks for venting.. Yes this is not the place for that neither.
Hm… Neither FireFox nor IE show any of the promised free lessons.
I realize that this blog is not the right target for the feedback but alas, if you advertise you take the hit. You need to understand that I am (and many others) not specifically interested in “Kelby Training” but would consider some courses if there is value in them besides the words of promotion. Yet the first bell of doubt rings when you see the subject of a course and try to add up the total time of the lessons.. It does not look too serious. I wonder if those acclaimed professors are just presenting their printed material instead of actual teaching (I already have some books from the most famous of them). Second bell is this 3-lesson promotion that does not work….
Sorry dude, I do not have time to investigate and try.
Thanks for the quick response. I have been wanting to jump into Photoshop and learn how to use it. Now will be the time to jump in and do so.. This is great news.. Thanks, and good luck with all the courses.
Yep, works great on my Firefox as well. I’ll let the web guys know anyway.
Thom – All of the courses are available all the time as long as you’re a subscriber. You can watch anything as many times as you’d like. Basically, its a subscription service. As long as you subscribe you get to watch anything you’d like, as much as you’d like.
Matt K
Kelby training works fine on my Firefox also. not really a Matt problem.
Matt question on the training.. Will the courses be available all the time, and can you take the same course multiple times?
This looks like it can be a great thing for all.
Kelby Training works fine on my Firefox
Hi Matt, (and Matthias)
Kelby Training takes down my Firefox as well…. bummer.
if your training courses help me as much as your Lightroom tips have then the investment is well worth it. Loving the presets, they have come in handy soooo many times!
Hi Matt,
first of all your Lightroom web site is really great for information all about Lightroom and I nearly check it every day for some news.
But your link to ‘Kelby Training’ always takes down my Firefox (WinXP) into the virtual nirvana… IE is working fine and slow but honestly I don’t us IE, only for test purpose if I have to.
I hope this could be fixed soon because your announcement sounds quite interesting and I’d like to dig deeper in there.
Thanks and keep posting…