Lightroom TipsNews

28 Great Lightroom Resources

I had a pleasant surprise yesterday when I looked through my Google alerts. I noticed that Lightroom Killer Tips had been mentioned on Photography Bay’s 28 Great Lightroom resources. They’ve compiled a list of all the best resources on the web and I made it (near the top even!). What’s really cool is that they mention some resources from Adobe, Peachpit Press, and Layers Magazine – all of which I write for so it’s like a quadruple dose of Matt (and who doesn’t want more right 😉 ). So make sure you pay the list a visit because there’s plenty of Lightroom stuff out there that you may be missing.
That said, there’s one resource on there that wasn’t mentioned and it’s one of the sites I visit all the time. Sean McCormack’s Lightroom Blog is a great (and frequently updated) website that you’ll want to put on your Lightroom list. So if you’ve got some vacation time coming up over the holidays and want to catch up on everything there is to know about Lightroom, now you’ve got 29 places to go. You’d better get to it!
