Great Video on the New Book Features in the Latest Lightroom Update (and more)
Photographer and Lightroom author Sean McCormack, (who also writes the Maximum Workflow column in Lightroom Magazine) has released a great, to-the-point, video about the new features introduced in last week’s Lightroom Classic update), and in particular he covers the new magazine feature added to the books module, along with some of the other new features. Very well done, and definitely worth checking out:
Sean is also the author of a number of Lightroom books, including ‘The Responsible Guide to Lightroom CC” (from Rocky Nook Publishing), and authors the “LightroomBlog” (link).
Sean’s latest installment of his “Maximum Workflow” column in the Aug. 2018 issue of Lightroom Magazine (published 10x a year for KelbyOne Pro members), is on a “Compositing Workflow” using Lightroom and Photoshop. Pro Members can read it in the KelbyOne Mags app for IOS or Android, or follow the link from the Members dashboard to read it online.
And that wraps up awesome Sean McCormack day today here on the blog. 🙂
Have a great Monday, everybody!
P.S. Over on my daily blog today I have a photo challenge for you might really enjoy.
I make only one book a year (well, if I travelled abroad that year), but I’m very happy with this update. The customization of page layouts is a tremendous addition to Classic.
Agreed. It’s been on my wishlist for a long time now. So happy to see it has arrived. 🙂