
Got a Great Idea for a Smart Collection? You Might Win a Think Tank Photo CityWalker 30 Camera Bag!


That’s right — it’s a contest for whomever can come up with the best idea for a Lightroom Smart Collection, and the winner takes home a kickbutt Think Tank Photo CityWalker 30 Camera Bag.

Here’s how this works:

(1) You come up with an awesome Smart Collection idea (maybe you’ve already created a few that are pretty sweet), and include it in a comment here on this very post (you can also post a link to a screen capture if you’d like).

(2) From those posted here, I’ll pick 5 that I think are really awesome and they’ll be the finalists in the running to win the bag (I’ll list the finalists here on Monday).

(3) On Tuesday I’ll put up a poll for you guys to choose which of those five should be the winner.

(4) On Friday, I’ll announce the winner as chosen by the readers here on the blog.

NOTE: This contest is open to everybody everywhere, and we’ll ship the bag anywhere it needs to be shipped in the world, because that’s just how we roll.

OK, good luck everybody, and start coming up with awesome Smart Collection ideas!



P.S. My first full-day seminars of the year are coming up. I’m in Richmond on the 27th, and in Atlanta on the 29th. Hope I get to see you there (here’s the link with details). 



  1. そしてシンガポールから上場グループ高登(Cortina)は4月以来台北101でMALL咲いHarry Winstonなど8大ブランドの大きい後、2か月近くには、宝のプラチナ表大きい登場しない于新宇グループを時 1 March, 2016 at 10:58 Reply

    そしてシンガポールから上場グループ高登(Cortina)は4月以来台北101でMALL咲いHarry Winstonなど8大ブランドの大きい後、2か月近くには、宝のプラチナ表大きい登場しない于新宇グループを時計メーカーが直営大きいルート、高登時計を表展経営モデル開発大きい、所耗费コストが高い、相対的に回収も遅い。 http://www.bagkakaku.com/vuitton_bag/2/N41158.html

  2. ブライトリングクロノマチックコピー時計のそれから彼女は、黒1と同じことを確認しました 0.266876407 . 0.163217187 ブライトリングクロノマチックスーパーコピー時計のクリスマスのために彼 1 March, 2016 at 10:58 Reply

    ブライトリングクロノマチックコピー時計のそれから彼女は、黒1と同じことを確認しました 0.266876407 . 0.163217187 ブライトリングクロノマチックスーパーコピー時計のクリスマスのために彼は割れた顔をして時計を開きます . 2015ブライトリングクロノマチックスーパーコピーを製造販売している最高級ブライトリングクロノマチックコピーブライトリングクロノマチック時計屋であり、価格で3レプリカを通販していますので、是非ご拝見頂きます様お願い申し上げます。 http://www.brandiwc.com/brand-super-17-copy-0.html

  3. ジェイコブスーパーコピー 火星の本バージョンでは、プロットのとても多くがちょうど彼の機転によって生き残るためにしようとしです、彼の周りの材料と若干の非常に素晴らしい問題解 1 March, 2016 at 10:58 Reply

    ジェイコブスーパーコピー 火星の本バージョンでは、プロットのとても多くがちょうど彼の機転によって生き残るためにしようとしです、彼の周りの材料と若干の非常に素晴らしい問題解決スキル。サバイバリストジャンル映画とショーは本当に人気があります、そして、そのカテゴリーの範囲内(ゾンビの添加なし)、火星の優れた「もっともらしい」話の将来の生き残りの近くの惑星火星の上にあります。だから私はそれを見ることについてかなり興奮ですとだけ言っておこう。 http://www.gginza.com/%E6%99%82%E8%A8%88/%E3%83%AD%E3%83%AC%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%82%B9/daytona/04e74ce5ed154d2e.html

  4. これは北京の札を2008オリンピック記念で創作の1項のエナメル陀のはずみ車の腕時計、限定30匹。パネライ時計コピーエナメル文字板の上半分は直径0 . 04ミリ黄金素子制のオリンピックスタ 1 March, 2016 at 10:57 Reply

    これは北京の札を2008オリンピック記念で創作の1項のエナメル陀のはずみ車の腕時計、限定30匹。パネライ時計コピーエナメル文字板の上半分は直径0 . 04ミリ黄金素子制のオリンピックスタジアム――鳥の巢、鳥の巢の上に2匹のリュウキュウツバメを振るうように立て、ささやく、鳥の巢の下部の両側の各何枝芽が初の春柳の風に揺れて。柳に陀はずみ車の中華霊燕羽ばたく、腕時計を添えた多くの情趣。全体の時計はデザインの調和、生き生きして、エナメル文字盤のような一枚の水おしろいスケッチを含んで、鳥の巢の春暁のロマンチックな感情。 http://www.ooobrand.com/bags/hermes/640.html

  5. これは一種の海馬シリーズの腕時計、そのデザインセンスはさかのぼって1956年オメガの「海馬16」記念表項(Seamaster XVI)。ブランドコピー1956年にメルボルンで行われた第16回オリンピック 1 March, 2016 at 10:57 Reply

    これは一種の海馬シリーズの腕時計、そのデザインセンスはさかのぼって1956年オメガの「海馬16」記念表項(Seamaster XVI)。ブランドコピー1956年にメルボルンで行われた第16回オリンピック大会を記念としオメガ1957年オリンピックの指定カウントダウンの25週年で、オメガ特別の発表した「海馬16」記念表項。 http://www.msnbrand.com/goods-copy-4778.html

  6. 簡単にお気に入りの腕時計ユリスナルダンから彼らの有名な「フリーク」が、2001年以降、「アンチ・クラシック」の高級時計とモダンなデザインの時計nerderyが好きである人々のためでした 1 March, 2016 at 10:56 Reply

    簡単にお気に入りの腕時計ユリスナルダンから彼らの有名な「フリーク」が、2001年以降、「アンチ・クラシック」の高級時計とモダンなデザインの時計nerderyが好きである人々のためでした。 ブルガリスーパーコピー ユーレッセナーディン彼らの有力なシリコン腕時計で賭け金を上げ続けるということを私は何より好きです(異常な機械的運動における成分としてのシリコン部分を含む最初のスイス時計の生産)、多くの特徴を加えて、システムの性能と耐久性を増やします。その心は、時計の長針に実際にあるダイヤルの上で全てのシリコンギヤ列を特徴とします。最新の生成・フリークで、「freaklabとして知られ、「ユリスナルダンをさらに追加し、会社の新しい社内」ulychoc」技術の衝撃吸収材として機能を含む。 http://www.eevance.com/News/02a44259755d38e6.html

  7. 購入した5万匹ガス針表、過酷な戦争環境をより強調ガス針表卓越した品質、後はガス針表軍の必要な装備の一つとして。ウブロコピーガス針表の夜光機能がより随一、発光時間が長く、発 1 March, 2016 at 10:55 Reply

    購入した5万匹ガス針表、過酷な戦争環境をより強調ガス針表卓越した品質、後はガス針表軍の必要な装備の一つとして。ウブロコピーガス針表の夜光機能がより随一、発光時間が長く、発光効果も深く各国軍尊重の重要な原因の一つ。 http://www.wtobrand.com/gc3.html

  8. グランド跡地に壊れた1年後に、ウブロ2ブランドの自身の個人的なビッグバンへの構造的な証拠です。ウブロ1は2009年に開かれるだけでした、しかし、ブランドによって速く大きくなって、 1 March, 2016 at 10:54 Reply

    グランド跡地に壊れた1年後に、ウブロ2ブランドの自身の個人的なビッグバンへの構造的な証拠です。ウブロ1は2009年に開かれるだけでした、しかし、ブランドによって速く大きくなって、その最初の2007年にブティックを開いたというだけでは、まだ現在のような世界に誇って73店舗。coreta nyon建築事務所が設計し、新しいサイトウブロは次の5年にわたって100の新しいワークステーションを設置するのを許します、そして、400人をその地元の労働力を発達させます。 http://www.newkakaku.com/chq2.htm

  9. スーパーコピー 代引きN品をご 購入の方は、こちらへ.弊社は正規品と同等品質のコピー品を低価で お客様に提供します!すべての商品は品質2年無料保証です。100%実物写真ですし、品質が完 1 March, 2016 at 10:54 Reply

    スーパーコピー 代引きN品をご 購入の方は、こちらへ.弊社は正規品と同等品質のコピー品を低価で お客様に提供します!すべての商品は品質2年無料保証です。100%実物写真ですし、品質が完璧です!”ブランド財布偽物財布コピー ルイヴィトン財布偽物良質なスーパーコピー品を創造します!当社のスーパーコピー代引き、スーコピー腕時計は他社のものより品質がよくて、価格も安いです http://www.bestevance.com/rolex/Cellini/index.htm

  10. 私にとっては、2015年年間カレンダーiwcの腕時計の最も印象的な要素の運動である。オメガスーパーコピー後に大44.2mmワイドケースと、広大なサファイアクリスタル窓を通して、あなたは近 1 March, 2016 at 10:53 Reply

    私にとっては、2015年年間カレンダーiwcの腕時計の最も印象的な要素の運動である。オメガスーパーコピー後に大44.2mmワイドケースと、広大なサファイアクリスタル窓を通して、あなたは近代的な機械の腕時計運動の自社製キャリバー52850 iwcの素晴らしい例であることを見ます。iwcの米国の運動のアーキテクチャの範囲内で種々の谷と山の深い見方を与えることは素晴らしい仕事をしました。と運動を取り上げた事例の多くは、大きなプラスである。 http://www.fujisanbrand.com/wallet/vuitton/index_5.html

  11. Stephen Presutti 17 January, 2016 at 18:20 Reply

    I am a bird watcher and bird photographer. Most avid birders have a “Life List”, or a list of all the species they’ve seen in their lifetime. I started as a photographer first, so I my life list ONLY includes the species I’ve photographed. When I return home from a day of shooting, I keyword all my photos based on their species and “Pick” my favorites. Then I set up a Smart Collection in Lightroom for each species I’ve photographed. It collects photos that match the species as a Keyword and if it is “Picked”. This gives me a list of all the species I photographed along with my best photos of that species.

  12. Stephan Bollinger 17 January, 2016 at 18:05 Reply

    Hey Scott!
    Aside from the usual (client, job and workflow related collections), I also use a series of “control smart collections”, for those days when everything is done in a hurry and I don’t follow through with all the meta I should. These various controls collections filter for all images that have…

    – no keywords
    – no location
    – no title or caption
    – no copyright & contact information
    – no adjustments

    Additionally, purely for creative purposes, I use color keywords to mark images with a prominent color (red dress, blue hat etc), and I have a set of smart collections that filter for these keywords. This is helpful when selecting images for shows, presentations etc, to quickly find images that “work together” color wise.

    There’s a ton more that are workflow related, but they may be more specific to how I work (keeping on top of images that still need to be retouched, images delivered, client rejects etc etc), but for the general stuff, that should be it for today 😉

    Cheers from sunny Queensland!

  13. Keith Lucas 17 January, 2016 at 16:57 Reply

    I use the smart collections to designate image uses…As a regular shooter for a college, I usually provide a book of their images from the year containing all sports- yearbook type thing. I use smart collections to gather images- Blue for the client book, Red for images I want for either a block or portfolio, green for advertising/promotional.

  14. Ian M Butterfield 17 January, 2016 at 16:12 Reply

    My main use of smart collections is to control my workflow. I have a metadata preset that assigns. Keywords for each step of my workflow (Eg 01-GPS, 02-Basic Metadata, 03-Keywords, 04-Selection, 05-Develop and Rate, 06-Output)

    Next create six smart collection to show only those images with have the corresponding keyword assigned.

    ie the first smart collection shows me all the images have the keyword “01-GPS” assigned to it. The second “02-Basic Metadata” etc.

    I can then visit each smart collection in turn to see which images still need to be captioned, or keyworded or need to go through the selection process. Once the task is done, the appropriate keyword is removed from the image and the images no longer appear in the collection to have that task done to them.

    In fact I also have a whole load of what I call ‘sanity check’ smart collections too. Eg Images that still have the “01-GPS” keyword AND have GPS Co-ordinates. Anything in that collection is done so the “01-GPS” keyword can be removed.

    It took a while to set-up but now my whole workflow is managed this way.

  15. Florian 17 January, 2016 at 09:53 Reply

    This is not an idea for current use but more of a request to allow us to use Smart Collections links to a Collection Set as well as just a Collection. Add this to a request to Adobe to allow us to create a collection set template to be used over and over again

  16. Finn Stausholm Nielsen 17 January, 2016 at 02:31 Reply

    Searching for photosfiles without Keywords takes time. Therefore I use this nice trick

    For finding all the photofiles on my harddrive of fx my family, I make a negative Smart collection means making a smart collection where I remove all photos of irrelevant items:

    Use the filter: Match None of following rules (Any Searchable text: Work, Sport, Friends, Hobby, Airplanes…..)Then It is easy to identify photos of interest that is missing keywords

  17. Jay 17 January, 2016 at 01:50 Reply

    I set up two Instagram Collections. I’ve recently started using Instagram more seriously and created two Instagram Smart Collections for photos I want to consider posting to Instagram.

    – The first one is titled “Instagram 1×1”. I have it configured to show photos where the “Aspect Ratio is Square”

    – The second one is title “Instagram Other Sizes 18P”. Here I have it configured to show photos that the “rating is 1 star” and “Label Color is green” and the “Pick Flag is flagged”. If I hit the keys 1, 8 and P the photo is set for the Instagram smart collection. I rarely use 1 star and green combo for anything else.

    Lastly I put them in a Collection Set titled Instagram

    • Jay 17 January, 2016 at 15:06 Reply

      One other part of the workflow I might add, that is not part of smart collections is, I have another non-smart collection called Instagram mobile that I have synced to the adobe Lr cloud. So when I draw from the Instagram candidates from the smart collections. I just drop the photo into the Instagram mobile collection and it automatically syncs to my iPhone Lr Mobile ready to post to Instagram. Then to keep the collections together I put all three in an Instagram collection set title Instagram.

  18. Frank Thom 16 January, 2016 at 22:19 Reply

    No noodling! It totally made sense (Grid episode on 2016 resolutions).

    I primarily use LR, rarely PS. But when I do need PS, I’m a bit rusty cuz all I do is “noodle” around. So, my resolution is to practice PS, vs noodling without purpose. On to my Smart Collections, I created ones to practice various PS skills…

    Healing Brush
    Dodge & Burn
    Layer Masks
    Blending Modes

  19. Gary J. Lazer 16 January, 2016 at 20:19 Reply

    I do a lot of food photography. My smart collections are;

    For 5 stars the collection’s name is, “Farm Fresh”.

    3 to 4 stars it’s, “Store Bought”.

    1 to 2 stars it’s titled, “Corner Deli.”

  20. Frank Zaremba 16 January, 2016 at 18:17 Reply

    I use smart collections for our camera club so I can identify images for end of the year judging. A collection is setup for images for each month. Winning images have a keyword added and the Smart Collection is setup to add those images to those that are used for the end of year competition. We setup multiple smart collections, one for each category.

  21. Lisa Cirincione 16 January, 2016 at 14:37 Reply

    *no keywords
    For adding keywords later

    *no stars
    For finding pics that need to be culled

    For finding pics from the iPhone that need to be deleted, like screen grabs and downloaded pics

  22. Scott Thomas 16 January, 2016 at 13:52 Reply

    If you ever find yourself finishing a few files from a shoot, getting what you want, but then thinking, “I need to come back and finish some of these other ones later” this is for you.

    Create a Smart Collection with a name like “To Be Processed” and have it use the keyword “unprocessed” (or some other word that will mean the same thing to you).

    When you import new photos, in addition to your copyright preset, and any keywords related to the shoot, include the keyword “unprocessed” (or whatever you used).

    As you process the photos, be sure to remove the “unprocessed” keyword, and your “To Be Processed” Smart Collection will keep all your photos that need work for you. Of course, once you decide that a file will never be used, if you don’t reject and delete it, you’ll want to remove the unprocessed keyword so it doesn’t clutter up your Smart Collection.

  23. Tammy Sullivan 16 January, 2016 at 13:08 Reply

    It is easy to get too many Virtual Copies of an image. Maybe you had a great idea of making a Virtual Copy and converting that Virtual Copy to black & white. Virtual copies in your Lightroom library can multiply like breeding rabbits. Before you know it, you’re swimming in Virtual Copies and you don’t recall why you created it. I initially tried to create color labels for Virtual Copies and use the comments field indicating that this Virtual Copy still needs changes. Then I discovered a much easier method using Smart Collections. I created a Smart Collection to look for Virtual Copies that have had no Develop Module changes done to it. This is an easy way to go in and do some housekeeping and eliminate Lightroom clutter.

  24. David Travis 16 January, 2016 at 13:06 Reply

    I have a set of Smart Folders that track images taken with different lenses. For example, if “Lens” contains “EF16-35” then it gets added to the Smart Folder “Canon 16-35”. I’ve put these Smart Folders in a Folder Collection and, because the number of images is shown after the folder name, at a glance I can see which lenses I favour and which ones are being underused.

    • Scott Kelby 17 January, 2016 at 17:56 Reply

      You actually don’t have to do that — Lightroom keeps track of all that stuff automatically for you. Just go to the Metadata filter (up at the top of the Grid in the Library Module), and from any one of the fields choose “Lens” and if you have “All Photos” selected, it will show you each lens and how many photos were taken with it. This all happens automatically — no need to add keywords or sort it. Hope that helps. 🙂

  25. Bruno Miguel Santos 16 January, 2016 at 12:42 Reply

    How about a smart collection called ” The secret of the Geisha ” …

    In that collection you have geisha shots taken from different parts of japan, and also, some landscapes to combine with the atmosphere of the collection …
    Since Smart Collections are so awesome to compile every shot i took, I would use only the best of
    the best to print out a photobook …

  26. Andrew 16 January, 2016 at 12:38 Reply

    Here’s a simple workflow I use daily for my landscape photography.

    Breaks down into 4 smart collections using color labels.

    01. Possibilities – Images I probably want to work on – Labeled Blue
    02. Processing – Images I’ve started working on – Labeled Yellow
    03. Post – Images I’ve finished but haven’t posted to my website or social media yet – Labeled Green
    04. Finished – Images that are finished and part of my portfolio, social media etc

    Regardless of my folder structure for storing and organizing images, this simplifies my entire workflow down to 4 easy steps. When I get some time to process a couple of images, I just jump to my possibilities or processing folders to easily find and work on images that have caught my attention.

    Here’s a blog post that gives more details plus screen shots from how I use this workflow in lightroom – http://andrewvernonphotography.com/posts/simple-lightroom-landscape-workflow

  27. Ryan 16 January, 2016 at 12:08 Reply

    From time to time I loose photos because they don’t get added into a collection for a variety of reasons, this was more common before LR CC but still at times during import I will forget to add the images to a collection or I want images in a single import to go to 2 or more different collections but forget to assign all of them I don’t get around to adding them to the correct collections later. This smart collection finds any images that are not in a collection.

    This was inspired by a post that had only half of the formula, I added in the numbers because for some of my shoots I have a collection set for the client and the actual collection is only a numerical date.


    I have a smart filter called “no collections” using
    “Match all of the following rules:”
    Collection – doesn’t contain – 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 a e i o u

    • Ryan 16 January, 2016 at 12:15 Reply

      Sorry I forgot to mention that what this smart filter actually does is find all photos that are not in collections, this is with exception to collections that do not have a number or vowel and that never happens with me, I imagine it is very rare.

  28. Grace Hamilton 16 January, 2016 at 12:05 Reply

    I use to this help with getting my photos copyrighted. Example:
    Name: 2014 to register
    Keyword contains: cc
    Capture date is in the range 2014-01-01 to 2014-12-31
    File type is not video
    File type is not PSD
    File type is not PNG
    File type is not TIFF

  29. Ken Toney 16 January, 2016 at 11:50 Reply

    I do mostly landscapes so after each shoot I will pick a few favorite and Mark them “red” by hitting the “6” key. I have a collection called “Best Shots” that I’ve had now for 5 years. I have the smart collection set to allow in “6” marked photos. This is good for many things, to find photos people want to print and to find folders with same type photos.

  30. Lloyd Patterson 16 January, 2016 at 11:19 Reply

    How about a smart collection called noisy, ie any image taken at or above a certain ISO say 1600 or 3200, that way you know at a glance the images that may need more work, and more importantly how many times you forgot to reduce the ISO after cranking it up for one particular shot.
    Could be an eye opener for some, it was for me, makes you think more when shooting after a while.

  31. Pierre Chaton 16 January, 2016 at 10:48 Reply

    Collection to auto-populate several publishing services in one operation
    If you want to publish photos to several places (e.g. Flickr, SmugMug, Facebook… etc) you can use a collection together with Smart albums in the Publishing services module.
    How to do it:
    1 Go the the Collections module and create a collection and give it a name (e.g. “2016-auto-pub”).
    2 Go the Publish Services module and create a Smart album, let say to Flickr as follows:
    – Right-click on the Flickr publishing service and select Create Smart Album…
    – Give a name to the Smart Album (e.g. “2016”).
    – Define the rules for the Smart Album as follows:
    – Select Source->”Collection” in the first column, then “Contains All” in the 2nd column and enter the exact name of the collection you created in the first step (i.e. “2016-auto-pub”).
    – Press Save to create the “2016” Smart album in the Flickr publishing service.
    3 Now, each time you drop a photo in the “2016-auto-pub” collection it is automatically ready for publication in the “2016” Flickr Smart Album you created. You can create similar Smart Albums in other Publish services so that each time you drop a photo into the “2016-auto-pub” collection it is ready for publication to several places in one operation.

  32. Craig 16 January, 2016 at 08:54 Reply

    Since I am not a pro and use LR for editing family photos, my needs are catered to finding photos rather than selling them. So:
    1. Favorite photos – 5 Stars
    2. Edits from the past month, week, last 2 days. (might have started the night before)
    3. Imports from past week, month, last 2 days.
    4. B/W conversions
    5. rejected – in case I did not delete them.

  33. Alexis 16 January, 2016 at 04:10 Reply

    Here are some Smart Collections that I am using.

    I have a Collection Set named “Best of”. In this one I have the following Smart Collections:
    – All times: 5 star images
    – 2013: 5 star images taken in the range 2013-01-01 to 2013-12-31
    – 2014: 5 star images taken in the range 2014-01-01 to 2014-12-31
    – 2015: 5 star images taken in the range 2015-01-01 to 2015-12-31
    – 2016: 5 star images taken in the range 2016-01-01 to 2016-12-31

    I didn’t have DSLR prior to that year!

    I have a Collection Set named “Genre”. In this one I have the following Smart Collections:
    – Thessaloniki: 5 star images and the keyword Thessaloniki (this is my hometown)
    – Landscapes: 5 star images and the keyword Landscape
    – Seascapes: 5 star images and the keyword Seascape

    I have the above categories in my website so I am using them to find out what to upload.

    I have a Collection Set named “Processing”. In this one I have the following Smart Collections:
    – Not Edited: Has adjustments is false and Pick flag is not rejected
    – Recently Edited: Has adjustments is true and Edit date is in the last 30 days
    – Rejected: Pick flag is rejected

  34. Dave C 15 January, 2016 at 19:38 Reply

    I use Lightroom mobile for culling through images, but I’m forever forgetting to check the “add to collection” box at import time. My workaround is a smart collection of images in the last 3 months that aren’t synced in my ‘new images’ collection.

    I’ve got a few others in my “missing pieces” collection set for mistake-catching as well, ‘missing copyright’ being a classic one.

    Also for my yearly books of pictures of my son, anything he’s tagged in with 3 stars or more. That one saves me a lot of hunting around Christmas time 🙂

  35. Chris 15 January, 2016 at 17:41 Reply

    A few that I’d like so I didn’t have to search for them:

    “Missing Copyright” – where copyright status = “copyrighted” but the copyright is blank.

    “Possible Panoramic” – automatically detecting photos that overlap (i.e. could be merged) based on the partial overlap of photos that were taken sequentially (based on capture time, or filename).

    “Possible HDR” – similar to the above, but for photos that are taken in sequence, with varying exposure settings, and have a majority of the photo overlapping.

    “Metadata has Conflict” – obviously this will be zero for most people, but if there is a problem then it’s good to be able to find everything that’s affected in one spot.

  36. John Havord 15 January, 2016 at 13:34 Reply

    Smart collection, using label color purple, for images that I feel I’ve made a mistake i.e. used too fast a shutter speed, when photographing a prop plane, so no motion blur. Should have used a longer lens to compress the scene, etc.

    Acts as a visual reminder, to hopefully not make the same mistake again.

    Obviously, my purple label smart collection, is small 🙂

  37. L. Scott Johnson 15 January, 2016 at 13:00 Reply

    “Need Meta Saved” collection: Metadata Status is “Has been changed”, filetype is not video.

    “Needs Geotagging” collection: GPS is “no coordinates”, filetype is not video, Keywords doesn’t contain words “scan”

    “Candidates” collection: Rating is 5 star, Keywords doesn’t contain “published”, Capture Date is in the last 2 years

  38. Robert Bernstein 15 January, 2016 at 12:44 Reply

    great idea for a contest!

    I have a few I use:
    then & now for older and newer shots of people
    practice edits for photos I want to practice new edit ideas
    prints for sale for photos I would like to sell as prints at shows or online

  39. Ian T 15 January, 2016 at 12:15 Reply

    My most often used ones are workflow orientated:
    – Unsaved Metadata (photos that have had changes, but haven’t had the metadata saved). Makes finding them easy, and then a CTRL+A / CTRL+S to fix. If I’m working properly it should be at 0. Choose: Metadata status – is – has been changed
    – Rejected. As a rejected photo state isn’t stored in the metadata (flags don’t store), I tend to group all the unflagged so that I can then add a “rejected” keyword, and save that metadata back to the file before doing a remove from LR catalogue. That way, my rejects are preserved. I do this on photos I’m not 100% sure are delete-from-disk candidates. Having the keyword “rejected” in the metadata lets me re-import in the future and give them a second look.
    – Unfinished Portfolio. This is a collection of my best work that doesn’t have any keywords added. If it’s a super shot, I keyword it with “Portfolio”. When I get the time, I then go through the portfolio and do the necessary PP. Once that’s done, I keyword it with keywords as well as “XXX Photography” where XXX is the style (landscape, portrait, street, surreal etc). The smart collection looks for images that do have “Portfolio” but that don’t contain “photography”. This gives me my base list of images to focus my time on.

  40. Bill 15 January, 2016 at 11:17 Reply

    I have set up my Smart Collections as thus (sorry for the old english but you know how it is with english majors) I use the Color rating as it easier to spot in the Library mode.

    1. Edit in Photoshop {Red}
    2. Chosen {Yellow}
    3. Print {Blue}
    4. Classroom {Green}(I teach so these are the ones that I feel will benefit the class to see)

    By keeping the Smart Collections simple using Colors I am still free to use Flagging for picking best from the session and even using flags separate the ones for proofing or client review.

  41. Morgan 15 January, 2016 at 10:04 Reply

    Couple Smart Collections I use are

    HDR, PANO and Photoshop Edits

    Since I use the Merge feature in LR a good bit, I can have Smart Collections look for either HDR or PANO in the name since Lightroom defaults to add these to the file name.

    For the Photoshop Edits, I look for either PSD or TIFF files.

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