Fun Fact: Lightroom Mobile is Free for Everybody!
That’s right — anybody can use Lightroom Mobile (note: it’s no longer called Lightroom Mobile – this mobile app is now called ‘Lightroom CC’). So, your friends, family members, mild acquaintances, pets — they can all simply download Lightroom CC from Apple’s App Store, or Google Play, and they can start using the power of Lightroom today for editing their own mobile images.
Q. So, what’s missing from this “Free” version of Lightroom for their mobile device?
A. Just one thing. Syncing. Since they don’t have a subscription to Lightroom Classic (or the new Lightroom CC), images they edit with Mobile back won’t sync between their mobile device and their desktop computer — it’s an all mobile workflow.
All the other sliders, features, etc. are all still there, and work the same way.
How cool is that! Just tell your friends/family/other that when they search for it on the App Store/Google Play, they need to search for Lightroom or Lightroom CC (heck, even if they search for Lightroom Mobile, what comes up is Lightroom CC, but just let them know — yup, that’s the right one).
Hope you found that helpful!
Thanks to everybody who came out to see me in Texas!
Had a blast in San Antonio and in Houston – it was great meeting so many folks who read the blog or catch me on the Grid. Next month, I’m in Atlanta and Milwaukee, Wisconsin – details and tickets here. Come on out and spend the day with me.
Have a great weekend, everybody, and we’ll catch ya back here next week!
This isn’t completely accurate – the app is free, but there are several features that aren’t available to non-CC subscribers:
RAW editing
Sync Profiles & Presets
Selective Adjustments
Sensei Search
…and several other things that are explained in more detail here:
Adobe doesn’t make it very clear of these omissions before you download Lr Mobile – it’s hard to find any info about it online, which is why I created the above guide!
Either way, Lr Mobile is a fantastic app! Paying for CC does make it even better, but for most people, the free version is enough.
i just installed it – it needs a google / facebook / Adobe ID login. Plus it is showing up as a 15 day trial
Confirmed. The latest update hasforced me to sign in to Adobe, Googkeor FaceCrap, and is showing up as a trial. The party is over (as is my interest in Adobe).
I’m pretty sure that you can’t use the selective tools without a subscription neither (not sure about the wording, I’m loosely translating from the French interface; the tools on the left of the cropping tool).
free-yes -but substantial features blocked apart from syncing i couldnt care less about…and these are raw editing and selective adjustments. uninstalled again.
was nice when i used to pay for pc version, but since i dont use pc just ipad pro this is useless and noone will pay 11eur per month for mobile version..
I agree, it is crippled and not worth the fee either…