Catch My Live “Photo Recipes” Session This Morning
I’m very excited to be the guest tomorrow on Terry White’s “Photography Master Class” live stream, and I’m doing a presentation called “Photo Recipes” where I share a final image, and then show how to make a similar shot, with behind-the-scenes photos and camera setting and such.
It’s free and open to everybody – we’re live from 10:55 AM to 11:55 AM ET, and you can watch it right here on the blog below (and if you miss the live stream, and can watch the archive here as well). 🙂
Hope you can make it (or rewatch it above if you missed the live stream).
We already have over 1,000 attendees for next week’s Landscape Photography Conference
It’s not too late to join us — it starts with a pre-conference session I’m teaching on “What makes a great landscape photo” and we also have a first-timer orientation class from Larry Becker to help you make the most of the virtual conference. Here’s the link to get your ticket — don’t miss out.
Have a great weekend everybody, and thanks to Terry for having me on his awesome show (which airs each week at this same time. Always great info).
Stay safe and sane, and we’ll catch you back here next week (well, at least that’s what I’m hoping). 🙂
As a beginner, I really appreciated this video and hope we can see more photo recipes for others types of photography.