Another Awesome Lightroom Shortcut (this one, from one of our readers)
I straight up didn’t know this one. Even if I did know it at one point, I sure didn’t recall it, and it’s awesome, and I did a video about it, with credit to CallMeBob — who knows a ton about Lightroom and often shares with us here on the blog, so thank you again “Bob” (or Lyle, or ya know, whomever). 😉
Bob for the win! (thanks, CallMeBob)
Tons of news over on my daily blog today
Lots of stuff to share over there. Here’s the link if you’ve got a sec.

I finally got my shots from Tokyo posted
Here’s that link – hope you can check them out.
P.S. The Photoshop World Conference in Las Vegas is just about a month away. Tons and tons of Lightroom training classes at the conference. You should go.
Great tip, callmebob!
I didn’t even know there was an auto mask feature so, I’m twice mind blown right now…
Thanks for the tips!
I am HONORED to have either advanced, inspired or reminded your eminence in some small way.
And yes, it’s Lyle – my original name got blocked once so I shifted to “callmebob” in reference of the movie “What About Bob”… which is not autobiographical… Have been traveling in BC/AB and just seeing this tutorial including the tip – it’s a good time saver…
Also note that it also works in the opposite way, too. If Auto Mask is enabled, depressing the Command key temporarily turns it off.
A related shortcut, while in the LR Adjustment Brush, the letter A acts as a toggle to turn on or off the Auto Mask feature.
This is a great tip that I wasn’t aware of. Thanks Scott and thanks for the reader how pointed it out to you!
Kelby Killer tips has a good demo of this, September 18, 2017 : ) Thanks for the reminder.
Another great tip. Keep them coming!
I’m adding my big thank you to Scott & CMB! Great and hugely helpful tip!!
WOW! Great Tip! Thanks, Bob and Scott.
About the best tip in a long time! Thank you so much, Scott and “Bob” (he’s not my uncle)…!
but is Fanny your aunt ?