Here’s a few links worth checking out while you’re web surfing today:

• Bogen is putting on an Extreme Sports webinar by kick-butt photographer Michael Clark on July 17. Its free too! Here’s the link.

• If you’re a working pro then you’ll probably want to check out
GridIron Flow – a Visual Workflow Manager. Its pretty cool software but, again, mainly for professionals that touch a number of programs and graphics for their work and need to keep a visual diagram of that entire workflow.

• John Beardsworth has created a Lightroom plug-in called “Open Directly” that lets you open your Raw files (not TIFF copies) in an external editor. Not something I personally would need but a number of folks find the need to use Lightroom and Capture NX or other similar programs. This should make it easier.

• Want some inspiration for the day (as well as a reason to crave a cocktail all day)? Check out Martin Wonnacott’s portfolio. He’s an amazing beverage photographer and his portfolio will definitely inspire.



  1. John 1 July, 2009 at 18:16 Reply

    Thanks for the link, Matt.

    Yes, Howard – you don’t get Open Directly for free! Sure you can go to NX2 via Finder/Explorer, but this plug-in can simultaneously send multiple files from different folders. What’s more, it is no longer just for NX2, which was my original plan and a common user request. Now you can set up to 6 external apps, which don’t have to be raw converters. For example, you can use it to send photos via Mail/Outlook without going through Export. My time has gone into it, it’ll save some users a big chunk of time, and if you don’t think it’s a fair deal….

  2. Howard 1 July, 2009 at 17:39 Reply

    I may have got it wrong, but the Open Directly plug-in appears to have a fee associated with it after July 7th! I for one would use the Open in Finder and right-click into Capture NX2 before spending any money on it.

    I also believe it would be in Adobe’s best interests to embrace other editing tools and allow for transfer in RAW format as a preference option. I know they would argue that for some formats, like NEF, the resultant edits could not be rendered in LR, but I think that should be a user choice.

  3. Jeff 1 July, 2009 at 13:30 Reply


    Where are some of the photos from the Palouse? Look forward to some posts that might include some of those shots.

    Heading through that area tomorrow on the way to my hometown.

    Hope you enjoyed your time there!

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