Happy Friday! Here’s a few links worth stopping by today.
I’m teaching a Lightroom/Photoshop Integration and Workflow class at Dave Cross Workshops in Tampa, on Sept. 29th. There’s limited seating. Click here to snag a spot soon.
Here’s a quick semi-review/mention of my Photoshop Compositing book
I was a guest on the Nikonians “Behind the Lens” podcast with Ray Valdovinos.
onOne Software announced their Perfect Photo Suite 6 which basically takes all of their products and puts them into one interface/home. It also includes Perfect Layers 2 for Lightroom (with some new features) which basically gives layers functionality in (sorry with 😉 ) Lightroom.
Rick Sammon recently interviewed me on the Digital Photography Experience podcast
The Manfrotto School of Excellence is hosting a free webinar on September 20th called Datacolor presents: How to Get Great Prints!
Matt, I know you have posted before about how to transfer a LR catalog between two Macs, but since you use both Mac and PC (sometimes), I was wondering if you can transfer a LR catalog, from a PC to a Mac, and still be able to use it without any problems?
Thanks for the acknowledgement. It produced a noticeable bounce in readership. I’m a big fan of you and all the guys at NAPP. I did get a big kick out of the compositing book, and your Layers book, and the other books you’ve either written or co-written. Keep writing and I’ll keep reading.
You’re welcome Tom. Thanks for the mention 🙂
Matt, what do you think about this new technology that enables focus change after an image was shot? Right now there is Lytro (http://www.lytro.com/) promising camera very soon (the company play with sensor) and I know that Adobe experimented with this tech and had test lenses with the same idea. Do you think that professional photography would transform because of this and go in that direction?