Win a Free Ticket to the Lightroom 3 Live Seminar!
This week I’m starting a 5 city tour of the Lightroom 3 Live seminar from Kelby Training. First I head to Phoenix, then on to Indianapolis, Tampa, Arlington and finally Philadelphia. This is an absolute fantastic chance to come out and learn Lightroom from the ground up. I even recorded a quick video about the day that you can watch below.
But… I wanted to give you a chance to win a free ticket to the seminar. So here’s the deal. Leave a comment with the city you’d like to attend the seminar in (here’s the dates of all the seminar stops) and I’ll pick 1 winner for each city later today.
HINT: I’m running a similar contest over on my Google+ page. If you add me to your circles and leave a comment on the post there, you could actually have two chances to win a ticket 😉
Good luck and I hope to see you there! Oh and as always… if you are attending make sure you come up and say hi. I always love to hear from friends of the blog 🙂