
Weekly Worth-a-click

Happy Monday folks. Hope you had a great weekend. Here’s a few links that are worth a click:

• Scott Kelby’s new Lightroom book is out and tearing up the best seller list (top 100 of ALL books on Amazon!). If you’re thinking about grabbing a copy, Jeff Revell (from Photowalk Pro) wrote the first review that I’ve seen so check it out.

• Frederick Johnson from Adobe did an interview of me when we were at Photoshop World. Here it is.

• Just an overall cool story of how LR and PS are helping a 16-year old photographer get started.

• A very quick and concise review of LR2 for anyone still holding out

• Syl Arena over at Pixsylated (have I ever mentioned that I love the name of his site) wrote a good article about the benefits of shooting tethered into Lightroom.

That’s it for today. I’ve got some cool presets based on some comments from last week that I’ll have out this week as well so check back. See ya.



  1. Jason 22 September, 2008 at 11:54 Reply

    Sorry! The special characters did not showd up at my last comments… if you checked the link from your url address bar, the br after en_us should be removed.

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