Gallery Spotlights

Wednesday Inspiration – Jessica Claire

First off, thanks so much to everyone who took some time out of their day to post a comment to yesterday’s post (suggesting presets). As I’ve said before I know how precious your time is and I’m honestly thankful that you continue to spend some of it here. I’ll be posting a follow up with my findings summarized tomorrow. Anyway, on to the inspiration/website for the week. This one is for all of you wedding photographers out there. Heck, even if you’re not a wedding photographer I think it’s just an interesting website to visit. It’s Jessica Claire Photography and she’s got some really beautiful work. Plus, she really let’s her personality come through in her blog and (to me at least) that ranks up there with one of the top things I look for when I visit blogs. So go pay her site a visit and enjoy your Wednesday.



  1. Sara 5 November, 2009 at 12:15 Reply

    How do I find the posts about the presets? Specifically whichever one Kevin posted that looks like Jessica’s – love that look and can’t get it right! Thanks!
    ~ Sara

  2. Al 30 January, 2008 at 22:33 Reply

    Let me drop another site to check out: A husband and wife wedding photo business with some really cool shots. Also, jessica and the wiebners had their blogs done by a really awesome custom web design company called, infinet design. If you are looking for a custom photo blog, I’m sure that even jessica would agree that infinet rocks.

  3. Matt J. 30 January, 2008 at 19:30 Reply

    Thanks! I’m looking for a wedding photographer in Northern California (I’m working on a budget unfortunately), any other suggestions?

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