It's "Suggest a Preset" Day
Does October 15, 2007 ring a bell? That was the day I started releasing my presets out to all of the visitors to this site each week. That was almost 4 months ago and something occurred to me the other day. I’m only giving away the presets I use. What about you guys? I’m sure there’s lots of presets that you wish you had. So let me know what they are? Is there any effect, technique, template, Identity Plate or anything else that you think would make a good candidate for Preset Monday? Maybe it’ll even spawn off into a video. Post your ideas as a comment here. If I end up using them (and I’m sure there’s plenty of good ideas out there) I’ll throw all of the candidates names into a hat and draw a couple names for a free month subscription over at Kelby Training’s online training website. I can’t wait to see your ideas. Thanks!