We do a Lightroom and Photoshop tip each week on my photography Podcast “The Grid” (aired live Wednesdays at 1:00 PM ET), and this week I did a tip on a way under-rated, under-used masking feature that a lot of folks are sleeping on (but shouldn’t). Check out this clip from the show where I show the tip:
Pretty handy, right? You change that one little thing, and it becomes so useful. 🙂
Have a great weekend, ya’ll. Hope to catch you here next week. 🙂
P.S. I know a lot of you use On1 Software’s plug-ins to extend what Lightroom Classic can do. If that’s you, check out the full two-day, two-track conference coming up next month on getting the most of your plug-ins and your Lightroom/On1 workflow. Here’s the link with details.
It would be easier with AI : “select floor”
That is true. But until we have that, we have this. 🙂