Video – Importing Raw + JPEGs into Lightroom
I figured I’d pick off another common question I get during this week’s video. It deals with what happens to your JPEGs when you shoot in the Raw+JPEG mode on your camera. I always get lots of questions from people that say they shoot Raw+JPEG but Lightroom is ignoring them. Actually, its supposed to. See, Lightroom has a preference setting that lets you tell it what to do with the JPEG files. We’ll take a look at it in this video.
Click here to download the video to your computer. [Right-click and choose the “Save As” option]
Even though my preferences are set to import both raw and jpeg. Lightroom 3 refuses to import the raw .cr2 files from my Canon 60D?
Hi and thank you for the blog and the tips… I am new to lightroom in version 3 and came from just using spit, sweat, bailing wire and bridge before this.
One question – you say that LR will ignore the JPG and only import the RAW files… I’ve noticed that it has been moving the JPG’s to the hard drive regardless, taking up an extra 30% space for each image.
1) Why is it doing this to me?
2) Can I just delete the JPG files to regain the space?
Thanks again!
I have a Sony DSLR-A 300 camera and cannot import raw images into Lightroom 2.3. Do I require additional software or can I do this. What is the procedure.
I am having the very same problem with my Canon 60D. I have the latest codec from Canon for raw files installed?
Me too. Having same issue. It gives me an error when I try to open raw files. I’m a Sony shooter. I used jpeg-raw , but no luck editing or seeing image
I shoot in RAW+JPG as well. If I import from a folder or card reader that contains both file types, when I hover over the image in Lightroom, it has the file extension of .CR2+JPEG. What is the prefered methodology? Is it better to work on just the .CR2 files and not import the .JPEG files?
I shoot in RAW + JPG; I upload the JPGs to a private online gallery as one more form of backup, then delete the JPGs and finally import the RAW images into LR. I checked that I had the checkbox off to treat JPGs as separate files, but when I just imported, all the files, JPG and RAW, were moved to the target folder, though of course only the RAW were in my catalog. So I guess I need to stick to my old methodology of first deleting the JPGs before import.
A bit off topic but similar. I use Nik plugins with LR and end up with a lot of edits tree2222.tif–tree2222-edit.tif –tree2222-edit- edit2.tif etc. Is there any way around this auto renaming scheme? Perhaps just a sufix1-2-3 or something.
Enjoy the tips.
I just want to say how valuable this blog is. I just returned from a trip to Tanzania where I took 2,203 images. I imported then all into Lightroom each evening, using keywords and organizing into collections based on subject and location. I made the image pics in Lightroom and did the lion’s share (sorry about that) of the adjustments there. I uploaded selects to a daily blog, Facebook, and my own website using Lightroom plug-ins. I printed all but 17 large gallery prints using Lightroom’s Print module. A lot of what I learned I picked up from Matt’s tips, links, and videos and the input of other contributors here. (The shortcuts list of a few days ago was just an example.) Although it’s not required, it’s part of my self-justification for maintaining my NAPP membership. Thanks, Matt and other contributors.
What tool do you use to capture your video/voice for preparing these tutorials ? (can someone recommend one for a PC ?)
great advice Matt thanks,
i have a tip re catalogues, you know when you mouse over the cat list and it shows a preview in the nav panel of an image in that catalogue? sometimes its not the best image and can be distracting if eg showing clients etc.
now i put the sweetest image first in the catalogue and thats the one that shows up
Do you use a Wacom Tablet with Lightroom 2? I have been told it works fine with Photoshop. Does it work as well with Lightroom 2?
Tip: When importing RAW+Jpeg, which I do usually, I like to not have the two pictures together, since it makes flagging and rejecting more cumbersome. Instead, I like to see all JPEGs together and all RAW files together.
To do this, in Grid View mode, make sure the Toolbar (T) is shown. In the Toolbar, at the bottom of the Grid, click on Sort and then File Extension.
To take it one step further, I also like to select all raw files (which are now all together after all the JPEG files) and group them (Ctrl/Cmd + G). This will make scrolling around in grid view mode much cleaner by only showing the JPEG file, while also having the RAW files available there when needed.
Certainly, you can also instead leave only the RAW files displayed and group the JPEGs so they don’t spam your Grid if not needed.
(Matt, good seeing you around at Photoshop World in Vegas. Didn’t get a chance to catch you alone and say hi, but I will next time.)
Thanks for this video. I would like to ask a question that takes this a step further. If I have downloaded a few folders that were jpeg+raw and now I decided for space issues to remove the jpegs, what is the correct way to do that in Lightroom? I tried just deleting the jpegs and then syncing the folders but I get an error message about missing sidecar data when I do that. What is the correct process?
Thanks Matt, for addressing this issue in the video this week. I was aware of that preference, but somehow it didn’t seem like the right way to address the issue I have with filtering the raw from the jpeg once they’ve already been imported. But regardless, I’ll experiment with it and see what happens.
Thanks, as always, for the ‘edutainment’.