Lightroom Videos

Video – Before/After

Happy Monday folks. I hope all the dads out there had a nice Fathers Day yesterday. I know I did. Its been about 150 degrees F here in Florida lately (well, it feels like it at least) so I spent the day in the pool with the kids. Anyway, today I prepared another Before/After video. It uses a lot of the same techniques as before and I thought about redoing it with another photo after I finished. Then I realized… but this is real. I use these same techniques all the time so why go and fish for another photo just to show you something different (and that I probably don’t run into as much). I know its got a few different angles on things in it, but more importantly I think it should start showing you that the toolset we use between Photoshop and Lightroom can be very simple. Enjoy!

Click here to download the Video

Click here to download the Full-Res Video
