Lightroom Tips

Tip – Previously Viewed Folders and Collections

Moving around in your folders and collections is pretty easy when you’re in the Library mode. You’ve got those two panels on the left hand side that you can get at right away. But when you’re in the Develop module how do you get to another folder or collection easily. I hear a lot of complaints on this one but there is a way (well kinda). In the small black bar above your filmstrip you’ll see the path to your photos. Right next to it is a small down facing arrow (see below).
If you click on that arrow, Lightroom will pop up with a list of your recently viewed folders and collections (all the more reason to use collections more). Just select the folder from the list and it’ll show you those photos but keep you in the module that you’re in. It’s a big time saver and may keep you from having to bounce back and forth between Develop and Library a bunch of times.

That’s it for this week. Have a wonderful weekend.
